
I Can Cultivate My Beast Soul Avatars

The primordial guardian beasts have mysteriously disappeared, giving rise to a plague of demons determined to ravage the world. Xu Kai, an orphan beggar who luckily awakens a mortal-grade talent, unfortunately meets his end at the jaws of a Skylark Shark. Fortunately, a second chance came to him, but it cost him his talent! He was now a sleeper, unable to awaken, and it seemed he would die impoverished and unknown. But wait, what was this strange space in his glabella that had a magnificent palace? *Guardian Beast Soul: Emperor Koi *Description: A ferocious sea beast with the noble lineage of a primordial. It has the capability to unleash powerful tsunamis and whirlpools at the disaster level. *Rank: Saint *Advanced Forms: Pesudo Flood Dragon... This time, with the ability to transform into terrifyingly powerful beasts, the legend of a beggar begins. ****** Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/8Ufe4789YX

DD_TheDreamer · Eastern
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42 Chs

The Spirit Beast 

Mage king! 

The title given to newborns whose connection to Spirit Qi is so strong that they awaken their talents at birth.

According to his captain's story, the first mage king that appeared thousands of years ago was the first ever to enter the advanced realms before 10!

Until today, no one has been able to replicate such a remarkable feat. Xu Kai always thought it was a story, but the girl before him made that fairytale real!

Considering how strange Mo Qingxian is, he came to the conclusion that she wasn't an average Joe, even on the mainland.

Coming to this conclusion, Xu Kai looked into her excited eyes with a solemn expression. "Qing Xian, don't do this in public," he said, abruptly cutting her excitement short. 

The innocent girl blinks. She was confused as to why her brother wasn't as excited and shocked as she had imagined.

"The people on the island are not pleasant individuals. Only do this when I'm around and in secret. No one, absolutely no one, should know you can do any of this," he said softly, holding her white shoulders.

"Mn," Mo Qingxian nodded heavily, causing him to smile and pat her head. She acted like a seven-year old and for Xu Kai, this was for the better.

Looking at the calm waves, he smiled brilliantly. "Want to see big brother catch a big fish?" 

Mo Qingxian's large eyes grew wider. "Are we going to eat it?"

"Hehe, of course."


Mo Qingxian stood beside the shores, watching the waves with high expectations. Xu Kai burst out of the water with a small fish. With a smile on his face, he sprinted out of the sea, while Mo Qingxian dashed towards him.

When they met, he opened his hand, revealing a small fish swimming within a sphere of water a few inches above his palm hollow.

His control was stable, matching the stability of a Foundation Building Realm practitioner. This was because a beast's mystery over their talents was natural and deeper than that of humans.

Since Xu Kai acquired his water talent from the Skylark, his understanding of water Dao was as profound as the Skylark's, and he achieved this without the need for meditation.

While others had to meditate to deepen their understanding of Dao in relation to their talents, Xu Kai only had to rely on his beast soul.

"I'll go get one we can roast." 

He returned to the sea and after swimming far away from the land, glowing blue water gathered around him.

The next moment, a 22-foot-long Skylark took Xu Kai's place. Its eyes held intelligence.

'My sense of smell is over tenfold stronger than my human form. I must catch a Dragon-Scaled Whisker fish for Mo Qingxian!' 

Determined, he continued his journey away from the shores, where Mo Qingxian waited anxiously. 

While following the trail of a faint scent, Xu Kai suddenly felt suppressed. His body froze instantly. He couldn't even move. Despite his desire to move, his body remained unresponsive.

He could sense a terrifying, ferocious beast closing the gap. It was still far away, but its overwhelming aura drained his consciousness.

At this critical moment, he broke away from the hold of fear and swam into a hidden spot.

Right then, a colossal crab's sharp legs slammed into the space before him. Beastial Qi rippled through the water, and every creature froze.

None of them could control their bodies.

Xu Kai swiftly transformed into his human form and hid more discreetly. His heart pumped against his ribcage. 

'How far did I travel before encountering a sea overlord?'

He waited until the crab was far away before transforming into his beast form and fleeing the vicinity. 

Some time later, he located a Dragon-Scaled Whisker fish that was recovering from the sea overlord's suppressive Qi. This fish was several kilometers away from the area where the crab had passed.

Before it could swim, a larger creature appeared. Facing the five-foot-long beast, Xu Kai transformed into his human form.

The fish was puzzled for a short while and then rushed toward him. 

"Good! I'll use you to master the Raging Tide Technique in its second form, Raging Kicks Splitting the Tide." Xu Kai smiled and coated his right foot with ice. Using his extensive knowledge of water Dao, he created a sharp-edged coating of ice on his toenails.

Knights used their talents to boost their physical abilities, so coating their body parts with elements was common. However, in order to use elements on their bodies, the practitioner must train their physiques to be able to handle them.

He quickly leaned to the right, avoiding the fish. His muscles tightened, and his tendons contracted as he took his right leg backward, tilting his body to the left.

Bam—! The moment his right foot hit the fish, his other foot followed. Both feet hit the fish twice before it could react!

Water ripples spread outward, and the fish started to sink.

It was dead!

'I'm still far from mastery. My foot should be able to produce afterimages and I did not feel the tingle in my spinal cord. My movement wasn't connected. If I had faced a stronger opponent, they would simply brush off my kicks.'

Biting his lips, he sighed heavily. "Ah! I forgot about Qing Xian!" His eyes widened.

Meanwhile, on the shores, Mo Qingxian shuddered, gazing at three boys who were taller than her big brother.

"Where did that beggar get this girl? She's so pretty." Cheng Long, a sixteen-year-old boy, and Cheng Yi's close friend blinked a couple of times, unable to believe what those adults said was true.

"She must be a little fairy. Shui Mei Er is not even worthy of kissing her feet!" said Cheng Kang. He is Cheng Yi's other friend, and he is also sixteen years old.

Cheng Yi stood in the middle. Having heard Chang Kang's words, his brows furrowed. 

"Grab her. That beggar will surely give up the jade tag with her in our custody." Cheng Yi approached Mo Qingxian and grabbed her.

"Let me go!" She screamed.

"Shut it!" He yelled back, raising his palm and swinging it down. However, before he touched her face, a fluffy tail deflected his hand.

"A… spirit beast! Where did that beggar find a spirit beast?!" Envy and hatred colored Cheng Yi's eyes.