
I Can Copy Skills with a System in Another World [LitRPG] [Isekai]

Zero, in an unfortunate turn of events, was accidentally murdered in an alleyway with a brick. Waking up in another world with a so-called System buzzing in his ear while being trapped within a dungeon filled with monsters. Armed with the capability to imitate any skill or magic he's been hit by, Zero begins his journey in another world.

UMSaga · Action
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

The Mercenary Guild

[Urgent Quest: Eliminate the Saintess. Reward: 1000000 EXP.]

I can't do that. She's just a kid who hasn't done anything wrong.

[The descent of God must be stopped.]

There has to be another way to do this.

The System was silent for a moment before a new quest appeared.

[Mandatory Quest: Retrieve the Starlight Flower and feed it to the Saintess. Reward: 1000 EXP.]

Starlight Flower? What is that going to do?

[The child is tainted with the essence of the moon. Feeding her the Starlight Flower will neutralize the power of the moon in her body.]

Okay, that'll work.

"We need to get her the Starlight Flower." Zero spoke out. "It's the only thing that'll cure her "illness"."

Harry looked confused while Hiro looked surprised before his expression changed into despair.

"The Starlight Flower only blooms at the very peak of the Dragon's Horn. How am I going to get that?"

"Don't worry," Zero pat Hiro on the shoulder. "I'll get it for you. I have my own reasons for doing so."

"I-" Hiro bit his lips in helplessness. "Okay."

He then handed over half of the coin pouches he had on him before saying, "I'll give you the other half when you return with the Starlight Flower."

"Alright," Zero said as he accepted the money. "Let's go, Harry. Kai and Anun are waiting for us."

As Zero and Harry left Hiro's home, Harry asked Zero in confusion, "Why did you bring up the Starlight Flower? That thing is basically useless other than being rare. You're not actually scamming that kid, are you?"

"That girl's been tainted by the essence of the moon," Zero replied with the information he was given. "Her body is reacting strongly to it. The only thing that'll help is the Starlight Flower."

Harry's eyes widened as he leaned closer to Zero's ear and whispered, "Are you suggesting that the girl might be..."

He glanced back and forth as if to make sure nobody was listening.

"...the Saintess of the Church of the Twin Moon?"

"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm suggesting."

"But that's heresy."

"Why is that?"

"The Church of the Twin Moon already has a Saintess. There can't be two saintesses of the same church at the same time."

System, did you hear that? Are you sure you're right?

[The current Saintess of the Church of the Twin Moon is likely to be a fake figurehead put in place until they find the real Saintess. After all, they can't lose out in terms of image against the other churches.]

I see. But then aren't the other Saints and Saintesses also {Vessels of God}?


What happens when a God descends to the mortal realm?

[The harvesting and complete annihilation of hundreds of other worlds. Your original one included.]

Why would they do that?

[These Gods are not benevolent. They are selfish. They seek eternal life even at the cost of others.]

Before Zero could ask the System any more questions, Harry waved his hand in front of Zero's face.

"You okay?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But the current Saintess of the Church of the Twin Moon is likely a fake."

"Well, you should probably keep it to yourself," Harry said as he glanced around again. "If anyone hears you, the paladins of the church will have your head. They take these matters very seriously."

"That's why we need the Starlight Flower," Zero replied. "It'll stop her from getting sicker."

"Alright, but how are you going to climb Dragon's Horn?" Harry asked. "Only silver-rated mercenaries and above are allowed entry onto the mountain."

"Then I'll become a silver-rated mercenary," answered Zero.

"I get you want to help that girl," Harry said. "But it's not that simple. There's a process."

Zero didn't respond. He knew that if he couldn't complete the mission assigned by the System, it'd have him kill the young Saintess.

And this time he wouldn't get to refuse.

As Zero and Harry traveled across the town in search of the Mercenary Guild, Zero again took notice of the stark contrast between the rest of the town and the part that he was in earlier.

Soon, they arrived at the Mercenary Guild after nearly getting lost several times. Kai was seen at the front of the building waiting for them.

"Where's Anun?" Zero asked as they walked forward.

"He's busy and couldn't make it," Kai replied. "Anyways, let's get you your identification card."

"Is there any way I can also sign up to be a mercenary?"

"I was already planning on doing that," Kai smirked. "You're a pretty good fighter."


As the three walked into the building, Zero's face was blasted with cool air contrary to the heat outside.

Air conditioning?

"Why is it cool in here compared to out there?" Zero asked in confusion.

"It's because of runes inscribed somewhere on the building," Harry replied from the side. "It's a relatively new invention to make lives a bit easier."

"I see."

