
I Can Control Heroes

An ancient entity awakens from the depths of the abyss, and demons whisper in people's ears. Unknown horrors erode their minds, and madness thrives in the darkness of their hearts. But the arrival in this world is not just darkness. There is a fully armed Dark Knight, walking through the shadows to pass judgment on evil. There is a superhuman individual in a tight suit, roaming between buildings, playing the role of a friendly neighbor. There is a playboy dedicated to donning armor for the world, clad in high-tech battle gear. And there is an omnipotent god among mortals, the symbol of hope, with an "S" shining on his chest like the sun... But no one could imagine that behind all of them, there is just a player sitting in front of a computer screen, clicking on the keyboard. ... This is a novel I'm translating because I see the translator has dropped it so I said to myself, why not finish it so that myself and others may enjoy? And it would be very appreciated if you could support me on Patreon at: patreon.com/chibi_mon_mon DISCLAIMER!: This is not my own novel and I'm just editing it to make it sound a lot more sensible and readable. RAW: https://www.mtlnovel.com/start-with-batman/chapter-1-start-dark-knight/ https://discord.com/invite/dFaAjwHr

Chibaku_Monster · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 25

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This resolved the matter. 

For a moment, Luo Yajun didn't know what to say. 

The peculiar man landed and hardly took a step. He continuously launched a series of electric and earth tunneling attacks, maintaining a stationary posture throughout the process. 

Ever since a certain mage named Gan, who preferred not to reveal his full name, pioneered the path of the berserker mage, it became increasingly rare to find mages who would earnestly cast fireball spells. 

"Haha, interesting. It's getting more and more fun." 

"Guanyue" was trapped in a large amount of solidified gel, unable to move, but a strange smile still hung on the revealed part of his face. His swirling eyes were like black pearls, pitch-black, profound, and unfathomable. 

"I understand now." He stared straight at Batman with his gaze, "You are the opposite of 'nothingness.' Just like light and shadow, water and fire, and me and you." 

He seemed to think he had made a brilliant joke and burst into manic laughter, causing his muscles, trapped in the gel, to tremble violently. 

"A madman who doesn't understand anything." 

Luo Yajun muttered vaguely. He stood up and walked over to Batman. 

"Alright, I don't know who you are. Anyway, thanks for your help. But I still need to figure out your identity. You have to come with me." 

His words came to an abrupt halt. 

At this moment, both Luo Yajun and Chu Cheng, who was far behind the computer, heard laughter. 

It wasn't the laughter of the madman in front of them, but laughter coming from all directions. Several bursts of laughter converged into one place, as if a whole group of people laughing manically surrounded the area, reflecting and echoing clearly in this enclosed space. 

They were like a band of laughter. The sealed and bound "Guanyue" was the conductor of the band, and everyone hiding around coordinated with his melody. 

Then, shadows began to appear all around. 

The lights continued to flicker, and every fluorescent tube in the underground garage seemed to be on the verge of dying. Eerie figures gradually materialized under the flickering light, and multiple pairs of eyes shot their gaze towards them. 

Those were the infected laughing maniacs who should have been dead, but had been infected within the faction so far. 

Luo Yajun immediately drew his gun and fired at one of the infected individuals who was closer to them. However, the bullet passed through the laughing mouth of the person and went straight into the wall behind them. 

"Spectral beings?" Luo Yajun was slightly astonished. "Is their mental power so strong that they can release spectral beings?" 

If the mental power of an infected individual goes beyond the limits the body can bear, the body self-destructs. In such cases, the mental power of the infected person is generally destroyed, just like the board of directors in the Kline Tower incident. 

However, there is an extremely small chance that after the body is destroyed, the mental power remains, and it goes on a rampage, taking the form of a spectral being. 

At this moment, Luo Yajun suddenly thought of something terrifying. 

If every spectral figure appearing in this underground place at this moment was a remnant of a deceased laughing infected individual, it meant that everyone infected in this incident had left behind a spectral being after death? 

But shouldn't the occurrence of spectral beings be a rare event? 

Is it the special ability of the infection source in this incident? 

While pondering this, the elongated shadows of laughter transformed into thin black threads, connecting to the body of "Guanyue" trapped in the gel. 

