
I can copy talent

In the Dawning Age, where humans and beasts share the dominion, the air crackles with anticipation. Aspirants yearn to awaken extraordinary talents, etching their names in the annals of warrior legend. Amongst them stands Ye Tian, ostracized for his dormant core – a mark of weakness in this era of power. But destiny whispers a different tale. A chance encounter unlocks the forbidden knowledge of the Copycat, a talent outlawed for its unorthodox power. With a mere touch, Ye Tian can steal the very essence of another's abilities, martial or beastly. A coveted swordsmanship? A mythical beast's regenerative prowess? All are within his grasp. Yet, the power is a double-edged blade. Each stolen talent bleeds into Ye Tian's mind, a symphony of alien memories and instincts threatening to drown his own identity. He must master the art of harmonizing these fragments, weaving them into a tapestry of unmatched power. But covetous eyes watch from the shadows. Powerful factions lust after the Copycat's forbidden potential, willing to unleash chaos to claim it. Ye Tian faces a brutal choice: succumb to the voices in his head, become a puppet wielding borrowed brilliance, or transcend the limitations, forging his own path as a legend whispered in hushed tones – the Weaver of Talents.

Im_shy · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 32 The Hostility Of The Big Family

Fenglang knew how scary magic ants were, and he had inquired about the final cleanup plan to clean up a magic ant's nest, which contained a large number of magic ants.

Although a divine ant is only a low-level vicious beast, a divine ant is far more powerful than a fire-breathing lizard, and even an ordinary elite warrior cannot deal with a divine ant. This low-level vicious beast is too heaven-defying.

If one were to rank low-level vicious beasts, the divine power ants would definitely be ranked in the top ten.

If there is a single divine ant, it is not terrible. The key is that the number of divine ants is too large, and the great warriors have to rest!

"Wind Wolf, I have my plan, and I have the means to save my life, nothing will happen!"

Ye Tian decided.

Fenglang also knew that he could not persuade Ye Tian, so he could only let Ye Tian leave.


Ye Tian took the map, looked at it from time to time, and followed the route to the location of the Divine Power Ant.

Along the way, even if he encounters a beast, he will not hunt it, but avoid it.

This is not near the Linhai base, but in a place far away from the Linhai base. Although there are still not many high-level beasts, Ye Tian has encountered no less than ten high-level beasts in total.

He can't beat any high-level beasts, and even some relatively powerful intermediate-level beasts, he can only run when he encounters them.

Therefore, in such a place, he did not dare to wave, and he had to be careful.

Of course, he also occasionally encountered some warriors hunting beasts, but he did not go up to help, even if the other party suffered heavy losses, he was indifferent.

Those people have nothing to do with him, and even if he helps, he will not necessarily get praise, but will cause trouble.

Moreover, his only purpose now is the talent of the divine ant, and the rest are not important.

In this way, Ye Tian was careful and careful all the way, and with the help of shadow talent, he avoided danger many times, and finally rushed to the area where the divine ants were.

"Many warriors!"

After Ye Tian came here, he was suddenly surprised.

Under a hillside, there are about a hundred warriors gathered here, and from the perspective of momentum, the weakest have the strength of elite warriors, and perhaps there are many great warriors.

"That's the Mo family!"

Ye Tian's eyes locked on one of them.

Mo family Moen!

Ye Tian knew Mo En because he killed Mo En's son Mo Shaobei, so he investigated the Mo family a little, so as not to suffer a big loss in the future because he didn't know the Mo family.

Mo En's strength is only in the middle stage of an elite warrior, but it is nothing to Ye Tian today, but Mo En's strength cannot even be ranked in the top ten of the Mo family.

At this time, Mo En and a group of Mo family elite warriors stood respectfully behind an old man.

"That old man should be Mo Changqing, the great martial artist of the Mo family!"

Ye Tian secretly said.

Immediately, he withdrew his gaze and did not dare to look at Mo Changqing again, so as not to attract Mo Changqing's attention.


A cold drink came.

"Oops, found out!"

Ye Tian was startled.

He was far away. Although he didn't use the shadow talent, he walked cautiously. With the shade of trees, it shouldn't be easy to be discovered, but he knew that he was indeed discovered.

However, it was not Mo Changqing who found himself, but another old man who looked very unfamiliar and dressed somewhat differently from the people at the Linhai Base. The other party turned out to be wearing armor.

Obviously, that person should be a great warrior who cooperated with Linhai Base to clean up the beasts' medium-sized base.

Swish swish! ! !

Several elite warriors came to Ye Tian's side after a few dodges under the orders of the great warrior.

Ye Tian didn't escape, if he escaped, wouldn't he be guilty?

Besides, he didn't have any bad ideas, he had no guilt in his heart, and naturally he didn't need to run away.

"I'm a warrior at Linhai Base!"

Ye Tian took the initiative to stand up.

Several elite warriors saw that Ye Tian was a warrior, and heard that Ye Tian was a warrior at Linhai Base, so they didn't do it.

"Which martial artist is that kid?"

The old man frowned.

"I don't know, it's not from my Lin family!"

"I don't know either, nor is it from our Mo family!"

"do not know..."

A family shook their heads.

Ye Tian walked over and said truthfully: "I'm not a child of the big family, but I just completed the task of cleaning up the beasts, and I'm curious about the divine ants, so I came here to see the excitement!"

At this moment, Lin Mingzhi of the Lin family said, "I remembered, he is indeed a warrior who participated in the cleanup plan. I didn't expect him to complete the cleanup task so quickly and come here!"

The reason why Lin Mingzhi recognized Ye Tian was because he tried to recruit Ye Tian, but was rejected by Ye Tian, so he had an impression.

"The talent is good, and you have reached the level of an elite warrior at a young age, so stay and deal with the divine ants!"

The old man said.

Obviously, he used his mental power to investigate Ye Tian's situation just now.

Ye Tian's expression didn't change, he knew that he couldn't hide his cultivation in front of the great martial artist, so he might as well be more generous.

"What, elite warrior, this kid..."

Lin Mingzhi's face changed drastically.

He always thought that this kid was a warrior, but he didn't expect that the other party was an elite warrior.

If he knew that the other party was an elite martial artist, he would want the other party to join the Lin family anyway!

And the other families also looked at Ye Tian in disbelief, and they were all shocked.

Ye Tian was able to step into the elite warrior level at this age. Needless to say, his talent must be a high-level cultivation talent.

"Higher cultivation talent!"

The leaders of some families have the same expression, but they have small calculations in their hearts.

Ye Tian smiled secretly, obviously sensing several malicious intentions, including Mo Clan Mo Changqing's malicious intentions.

"Sure enough, jealousy creates hostility!"

Ye Tian also doesn't want to be hostile to these clan heads, but these clans are always self-righteous, thinking that they will hinder their clan, and they don't want to witness the rise of another powerful clan.

However, he didn't look down on a mere seaside base at all.

In the future, he will take his sister to leave the Linhai base and go to a wider world.

It's a pity that these families never understand.

The great martial artist who discovered Ye Tian was obviously the person in charge here. He asked Ye Tian to stay, and the people of the other great families did not dare to refute.

So, Ye Tian stood aside and waited silently.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the soil and came to the great warrior: "Young old man, the mission is complete!"