Seems like runes can really be used to do a lot here. I'll need to look into them when I have the time.

Kai led the two past the bustling crowds to the front counter where a sweet-looking girl with auburn hair was waiting.

"Hey, Anata," Kai said as he pointed at Zero. "He's the friend that needs the identification card."

"Hello!" Anata gave them all a nice smile. "Please just fill out these forms!"

Anata handed Zero some papers alongside, surprisingly, a ballpoint pen. Zero found somewhere to sit down and sighed.

Never thought that I would have to fill out paperwork in another world...

After Zero finished and turned the papers in to Anata, she handed Zero a gray metal plate with one star carved into it.

"This is your mercenary rank," Anata informed him. "You are currently a one-star iron-rank mercenary. Please submit your first assignment within a week or your rank will be forfeit. Now give me a few minutes and I will be back with your identification card."

"Iron?" Zero turned to Harry. "What are all the ranks in the guild?"

"Well for starters, there are five stars to every rank. There are one stars, two stars, three stars, and so on. Once you reach five stars in your rank, you will be allowed to climb up to the next rank."

Harry cleared his throat and then continued.

"The ranks are in order from Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, to Ruby. There is also a rank after Ruby; Unmeasurable, but that's a position only allotted for special individuals."

"So what is the fastest way to rank up?"

"You'll have to either prove your strength to the guild, complete assignments for merits, or show proof of your achievements to the guild."

"Achievements?" Zero asked.

"Something like killing a two-headed giant or stopping the spread of a plague. Just something that shows that you belong in a higher rank."

"What about proving my strength?"

"Well, only the guildmasters of each branch are qualified to test someone's strength and change their rank as needed."

Harry scratched his head.

"But I don't think the guildmaster is going to waste her time on a bunch of low-ranks like us."

"Okay," Zero sighed. "I guess I'll have to take on some assignments."

"Then I'll show you to the assignment board," Kai said from behind them.

Zero was led to a wide wall with many pieces of paper tacked on. Many of the assignments had rank requirements, but there were a few that didn't. However, most of those unranked assignments offered only a few merits, which was understandable as these were incredibly common tasks that did not require much strength.

One assignment in particular did catch Zero's eye.

Investigate the anomalies at Woodland Village and help the residents there. Merits: To be determined.

"How far is Woodland Village from here?" Zero asked Kai.

"About three hours worth of travel by horse."

"Alright, then I'll take this assignment." Zero said as he ripped the paper from the board.

When they walked back to the front counter, Anata was there waiting for him with his identification card.

"Don't lose it or else it'll be a five silver charge next time!" Anata smiled as she handed it over to Zero.

"Thanks," Zero answered as he handed over the assignment to her. "And I would like to take this assignment."

"Already? You're quite eager to get started."

Anata marked down the assignment in a stack of papers she had behind the counter and gave Zero a thumbs up.

"You're good to go. Return with the paper when you've finished the assignment. And don't lie, because we have people that can check."

"Let's go," Zero said to the two. "I'm planning on finishing this as soon as possible."

"You're not planning to go alone, are you?" Kai raised an eyebrow. "It's always good to have someone that'll have your back."

"Can you or Anun come along then?"

"Sorry, no can do," Kai replied. "We're going to be busy."

"Harry, you come with me then."

"Wha- huh? Me?" Harry said in shock. "Why me?"

"Your heals are pretty useful," Zero answered. "And you know quite a bit about things."

"Gee, thanks," Harry blushed. "Nobody's ever called me useful before."

"You'll also need to get some rations and other things to prepare. Don't be in such a hurry," Kai reminded. "An unprepared mercenary is a dead one."

The trio traveled across the town as they bought and prepared for the upcoming journey. Finally, Zero and Harry were led by Kai to a horse stable.

"Take your pick," Kai said. "It'll be a long journey without one."

The owner of the horses walked up to them and said in a gruff voice, "Ten silvers if you want to rent three for a day."

"Only two," Kai replied.

"Then it'll be seven silvers."

After Zero and Harry chose their horses, the owner led the two horses over.

"Take care of them for me," The owner said as he smoothed one of the horses' mane.

"You're all set," Kai stated as he pat Zero on the back. "Good luck with your first assignment."

He handed Zero a map and said, "Unranked assignments are usually pretty easy. I'll see you soon."

Zero accepted it and then led the horse with Harry to the main gate. Kai gave them a final wave before he turned his back and walked away.

As the duo left the town, the bald guard called Gato whom Zero had met last night remarked, "Leaving already? Good luck on your journey."


With that, Zero officially embarked on his first assignment for the Mercenary Guild. It was going to be easy. After all, it was just an unranked assignment.