The sturdy gel quickly cracked, and within three seconds, it exploded into countless solidified clumps of soil. 

By now, the "Guanyue" inside had already lost its human form. His skin had been replaced by a substance resembling frozen gel, and his body rapidly expanded. Tentacles covered in fleshy spikes pierced out from that sticky mass. 

One after another, eyes opened along the surface of the tentacles, eerily shifting and rotating. The human shell was torn apart and devoured, flesh and blood chewed and annihilated, leaving behind an indescribable twisted monster. 

The underground garage couldn't contain the rapidly expanding body, and the ceiling was crushed and cracked. Tons of debris and dust came crashing down, as the twisted creature burst through the ground and rampaged through the neighborhood, wildly thrashing its horrifying tentacles. 

Its shape was highly irregular, unlike any existing creature on Earth, making it difficult to describe. Its tentacles were filled with spikes, and its surface was covered in eyes, as if using those countless eyes to observe and scrutinize the world from multiple angles. 

Pedestrians on the street were completely unprepared for this sudden situation. After a brief moment of shock, people quickly began to scream in terror. 

Panic spread, and traffic descended into chaos. Following closely behind was madness. 

It started with a few individuals. A man, while fleeing, couldn't hold back a hint of laughter escaping from between his teeth. That laugh became the catalyst, and the laughter grew louder and louder, beyond his control. 

He maniacally laughed, kicking down his terrified companion beside him, and started exchanging punches with him. 

Soon, more and more people joined in. Laughter became like a horrifying contagion, spreading rapidly and ensnaring more and more people in its rhythm. 

A child climbed onto a man, laughing hysterically, and bit off his ear, drenched in blood. 

An elderly person in an open-air restaurant laughed uncontrollably, gasping for breath. Grabbing a nearby bottle, he smashed it onto the skull of a fortunate passerby, pulverizing it. 

A car crashed into a fire hydrant, the immense impact distorting the entire front of the vehicle. Water gushed into the air as the fire hydrant spun, crashing into the glass storefront of a nearby shop. The driver lay on the deployed airbag, laughing so hard that he could hardly breathe. While laughing, he maneuvered the severely deformed car in reverse, preparing to aim for the next target. 

The creature seemed incredibly pleased. It gleefully waved its numerous tentacles, as if cheering and dancing. The irregular main body of the creature still had mouth-like structures, one enormous mouth filled with pulpy red flesh, resembling a smiling face carved into the skin with a knife. 

"Spectral Beings gone berserk! The situation is extremely critical!" Luo Yajun crawled back up from the underground and pressed his earpiece to communicate with headquarters. 

"What's the situation? So the berserk spectral beings have transformed into physical monsters? How did this happen? How the hell should I know?" he exclaimed in frustration. 

The neighborhood was in complete chaos. Luo Yajun made his way towards the direction of the giant monster, trying to avoid the rampaging crowds. 

"Stay calm, Detective Luo. The fighter jet just took off from the deck," the operator informed him. "Estimated arrival at the scene within ten minutes." 

"Ten minutes?" Luo Yajun looked at the people engaged in violent brawls, barely able to catch their breath from laughing, and the arrogant behemoth wreaking havoc between buildings. 

He wasn't sure if anything worth saving would be left in this place in ten minutes. 

A sudden gust of wind nearly took Luo Yajun's breath away. The thunderous roar of engines reverberated through the air. 

Luo Yajun turned his head, following the direction of the sound. 

There, in the darkness, was an enormous steel avian predator. It possessed an almost dreamlike advanced construction with its streamlined design, sharp angles and wings, and plasma flames emitting a pale blue vertical jet, resembling a gigantic bat spreading its wings. 

He stood there in astonishment as the figure clad in a bat-like suit walked past him, raised a gun, and with a snap, fired a grappling hook that latched onto the hovering aircraft. 

Luo Yajun was taken aback. "Wait, you have a plane?" 

Batman paid no attention to his remark. He endured the rapid contraction of the fibers, pulling his entire body off the ground towards the aircraft hovering in mid-air. 

The response he gave seemed to imply, "What? Don't you have a plane?" 

Luo Yajun was left bewildered. 

So, who exactly was this bat maniac?