
I can copy talent

In the Dawning Age, where humans and beasts share the dominion, the air crackles with anticipation. Aspirants yearn to awaken extraordinary talents, etching their names in the annals of warrior legend. Amongst them stands Ye Tian, ostracized for his dormant core – a mark of weakness in this era of power. But destiny whispers a different tale. A chance encounter unlocks the forbidden knowledge of the Copycat, a talent outlawed for its unorthodox power. With a mere touch, Ye Tian can steal the very essence of another's abilities, martial or beastly. A coveted swordsmanship? A mythical beast's regenerative prowess? All are within his grasp. Yet, the power is a double-edged blade. Each stolen talent bleeds into Ye Tian's mind, a symphony of alien memories and instincts threatening to drown his own identity. He must master the art of harmonizing these fragments, weaving them into a tapestry of unmatched power. But covetous eyes watch from the shadows. Powerful factions lust after the Copycat's forbidden potential, willing to unleash chaos to claim it. Ye Tian faces a brutal choice: succumb to the voices in his head, become a puppet wielding borrowed brilliance, or transcend the limitations, forging his own path as a legend whispered in hushed tones – the Weaver of Talents.

Im_shy · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 34 Great Warrior Power! 【Third Update】

Advanced beast!

When everyone heard this, their hearts trembled fiercely.

If it is an ordinary high-level fierce beast, they absolutely don't care, a big martial artist is enough to compete, but if it is a high-level fierce beast divine power ant, adding a high-level talent talent on the basis of the original high-level fierce beast, the attack power after the increase is not as good as that of a grandmaster, Not too much.

A high-level fierce beast divine power ant is definitely not something that an ordinary martial artist can deal with, even a very powerful martial artist like Qing Lao is definitely not an opponent.

Perhaps only a heaven-defying martial artist or a grandmaster with the same offensive talent can deal with this high-level fierce beast and divine power ant.

"There is only death left!"

Ye Tian realized.

So, without saying a word, he instantly activated three times the speed and fled towards the distance.

Originally, his speed was only relatively common among elite warriors, but under triple acceleration, it was not weaker than the top elite warriors, and even exceeded a little.

In an instant, Ye Tian's figure surpassed many elite warriors.

boom! ! ! !

A gigantic divine power ant appeared. Its body was twenty meters long, and its body was pale gold, while ordinary divine power ants were only black.

As soon as this divine ant appeared, a coercion enveloped the audience.

"Good weight!"

Ye Tian felt his whole body sink, as if something was pressing on him.

This is not gravity, but a kind of momentum suppression.

If you can't break this momentum suppression, the speed will be many times slower, and you won't be able to escape at all.

The speed of the elite warriors suddenly slowed several times, while the big warriors were not affected much. Although the speed was also slow, it was only 30% or 40% slower, much faster than the elite warriors.

"Knife Stance!"

Ye Tian's body erupted with the aura of the sword, and the sword of the Dacheng realm was strong enough to resist the aura of a divine ant.

The suppression disappeared, Ye Tian's speed recovered to three times, not even running slower than those great martial artists.

shhhhhh! ! ! !

A famous martial artist fled, even if the high-level fierce beast divine power ant chased and killed, they would not chase after Ye Tian, but chased and killed the martial artist who was closer to him.

As a result, those elite warriors were miserable.

As for the young and old, after reminding the other warriors, he was the first to escape, and he didn't even want to fight the high-level fierce beast divine power ant.


A famous elite warrior fell one after another under the pursuit of high-level fierce beasts and divine power ants, and they were not even qualified to compete a little, and were slaughtered like ants.

Without a few breaths, more than a dozen elite warriors were beheaded.



Ye Tian didn't even bother to look at the back at all, and only focused on running away.

He didn't know how far he ran, but he only felt that there were no martial artists or divine ants behind him, so he glanced back.

He was relieved when he realized that there were no more divine ants chasing after him.

After finding a place at random, Ye Tian stopped to rest.

Running all the way, Yuan Li is almost exhausted, and physical strength is also seriously depleted.

If you don't recover quickly, it is very dangerous to walk in the wild at will.

