
The Duplicated Watch

Ajay had been in Delhi for a year now, searching for a job after completing his college degree. He had big dreams - to find a good job, marry a nice girl, and start a new life. He knew that his parents worked really hard to pay for his education, and he wanted to make them proud by finding a good job.

As he was getting ready for an interview one day, he reached out to touch his watch, a gift from his parents, and started to put it on. But as he did so, he noticed something strange. His watch had duplicated itself. He rubbed his eyes and looked again, but it was still there - two identical watches, sitting side by side on his dresser.

Ajay was confused. Was he hallucinating? He reached out to touch the watches again, and to his amazement, they both felt real. He realized that this was not a dream. He had discovered something incredible - the ability to duplicate objects.

He forgot about the interview and started to study his newfound power. He imagined all the things he could do with it - he could duplicate money, food, anything he wanted. The possibilities were endless.

"Wow," he whispered to himself, still in shock. "This is amazing."

As he continued to experiment with his powers, he knew that his life would never be the same again. He had the power to achieve anything he wanted. And with that realization, Ajay's journey began.