
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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100 Chs

who is rich

Chapter Fifty-Five

This time, Xiuer promised.

Recently, a litter of hounds was born in Taishuhao. When I heard that I was taking dogs, I asked myself if I wanted them. At that time, I thought Xiuer had too many dogs, so I said I would consider it.

Xiaodao pondered.

There was a knock on the door, it was still a signal, it was the **** coming.

Just right.

"Brother Dao! It's still the old market, three hundred bone coins, sharing a few tasks, five yuan for high-quality wild animal meat, thirty yuan for ordinary wild beast meat." The door opened, and the cheap mouth said quickly.

These profits are not low, but the pocket knife feels less now.

"Come in and talk."

Jianzui's eyes lit up immediately, Brother Dao must have orders, and if there are orders, there may be profits, and no matter how bad it is, he can win the relationship.

The cheap mouth knows very well who his parents are, not golden thighs.

Xiaodao asked some other players about the situation. Everyone has been steadily upgrading, and the effect of hunting outside is also good. They can barely get enough food and clothing, but they are willing to pay for it so that they can gain more experience. The number of players surpassing other players of the same period has increased. Only those three.

"By the way, I almost forgot. The original lord, Wang Ma next door offered a reward of one million, and wanted to ask for the purchase of a slave, or the task of obtaining a slave. If it is a woman, she is willing to pay three million."

This is the real local tyrant, Dai Shao and low-key brother are not comparable at all, looking at him with a cheap mouth.

"I don't have this." A black line appeared on Xiaodao's forehead.

"If there is a slave, I will accept it, 10,000 bone coins." Xiaodao said.

Ten thousand bone coins? Isn't it 1.5 million real coins?

"This?" The cheap mouth widened its mouth, it seems, it seems, this is the real hidden super local tyrant, no wonder it develops so fast?

"More than that, rare items, special items, items that have never been seen before, missions, etc., are all accepted, and the price is absolutely satisfactory." Xiaodao continued.

"There is really a special thing. A player got the mission and clamored for 100,000 real coins, but the three big local tyrants didn't like it, so I didn't say it. It's very tasteless." Chizui thought for a while.


"It's a piece of black bone covered with lines, but it's not a skill or something. It's a blank skill. It indicates that a branding skill is required, but the player has found many npcs, and so far, he has not been able to brand a single skill." The cheap mouth said quickly .

"I'll take a thousand bone coins, and the extra is your profit." Xiaodao said directly.

This made the cheap mouth suddenly ecstatic, a profit of 50,000, this is still without a price reduction.

"In the future, if you are not sure, you must report to the eldest brother." The cheap mouth said quickly.

Then Xiaodao directly exposed the attributes of the hound for the cheap mouth to see.

"It's similar to player leveling up. There is a skill bar every five levels, which can automatically comprehend skills. Is there anyone interested in such a pet?"

"I'm definitely interested in it." Chizui was overjoyed. He was just thinking about the hobbies of the three rich local tyrants.

Now I can see clearly, the local tyrant Dai Shao and the low-key brother both want to curry favor with the Wang Ma next door, which one is the one who is really not short of money.

"It's a bastard. If the price is too low, I won't sell it. Give me the quotation. When the time comes, you'll get a 10% commission on the deal." Xiaodao said.

"No problem, just wait! It's not more than a million, so I'm too embarrassed to say it. I understand the values ​​​​of local tyrants. A powerful pet is absolutely popular, and its combat power is not bad, and it is absolutely loyal."

"Below two million, you don't need it anymore, I won't sell it." Xiaodao opened his mouth directly.

The cheap mouth is dumbfounded, two million, in reality, you can buy a famous dog.

Then he was kicked out by the knife.

The knife didn't stop either, and went out.

Fortunately, he left early, and the military assassin was about to go out, but he happened to be blocked after walking a few steps.

I asked about it, but unfortunately there was no news about the beast.

However, Xiao Dao passed the news of the sale of pets and hound cubs to the army assassin, and did not mention the price. He would also give a 10% commission when the price was quoted.

This made Jun Ji's eyes brighten. Pets can still comprehend skills automatically.

This made him desperately excited.

"Brother Dao, what do you think of this thing?" Gritting his teeth, Jun Ba hurried back and took out something from the house.

It is also a pitch-black bone, covered with strange lines.

Yindu people's gratitude: Within one to ten days, three items will appear randomly, and one of them will be purchased at cost price.

Crushed available.

Reminder: Yindu people gave their benefactor a token, but after many years, the former benefactor is no longer there, and the role of this token has also changed.

"What the **** is this?" Xiaodao wondered.

I really can't understand it.

"The mission was obtained. I specialize in the favorability of a logistics npc in the hunting team. I want to subdue him. Unfortunately, the mission is too difficult and I failed in the end. The favorability is reset to zero, but I got this." The army assassin said helplessly.

For that task, he got together with those three local tyrants and helped them come up with ideas to hunt. Naturally, he did not make less use of their influence, but it still failed.

The higher the favorability, the harder it is to obtain. Xiaodao naturally understands that even though he has favorability with all the npc hunters, many of them are not low, but it will be difficult to increase it.

For example, Da Bing is his slave, serving his meat like an uncle, and his loyalty is only over 90 until now, and has never been fully paid.

"Sell it?" Xiaodao asked.

"Change a pet, I'll add one hundred bone coins." The military assassin was also a little embarrassed.

"Use it yourself, friendly price, I'll give you a price of one million real coins, and no one else will sell it for two million." Xiaodao thought for a while, he is always a nostalgic person.

"One million real coins?" Jun Shui was taken aback, and shook his head with a wry smile.

"can not afford."

"Forget it, I have no use for this thing, only a local tyrant like you is useful, five hundred bone coins, don't think it's black, I also know you don't lack bone coins." Jun stabbed.

"I'll buy it with 100,000 real coins." Suddenly a voice appeared.

It turned out to be the three big local tyrants, surrounded by other players, sneaking up quietly.

It's really haunting.

The one who spoke just now was the number one local tycoon, Wang Ma next door.

"Hey, master, business is about business, it has nothing to do with friendship, so don't mind my bidding." Wang Ma next door said with a smile.

"I don't mind, I'll offer a thousand bone coins." Xiaodao smiled lightly.

"One thousand and one hundred bone coins." Wang Ma said next door to the local tyrant.

"1,500 bone coins." Xiao Dao remained indifferent.

"Hehe, you have more money than me?" Wang Ma next door smiled proudly, and said, "Two thousand bone coins."

"Five thousand bone coins." Xiaodao became a little impatient, he still has a lot of things to do, who knows when the real danger will appear, he doesn't want to be caught and sliced, so he has time to dawdle here.

As soon as the price came out, all the players present gasped.

This is the world of local tyrants?

Even the three big local tyrants were taken aback, and they looked at Xiaodao differently.

This guy really isn't short of money.