He hurriedly drank a bottle of strength-recovering liquid and regained the strength in his body.

A few hours later, Ye Tian's state completely recovered.


He returned to the valley where Wind Wolf and others were.

"Ye Tian, you are back!"

Wind Wolf was very happy when he saw Ye Tian.

Before, he had been worried about Ye Tian, but now that Ye Tian returned, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hurry back to Linhai Base, something big has happened!"

Ye Tian said solemnly.

"What happened?" Feng Lang and the others asked with frowns.

Ye Tian hurriedly talked about the divine power ant, and Feng Lang and the others all turned pale when they heard it.

A large number of low-level vicious beasts, a dozen or so mid-level vicious beasts, plus an almost invincible high-level vicious beasts.

What a terrifying force this is!

Although Feng Lang and the others didn't see it with their own eyes, they could guess something from Ye Tian's tone.

At the same time, they also admired Ye Tian's ability, so many elite warriors died, but Ye Tian came back unscathed.

"Come on, let's go back quickly, anyway, we have completed the task!"

The wind wolf hurriedly said.

So, Ye Tian, Feng Lang and others returned to Linhai Base.

Along the way, they also did not let their guard down.

However, they were unlucky enough to encounter a few mid-level beasts on the way back. Fortunately, Ye Tian appeared to avoid the crisis.

After half a day.

They finally returned to the Linhai base!


Back home, Ye Tian's first thing was to integrate high-level power talents.

His strength has been exposed in the Divine Power Ant Incident, and even his speed talent has been exposed. Although it is not clear whether there is any family that will be against him, it is necessary to increase his strength as soon as possible.

As long as he integrates high-level strength talents, he definitely has a combat power that is not weaker than that of a great martial artist, and even crushes an ordinary great martial artist.


A drastic transformation has begun.

Ye Tian's body was like a boiled shrimp, with blue veins protruding, terrifying power burst out from the depths of the genes, transforming Ye Tian's whole body.

I don't know how long it has passed, Ye Tian is soaked all over, as if the pool just came out.


Ye Tian's strength recovered, and only then did he start to check his own talent.

Human: Ye Tian

Cultivation Talent: Advanced

Speed Talent: Elementary

Knife talent: medium

Shadow Talent: Elementary

Healing Talent: Top

Strength Talent: High

Looking at that high-level power talent, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing excitedly.

"Try the power!"

Ye Tian held a piece of steel and pushed the power talent to pinch lightly, the steel seemed to have turned into mud, deforming arbitrarily.

He stomped lightly again, and the ground was split open, and even the surrounding ground shook violently.

Since there is no precise instrument to test the strength, Ye Tian can only test the strength again and again, and finally estimate it.

"Originally, my strength was 30,000 jin. After the increase of high-level strength talent, my strength can reach 300,000 jin!"

Ye Tian said in surprise.

The power of 300,000 catties, what is this concept? If the increase of Yuan Li is added, the pure attack power can reach 600,000 kilograms.

The limit of elite warriors is only 100,000 kilograms, and some of the great warriors who have just been promoted have only about 112,000 kilograms of physical strength.

"Those mid-level fierce beast divine power ants are basically equivalent to the realm of the early stage of elite warriors, and they should also be elementary bloodline talents, but they were lucky to grow to the level of intermediate fierce beasts, so it is difficult to kill even a big warrior with the increase of high-level power talent. If the realm of those intermediate-level vicious beasts is a little higher, an intermediate-level vicious beast divine power ant is enough to easily hunt down an ordinary great martial artist!"

Ye Tian thought.

At this time, he finally understood why Qing Lao fled so quickly. Facing the high-level fierce beasts and divine power ants, if they fought recklessly, Qing Lao would probably be instantly killed.

It's just that although the power of the high-level fierce beast divine power ant is against the sky, the speed and reaction are still in the early stage of the great martial artist, so there is no way to catch up with the young and old.

"With my strength, it is easy to kill ordinary great warriors! But if the great warriors want to escape in the middle stage, I can't stop them, and I can't catch up!"

Ye Tian had a clear understanding of his own strength.