
I Can Enter Any Body For Twenty Days

Life is a gift, a journey that everyone walks on their own. but what if it became a punishment, not a horrible one but a different one, a godsend in disguise? For some reason I was punished to enter different bodies for twenty days, to experience their life... Read my life story and those experiences which I am gonna share with you in my book... ********* This is my first time writing, I appreciate all my readers and reviews and comments... please add to your collections Thanks for chosing

SnowWhite123 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

2 My anger, my jealousy...

In the morning I was in a hurry to enter the class, and I bumped into Ronit,

"hey... you hit me, dude" he said chewing gum, to avoid the smell of the cigarette he just smoked,

" oh...sorry, don't mind, I was in a hurry",

"that's fine, well where were you last night?"

that question sucks, I know why it came, not because he wants to know what I was doing, but because he want me to know about his excited xxx with his girlfriend in the garden,

well, I need to answer,

"hmm... I was in the garden, last night?" he was shocked,


I laughed, I mean it, I hacked his phone, I know his activities,

I came close to him and muttered in his ears,

"I know what you were doing Ronit, so keep calm"

I think that will save his breath...but he will stare at me for the whole day,

I rushed in, the class was already filled just a few spots were empty,

I went to the first one, besides, Tara,

"Hi, Jack," she said while showing off her thighs,

clinging to me doesn't work for me, my dear,

" Hi, Tara, so how was the evening, in the bar yesterday, that uncle was quite good, wasn't he?"

Her colors were off, she closed her thighs with her little dress,

never clinging to me again, I mean,

Yes, this is who I am, a rogue, an evil boy, a pervert, or whatever, a complete package of Bad Boy.

But that is not completely my fault, I was a good boy, after all, they made me bad...

They made me hack everyone, and by hacking, I know their secrets, the dark secrets, and the darkest secrets...

Knowing secrets is not a good thing, I started hating them, their secrets disgust me...

That was the reason for me to create, a program to play with their lives, how...??


Let me put it this way,

I made them register in a game, in which they see their partner's real self, 98 out of 100 break up after that...

Because no one is pure, no one is really in this world.

"Attention, class..."

Here is the only voice that pleases me, Aria ma'am,

She is simple, neat, clean, and beautiful.

I have been hacking her devices, and CCTV cameras at her house for more than two years, but nothing, not even a single thing to nauseate me, I wished I could date her but she is ten years elder than me,

well, that doesn't bother me if she agrees, but she is still in love with her late husband,

Good things are hard to get,

The class ended and I was enjoying both the class and my secret crush,

She saw me staring at her with different eyes, I am sure she know my feelings towards her and so she always avoids meeting me,

But today, I am ascertained to confess, because today is my last day in college, and I won't be able to see her again, cheer me, guys... I need a lot of blessings,

After the class, she left the class in a hurry, and I meant to follow her, but some punk stopped me from going,

"Hey, we have a lot to discuss, how do you know that I was in the garden last night, and did you see?"

that was Ronit, with his bunch of dogs sagging their tongues, I don't know but I have a feeling that he is gonna hit me, no matter what I say,

"What...?do you want me to say everything out?"

"Thud..." he hit me, and my lip busted and is bleeding, I tried to free myself, but his companions gripped me tightly,

" Stop it Ronit,"

his girlfriend came running,

" don't create a mess, leave him,"

she pulled his arm back and wrapped her arms around him,

"hungry dogs are always jealous of those who are happy",

she said that to mock me because she was also one of them who tried to seduce me before, but I am not the one to take mocking,

"though I am hungry, I won't eat shit..." I said while wiping my shirt off,

she glared at me with anger, I continued,

"well I didn't tell you, did I? I was there in the garden even after you left, Ronit"

she was shocked, and Ronit was confused,

"What does that mean? what did he say?" Ronit asked her, she was terrified, I pushed them aside and left with my bag, there was another visitor in the garden last night, I don't know who but, I just threw an arrow in the dark and it was on the target...hmm... a stupid couple with a betrayed partner.

But Aria is gone, uhh...

I lost my chance again...

I went out of the college, with my head hung in sorrow... it was my last chance,

Those punks are going to pay for their deed...

I rushed back to my room to make them taste the bitterness of my revenge,

My program was activated...

now in just one day, they are going to suck it up, ...

ha ha ha...

I was satisfied to punish them, I stretched my arms closing my eyes in satisfaction...to show myself that this is my world... my revenge...

music from my phone disturbed me, that's my ringtone, who's calling,

an unknown number made me wonder who could it be, I rarely have friends, no parents, and no relatives, then who,

"Hello, is this Jack?", that voice, it was a familiar voice, but I couldn't figure it out, because that familiar voice will never call me,

" Yes, are you?"

"yes I am Aria"

I was shocked... how could it be... my mind went to mute for a while...

"Are you Aria?" I asked again to confirm... I was more than happy, but this number, I never traced that number,

"Can we meet once?" she asked hesitatingly,

"yes sure, should I come to your place?" I asked without holding it back,

"no the garden at the college, will be fine," said Aria,

"Ok, just give me five minutes, I'll be there."

"No, meet me there after college hours",

" ok, I'll be there"

"yes...!! yes...!!" I was jumping with joy, but deep in my mind, there was a doubt...

Is it what I thought or it's something else,

That number, I traced it,

College ground,

I hacked the cameras around the ground,

I can see her, it was her...

now my mind was fixed, even if she called me for some other things, I will confess,

today I will do it...

It was six o clock, I was out of my room on the way that leads me to the college, to Aria, with tons of excitement, super fast on my bike...

I saw a huge truck rushing towards me with its huge lights focusing on my eyes, I tried to avoid the focus, it was running so fast....and I lost balance, and


"Thud...!!" I was in the air,

my bike hit the truck and was smashed afar,

I fell when the truck passed, with a force that was enough to break my skull, and almost all my bones... I lost my senses, blood flowing from my head, arms, and legs covering the whole path, and for my fate, that road was empty, with no one around, I wish I could get up but I wasn't able to move even one finger... gone... everything ended...

The last thing I can see was my bike wheel, whirling making me feel dizzy...and I closed my eyes forever...from this world.


I will try my best to upload sooner from now on. Thanks for reading.

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