
i can Evolve Infinitely

When he woke up, Zero came to the Marvel world. At the age of sixteen, he only wanted to survive in the Marvel world where the world was destroyed at every turn and the universe was restarted. Obviously, he is fully qualified for this. At every moment, his cellular genes are rapidly mutating and evolving, and the biological evolution of tens of millions of years only takes a few seconds on him. In this way, thousands of abilities have sprung up in his body like mushrooms after a rain. Fantasy materializes, and what is depicted in the heart appears out of thin air; modifying the probability, tampering with all the probability of reality. Reorganization of matter, control of subatomic reality; manipulation of space and time, control of dimension and time axis. Zero, who is constantly giving birth to thousands of abilities, has become stronger than ever, and even he realizes that omniscience and omnipotence are in the future. PS: The old book "Marvel: The beginning is immortal", quality assurance, sit firmly in the pit.

oni_Wolf · Fantasy
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46 Chs

One-Sided Crushing!


Magneto clearly felt the loss of his own power, and both were robbing the earth's magnetic field for the blessings of this world.

In just an instant, Zero 's breath changed dramatically again, and his strength became more and more condensed.

"It's time to end."

In an instant, Zero 's figure disappeared in place like a ghost.

Um? !

Magneto's pressure suddenly increased greatly, because he couldn't feel the other's biological magnetic field at all, and he couldn't locate his position with the iron element of the human body.

This time, his perceptual scan seemed to be exploited by the other party, and he began to approach silently.

"It's the right side..."

With the old fighting experience, Magneto sensed that a murderous intent suddenly came from the right side.

Before he could turn around, a figure came out of the void so mysteriously and unpredictably.

hum! !

The surging magnetic wave slammed into Zero s figure, but this time, it disappeared without a trace like falling into an abyss.

Magneto's subconscious counterattack, trying to repel the opponent's figure, not only did not play a small role, but further increased his strength.

"not good!!"

The approaching figure didn't stop his movements at all, and Zero slammed another punch.

A block of metal devices turned into copper walls and iron walls under the power of Magneto, trying to block the fist, but there was no sound of collision at all.

Just like the last time, the ability to traverse obstacles was released again.Zero 's punch passed through the metal wall without any obstruction, and then... slammed into Magneto's body.


Magneto subconsciously blocked with his right hand.

Click! !

The sound of broken bones burst out like this, and his face was twisted all at once.

With the help of magnetic fluctuations that combine his own super strength and the blessing of the earth's magnetic field, Zero's punch is enough to easily knock down a building.

boom! !

Magneto's body even though the magnetic force has been strengthened a lot, but after a stalemate for a moment, it still can't support it, and the whole body is still flying upside down. outside.

Zero didn't give the other party a chance at all, the figure disappeared like a ghost, and before Magneto's figure landed smoothly, when he appeared again, he immediately raised his leg and gave the other party a kick.

boom! !

As if it was treated like a ball, Magneto's body continued to be teleported and kicked by Zero's in midair.

This is like treating people as human sandbags. The humiliating Magneto can only passively be beaten, without being able to fight back at all.

When the last kick completely landed on the opponent's heart, the mutant leader suddenly fell into the Hudson River in the distance like a cannonball.

The moment it touched the river surface, a water column dozens of meters high was directly aroused, and the strength of it can be seen.

"Lord Magneto, he..."

"Hanged and beaten unilaterally?!"

No one expected that the situation would suddenly turn around and the mighty Magneto, the long-renowned leader of the mutants, would be kicked to the death like a sandbag without any resistance.

It's so stupid, so embarrassing.


At this time, the night girl who had collapsed on the ground earlier was like a mourning concubine.

She never thought that her biggest reliance would be such a fiasco. The ability of the young man in front of her had far exceeded the limit of her imagination.



Seeing that nightmarish figure gradually walking towards her, her pupils suddenly shrank violently, and even her tone was rare to beg for mercy.

From the moment when Zero 's spirit crazily penetrated into reality, the night girl and the people present in the hall felt uncomfortable.

In particular, this woman is still the target of revenge that he is subconsciously staring at, so the figure of this lady who is especially able to run has long been cut off by the invisible force of reality.

In front of her, she was unable to run and could only pray for the victory of Magneto.

It is a pity...

The king of mutants who hoped to be crowned has been completely suppressed by one-sided, and now his life and death are unknown.

"Everything is my fault..."


"Give me a chance and I can...find you...the most promising...the most promising men in the world."

Which pot does not mention which pot to open.

The words of the night girl made Zero smile slightly, and the killing intent in his eyes became more and more solid.


From this moment on, the Night Walker knew that she would definitely die.

At this time, not far away, there were at least sirens from several streets, and many army armored vehicles rushed in this direction.

In the distant sky, there was also the sound of the engine cruising the sky, and I saw a meteor-like figure traveling through the night, approaching the manor.

This is not for Zero .

Obviously, the huge amount of radiation fluctuations released by the machine activated by Magneto just now attracted the attention of the inspection department.

In addition to the army of the official institution, the Stark Group headquarters building in Manhattan, that is, Tony the Iron Man, also captured the terrifying fluctuations that wanted to radiate the whole city at the first time.

"Sir, the strong radiation fluctuation just now is enough to activate the X gene in the human body and stimulate the biological formation of the X gene."

The super artificial intelligence Jarvis has already analyzed it for Tony Stark for the first time.

Tony, who escaped from the banquet, was full of alcohol and had to wear his latest Mark-4 Mark armor and quickly rushed to the central source of the radiation just now.


"Looks like someone should have stopped it early..."

"Unfortunately, I missed another chance to make the headlines."

Seeing that the radiation fluctuations disappeared without a trace, Tony joked at the right time.

"Wait, who is that person?"

At the manor where the ground was full of fire, Tony immediately captured the only standing figure on the field under the lock of the lens of the steel suit's ultra-high magnification lens.

It's just that his information was locked, which immediately caught Zero 's attention.

Zero didn't think about it at all, his black and white eyes also had the ability to see far away, and immediately aimed at the figure in the battle suit.


With a slight move of his right hand, a majestic electromagnetic force fluctuated from him as the center, and suddenly a ring shock wave was released.

Electromagnetic Pulse, or EMP, is a force that is said to cause irreversible damage to a large number of electronic devices.

For Zero , who controls the magnetic force, releasing this electromagnetic pulse is not as difficult as imagined. In just a moment, with him at the center, the terrifying pulse fluctuations suddenly plunged the place dozens of miles into darkness.

The military vehicle approaching from a distance was paralyzed on the ground at once, and Iron Man, who was cruising from high altitude, also changed his face, and the lights of the whole mecha briefly turned black. Falling from the air.

"Is this Magneto?"

Iron Man, who had been specially coated with an anti-EMP coating, had lingering fears, and many armored machines and equipment were paralyzed.

If the guy is really at the manor, his metal armor is really giving people food.

For a while, he didn't dare to go up.