
I Can Control Time At Will

Traveling to a parallel world, Ye Chen got the master system of time. “This system has three major functions: time stagnation, time reversal, and time plunder.” Killing can rob life. Life can be sold to others or used by oneself. For a moment, time stagnates and you can do whatever you want. With a move of your mind, you can see everything that happened to the other party in the past. Since then, this world has no secrets to Ye Chen anymore. Since then, there has been an immortal super hero in this world.

ShamsX · Fantasy
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60 Chs

44. Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity!


Ye Chen thought he heard it wrong: "Time travel? System, are you serious?"

"Given the low level of the system, the host can choose to shuttle at any time within 100 years, and the shuttle time cannot exceed 2 days, otherwise the host will not be able to return to the present."

Hearing the system's explanation, Ye Chen smiled.

Smiling brighter and brighter.

"Time travel..."

Ye Chen walked out the window a little excited and a little excited.

This is the master of time!

Travel the long river of history!

It is impossible for ordinary people.

Although currently only selected within 100 years.

After the system level is high, can it travel to 1000 years or even 10,000 years ago?

At that time, wouldn't those generals, military advisors, and literati be included in his hall of longevity?

Zhang Heng, Zhuge Liang, Li Shizhen, Huo Qubing, Guan Yu, etc., are all members of the Hall of Longevity!

That is the real hall of longevity!

At this stage, the Hall of Longevity is relatively easy to manage due to the small number of people.

However, over time it will inevitably lead to suspicion.

Since it is in the long river of history, why don't those historical figures exist?

Ye Chen was even more looking forward to thinking of contemporary figures seeing pictures of historical figures appearing in front of him.

The system really gave Ye Chen a big surprise!

He didn't expect that the system even had this function!

And that's just a level 3 system.

Will there be other functions in the future?

"Perhaps... the Hall of Longevity will be stronger than I thought!"

Ye Chen couldn't stop laughing. Today was an unexpected and happy day.

"By the way, does time travel limit the number of people?"

"Up to 3 people."


Ye Chen's eyes skyrocketed.

3 people are enough!

The thought of going to a certain historical moment made Ye Chen's heart beat wildly.

He is about to become an unprecedented time traveler!

After calming down, a difficult problem was placed in front of Ye Chen.

The system said that you can only choose a time within 100 years, so... which year should you choose?

Ye Chen began to think back carefully.

What big events have happened in these 100 years, and those famous people have appeared.

Just being famous is not enough.

He must also bring enough help to his Hall of Longevity!

Among the four current groups in the Hall of Longevity, Ye Chen of the Cang Qiong Group values ​​them the most.

In terms of wealth, Ye Chen is not in a hurry.

After all, the Tiangong plan has not yet started, and related scientific research has not started.

As for God's Punishment, because the number of people in the Hall of Longevity is limited, one Qin Mo and Ye Chen himself are enough.

The Wusheng group currently has 2 members, He Pan and Ying Huixue.

These two people, He Pan focused on manpower and people's hearts, while Ying Huixue focused on the company's management, investment and operation.

At this stage, it is almost the same.

Only the sky group.

Ye Chen's goal is the cosmic stars.

Putin is naturally one of the greatest scientists in history, but, after all, there is only one person with limited energy!

In the future, Ye Chen hopes that the Cang Qiong Group will have several or even a dozen projects similar to the Tiangong Plan!

"the scientist..."

After thinking for a while, Ye Chen's eyes gradually brightened: "Of course it's Einstein!"

Einstein, the world's most recognized modern physicist!

He is the founder of quantum mechanics and unified field theory.

He theoretically predicted lasers, gravitational waves, gravitational lensing, Bose-Einstein condensates, and more.

And every achievement of these predictions and discoveries is at the Nobel Prize level.

The most important and iconic achievements of Einstein are naturally the special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity.

"If you can pull this person into the Hall of Longevity, then..."

Ye Chen couldn't even imagine how terrifying his Sky Group would be.

Including two great scientists and physicists, may I ask which scientific research institution in this world is comparable to the Sky Group?

When he said goodbye to Putin and returned to the villa, a woman in a large T-shirt was looking at herself resentfully.

It was none other than Zhou Lili.

Since the last time she tasted the happiness of being a woman, this woman has often wandered around Villa No. 1.

However, Ye Chen was really busy during this time.

So much so that I haven't had time to "repair the light bulb" for Zhou Lili.

No, it's all found.

"What? The light bulb is broken again?"

Seeing Ye Chen's wicked smile, Zhou Lili felt a little hot all over.

Unconsciously, I thought of the bravery of the other party last time.

Immediately, Zhou Lili's pretty face blushed and nodded.

Inside the villa, Liu Yun gave Ye Chen and Zhou Lili a strange look.

"Ye, Mr. Ye, can you help me fix it?"

Zhou Lili looked at Ye Chen with a wink.

"Let's go."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, seeing Liu Yun looking at him, he couldn't help but coughed: "Neighbors and neighbors should help each other."

"I'll go help her fix it."

As soon as Liu Yun finished speaking, Zhou Lili looked over with a resentful expression.

Ye Chen coughed lightly: "Cough, this has to be done by a man, you... can't do it."

Zhou Lili suddenly secretly snickered.

In fact, Ye Chen also reminisced about the scenery last time.

This is not only for the sake of the place, but also for that, so it adds a bit of excitement.

After arriving at Zhou Lili's villa, Zhou Lili slammed the door shut.

Immediately, he rushed over while undressing.

"Like a wolf like a tiger."