
I Can Control Heroes

An ancient entity awakens from the depths of the abyss, and demons whisper in people's ears. Unknown horrors erode their minds, and madness thrives in the darkness of their hearts. But the arrival in this world is not just darkness. There is a fully armed Dark Knight, walking through the shadows to pass judgment on evil. There is a superhuman individual in a tight suit, roaming between buildings, playing the role of a friendly neighbor. There is a playboy dedicated to donning armor for the world, clad in high-tech battle gear. And there is an omnipotent god among mortals, the symbol of hope, with an "S" shining on his chest like the sun... But no one could imagine that behind all of them, there is just a player sitting in front of a computer screen, clicking on the keyboard. ... This is a novel I'm translating because I see the translator has dropped it so I said to myself, why not finish it so that myself and others may enjoy? And it would be very appreciated if you could support me on Patreon at: patreon.com/chibi_mon_mon DISCLAIMER!: This is not my own novel and I'm just editing it to make it sound a lot more sensible and readable. RAW: https://www.mtlnovel.com/start-with-batman/chapter-1-start-dark-knight/ https://discord.com/invite/dFaAjwHr

Chibaku_Monster · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 6

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Thank you guys, I hope you all have a wonderful day.


As the words "mission completed" flashed on the screen, Chu Cheng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

The immersion he felt in this game was unparalleled, unlike anything he had experienced before. It wasn't just the stunning graphics or the freedom of gameplay that drew him in; there was something deeper, something he couldn't quite articulate.

With the level over, the game transitioned to the settlement interface, where Chu Cheng reviewed his performance in detail: the number of enemies defeated, the fluidity of his combos, the efficiency of his mission completion, and the time it took.

As he assessed his performance, he couldn't help but notice how tense he had been during the game. Yet, now that it was over, he felt a sense of relaxation wash over him.

Reflecting on the experience, Chu Cheng found the game to be incredibly captivating. Batman's moves were more varied than ever, devoid of any discernible patterns. The addition of numerous auxiliary props and the high degree of freedom in completing tasks added to the game's freshness and appeal.

In contrast to many other games, which often fell short of expectations, this game was a breath of fresh air. It wasn't uncommon for companies to hastily produce adaptations of popular IPs, resulting in lackluster games that failed to do justice to the source material.

But this game was different. It was clear that the developers had put genuine effort into crafting an immersive experience that stayed true to the essence of the Batman franchise. And for Chu Cheng, it was a welcome departure from the norm.

Chu Cheng pondered over the evolution of comic book adaptations in the gaming industry. He reflected on the past prevalence of subpar adaptations, often derided as "undisguised games," which lacked depth and failed to resonate with players. However, recent high-quality releases like DC's Batman and Marvel's Spiderman series have challenged these perceptions, signaling a positive shift in the industry.

Yet, despite the strides made in game development, Chu Cheng found himself puzzled by the main plot of the game he was playing. After completing the first level, he remained uncertain about the context of Batman's mission and the events unfolding in the game. Nevertheless, he speculated that the initial stage served as a prologue, laying the groundwork for a more elaborate storyline to come. He entertained the possibility of a crisis involving the multiverse, which could unite iconic characters from different comic universes.

Eager to delve deeper into the game's narrative, Chu Cheng's excitement was tempered by the realization that it was already late. With a glance at his phone, he acknowledged the impending start of the new week and the early morning algebra class awaiting him. Despite being a sophomore, he recognized the importance of attending classes regularly, especially given the strict attendance policy of his algebra instructor.

Balancing his academic responsibilities with his desire to explore the game further, Chu Cheng weighed his options. While skipping class occasionally was not unheard of for him, he hesitated to do so for algebra, knowing the consequences of missing the roll call.

Although the style of this game differed from what Chu Cheng had expected, it still resembled a typical game, lacking any unique features.

With a resigned mood, Chu Cheng exited the game, powered off his computer, and retreated to bed.

Surprisingly, he felt unusually fatigued after spending the entire day gaming. Closing his eyelids, he sank his head into the soft white pillow and soon drifted off to sleep.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city...

A cordon was established around the towering skyscrapers, with soldiers in uniforms stationed at various points.

A black car pulled up outside the cordon, and a woman emerged. Striding past the soldiers, she garnered salutes as she made her way through.

In all honesty, she possessed a strikingly beautiful face, with fair skin and a regal demeanor. Clad in a large black windbreaker and black silk stockings, her attire exuded an air of mystery. Beneath the windbreaker, her black combat uniform accentuated her curves, particularly highlighting her ample bust.

Ironically, her face seemed somewhat overshadowed by her impressive figure. While her features were undoubtedly attractive, it was her striking physique that truly captivated attention.

As she navigated through the cordon, the soldiers continued to salute her in passing. Making her way to the lobby elevator, she ascended to the conference room on the building's top floor.

Upon entering the conference room, a grim sight met her eyes. Bodies lay strewn about the room, blood pooling on the floor in a grisly pattern. Some of the blood had dried, leaving a sickening reminder of the violence that had occurred.

In the corridor outside, a puddle of vomit marked the spot where the cleaner had stumbled upon the gruesome scene.

"Everyone on the board of directors was in the meeting room when the incident occurred, and none survived," a bald man approached her, a cigarette dangling from his mouth. Exhaling a ring of smoke, he continued, "But all of them were infected."

"Killed?" the woman inquired.

"No. They were attacked, but the assailant spared their lives," the man explained. "Their infection levels had exceeded the limit, causing them to self-destruct."

The woman surveyed the chaotic room, her gaze swiftly landing on the open secret door and the shattered stones nearby.

"The experts from the identification department believe it was a statue, potentially the source of the infection," the man informed her. "It's likely the assailant destroyed it."

Deep in thought, the woman remarked, "So, someone has taken care of our task quite thoroughly."

"It appears so."

"Do we have any leads on this mysterious individual?" she inquired.

Exhaling another smoke ring, the bald man wore a look of resignation. "Surveillance footage was disabled, and we couldn't trace the perpetrator's whereabouts. We've questioned the company's employees, but there's only one witness, and the information he provided is rather vague..."

"I want to speak with him," the woman decided.

Minutes later, she found herself face-to-face with a hapless security guard.

The guard, still sporting an ice pack on his head from his earlier encounter, eagerly recounted his experience.

"I was on a routine patrol when it suddenly appeared - fast as lightning. Caught off guard, I was knocked unconscious. Xiao Li, from our security team, found me in the corridor afterwards... I heard about the commotion after I came to my senses..."

Interrupting him, the woman asked, "You mentioned 'that thing.' Was it human?"

The guard vehemently shook his head, his expression tinged with fear.

"It all happened so fast, but it was definitely not human. It had pointed ears, massive black wings, sharp claws... and it seemed to have fangs, like those in vampire movies. Terrifyingly, it was huge, over two meters tall, and when it leapt, it resembled... yes, like a bat!

I must admit, it left me rather shaken. I've never encountered such a monstrous intruder..."

After concluding her questioning, the woman's expression betrayed a hint of concern.

Meanwhile, the bald man lit up another cigarette, seemingly unfazed.

"What are your thoughts?" he inquired.

Pausing to consider, the woman finally replied, "...I'm at a loss."