
i can Evolve Infinitely

When he woke up, Zero came to the Marvel world. At the age of sixteen, he only wanted to survive in the Marvel world where the world was destroyed at every turn and the universe was restarted. Obviously, he is fully qualified for this. At every moment, his cellular genes are rapidly mutating and evolving, and the biological evolution of tens of millions of years only takes a few seconds on him. In this way, thousands of abilities have sprung up in his body like mushrooms after a rain. Fantasy materializes, and what is depicted in the heart appears out of thin air; modifying the probability, tampering with all the probability of reality. Reorganization of matter, control of subatomic reality; manipulation of space and time, control of dimension and time axis. Zero, who is constantly giving birth to thousands of abilities, has become stronger than ever, and even he realizes that omniscience and omnipotence are in the future. PS: The old book "Marvel: The beginning is immortal", quality assurance, sit firmly in the pit.

oni_Wolf · Fantasy
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46 Chs

'All Have To Die!

"Lord Magneto, it's this guy..."

The Night Girl said in shock.

At this time.

At the big gap that was smashed by the retro train, a figure came into everyone's eyes.

Under the sound of the big explosion just now, the meteor flames fell to the ground, and everyone could clearly see each other's figure and face.

Unfamiliar at first sight.

With a white shirt and sweatpants, with a slender and robust physique, he has the temperament of a sports teenager who plays quarterback on campus.


People can't ignore the inexplicable fluctuations that linger around their bodies.

"This man..."

The faint blurred fluctuations lingered around his body, and made the surrounding air molecules fade away, which was like a terrible annihilation force field lingering around him.

"Dark Phoenix?"

Magneto suddenly felt a familiar aura fluctuation.

Qin Ge Lei, the child he had always been optimistic about, was the one he brought back to the academy with Professor Charles himself.

The surging and exuberant mental fluctuations of the Phoenix Force often make people run wild and out of control. Before Professor Charles used the 'Mind Prison' to cut off negative emotions, Qin had to break out of control a few times.

Magneto still clearly remembered that the young Phoenix girl had used a terrible disintegration wave when she ran wild.

It is a terrifying power that can completely collapse and decompose everything, and annihilate everything in front of you into ashes.

The personality is blackened and everything is ruined, so it is named "Dark Phoenix".

If it weren't for the fact that this power had not fully erupted, I am afraid that he and Charles might not have been able to hold together at that time.

So after so many years, Magneto is still obsessed with the terrifying power of the Phoenix Girl, and if necessary, he is even willing to hand over the future of mutants to the other party.

The premise is... a dark phoenix that can communicate.


"Obviously you are not her after all, this is not the fluctuation of the power of the phoenix."

The power of the phoenix is ​​the ultimate power from the depths of the universe.

It is known as the connection point of the spirit of all things, the incarnation of life and emotion, the source and creator of spiritual power, and the judgment of the Phoenix alone is enough to burn up everything in the universe.

"The power of the phoenix is ​​unique in the universe, and it is dazzling."

"Your power is nothing but madness and disorder."

Magneto just overlooked the figure walking from a distance on the high platform.


"Speaking of which, your appearance reminds me of Professor X's son."

"The same spiritual and spiritual realm, the same omega-level existence, is really nostalgic."

"Of course, Professor X probably didn't tell you what happened to the big qun (Jun Yang). He went crazy in the end. This person with split personality was sent to the hospital by me."

Professor X's son, David Charles Haller, is an extremely promising Omega-class being.

Unfortunately, it ended up going crazy.

The mentally ill patient with multiple schizophrenia was finally sent to a mental hospital.

"The ruthless Charles hasn't even seen him in over a decade."

Magneto folded his arms and stood at a high place looking down at the approaching figure. In his words, he satirized Zero, who was ushering in, intentionally or unintentionally.

Perhaps it was Magneto's series of taunting behaviors that calmed everyone's shocked expressions, and some members of the Brotherhood dared to stand up.

"You have to be careful..."

The Night Girl realized the danger of these people's actions, and immediately wanted to say something to stop them.

You must know that she was driven away by the other party like a lost dog, and the red devil was killed at once. Do these unknowing people think that Magneto will be saved from death by supporting him?

"Lord Magneto, I will dedicate the other party's head for your coronation ceremony!"

"Little devil, lend you a human head."

Someone shouted.

There were also people who were shocked that the other party did not dare to act rashly.

However, there will be at least some idiots among the more than 300 people present.

The members of the Brotherhood who thought they had the backing of Magneto immediately started.

hum! !

A mind wave invaded, and along with it, a long tongue with great penetration force suddenly flew from the top of the head.

In front of him, a terrifying and sturdy figure rushed towards him.

to this.....

Zero, who was windless and automatic, and lingered with terror waves, just waved his hand indifferently.

Shaw! !

The long tongue that was uttered by the mutant toad was suddenly cut off, along with his throat, with a squeak, and blood spurted from the stubble of the neck.

No matter how he covered it, he couldn't stop it, and he couldn't stop a drop of blood from flowing.

And the mutants who were rashly mentally attacked were even more severely injured, and they spewed blood and died under the backlash of their spirits.

As for the strong man rushing in front of him, he just ran a few steps, and before he got close, his whole body disintegrated and collapsed, and a large piece of powder disappeared all at once.

"Ah this..."

"This guy he..."

All of a sudden, everyone was a little stunned.

Many Blackbird fighter jets appeared out of thin air. They didn't witness it in person, and they didn't know what was going on in the sky outside. They only heard the splendid sound of explosions.

If they learned about the terrifying conceptual ability of "Imagination Realization", it is estimated that these minions would not dare to block the hall passage.

And this time.....

"All have to die..."

The rampant Zero finally said the first sentence.

Against the monstrous air waves, a sarcastic smile appeared on his wicked face, and he even laughed at Magneto's self-control.

In a state of mental runaway and out of control, a single thought of his can communicate with the world and make his will fully manifest; and every word of his penetrates the reality and changes the world accordingly.


"not good....."

Just saying 'you have to die' is like death's decree, and many people present directly covered their hearts, only to feel their heart cramps.

Many people stepped on the air with their feet and struggled desperately, but they couldn't help being grabbed by an invisible big hand and suddenly lifted their necks up.

There were also some people whose bodies disappeared inexplicably, like a stone pillar eroded by weathering, and it turned into powder with a slight movement.


Magneto's judgment is correct, this runaway mental force is indeed a bit messy and disorderly, so that the death methods of various people are a bit different.

The most terrifying thing about Zero's rampant first sentence is that he again inexplicably summoned an extraterrestrial meteor, which suddenly smashed towards everyone's location.