
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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Wang Ma next door

Chapter 46: Next Door Wang Ma

Witch pattern 1: The size is as you like, requirements: bone material: 10000, please master the witch description of this witch pattern.

Witch pattern 2: Arbitrary defensive witch pattern, requirement: bone material: 10000, please master the witch description of this witch pattern.

Witch pattern 3: Arbitrary attack on the witch pattern, requirement: bone material: 10000, please master the witch pattern of this witch pattern.

Tip 1: For each tribal skill, you can ask the witch to draw a basic witch pattern.

Tip 2: To use the urging witch, you must master the power of blood.

The corner of Xiaodao's mouth twitched. This price is not generally expensive. I have traveled all over the tribe's npc hunters. So far, almost all the high-quality spear points they use are provided by myself.

As the largest supplier of NPC stone spear points, I have no shortage of bone coins. This lack means that I can take out thousands of them at any time, and if I make up a piece, there is hope for 10,000.

This is the bone coin income of all the players in this tribe combined, which is far ahead of their own fraction.

However, 30,000, it would be as much as 300,000 in bone coins.

Under the condition that the basic high-end stone spear point market is saturated, the spending power of npc hunters is limited, and it is impossible for them to scrape together 300,000 bone coins in a short period of time.

No amount of stone spear points will help.

There is no way to rush this for the time being, not to mention that I don't have the power of blood, and I can't motivate Wuju.

Xiaodao comforted himself like this.

There was a knock on the door.

It's the bitch's daily report time.

Although this kid is cheap, he still has merits. At least the half a million at that time would not be easy without corruption.

The knife opens the door.

Slut walked in.

The door was closed, he was the only player who could enter this mysterious courtyard other than the army assassin, but he was very proud.

The cheap mouth also has self-knowledge, and usually doesn't come in when there is nothing to do, and just reports outside.

Come in to report this time, naturally something big happened.

When Xiaodao heard this, a third rich man appeared in the tribe, named, Wang Ma next door.

Don't get me wrong, it's not feminine, masculine, manly, or sissy.

The next-door Wang Ma, who was born in the Black Bone Tribe player, acted smartly and kept a low profile, luring the player in, buying bone coins, and high-quality beast meat.

At first glance, it is the master who is not short of money.

The **** who has traded several times has already pulled him into the list of high-quality customers, focusing on it, and even a real phone call.

It was nothing at first, but his name was rather special, which caused occasional jokes among players.

In the end, it happened that Dai Shao heard it.

Dai Shao's face immediately changed, as if he had thought of something unpleasant.

He directly found Brother Low-key, and the two of them led their men to surround Wang Ma next door aggressively, and mercilessly ridiculed, satirized and humiliated him, and finally killed him abruptly.

From their insults, everyone heard that the three of them knew each other in real life, and Dai Shao and Brother Low-key hated him very much.

From the beginning to the end, neither of the two golden thighs dared to reveal their real identities.

This made the cheap mouth judge that it can make the two golden thighs like this, this person has an extraordinary status, he is definitely a super golden thigh, and he must not give up.

So he went offline to call to support and comfort Wang Ma next door.

After exhausting my tongue, I found out that the mother next door likes to flirt with some friends' girlfriends.

It was once revealed that the contact person by phone or WeChat was Wang Ma next door, which caused quite a stir.

Because many of the girlfriends of good friends and friends have this neighbor Wang Ma's friend.

As a result, this one was proud of it and called herself Wang Ma next door, which caused her identity to be exposed in the game because of her name. one of friends.

Although Wang Ma next door was not reconciled and became angry from embarrassment, there was nothing she could do. The gap in strength was huge, so she could only prepare to be reborn elsewhere.

How can the cheap mouth be willing to leave with super golden thighs, it's a fool.

What could be more enjoyable than showing off in front of Young Master Dai, low-key brother.

"Brother Dao, I have tried my best to fool you. As long as I can keep my neighbor Wang Ma and protect him from reaching the fifteenth level, this super lucky guy who is willing to pay one million real coins, a fool with a lot of money, is absolutely fine. Can't give up."

In the end, Slut revealed his purpose.

He also vowed that he didn't make any money with this million, just to keep this high-quality client.

So I can only ask here.

One million real coins, **** it, I really don't understand this rich man's world, Xiaodao thought about it, but he was reluctant to part with one million, and said directly: "I will be born in a cave tomorrow, and let him transfer one million to me as soon as possible. I'll take care of it, kid."

The cheap mouth is overjoyed, there will be another money tree in the future, and he hastily left. There still needs comfort, encouragement, support, and fanning the flames.

How could Wang Ma, next door to Tangtang, give up and run away? It was necessary to stay.

One million, it will make it fun and worthwhile to ridicule those two green friends who dare not even reveal their real names in the future.

This is what the scumbag said to fool the Wang Ma next door, but if he said too much, he himself believed it a little bit, provided that he didn't care about a million It seems that it is impossible in this life.

Early the next morning, Xiaodao left the courtyard.

He came directly to the cave where the newcomer was born. There were many players here. The leaders of the two gangs, Dai Shao and Brother Low-key, were going into battle in person, pointing into the cave and yelling.

There was only one muscular boy inside, who stood there and couldn't come out, and was also yelling.

"I spent money on it, I'm good at it, can't I! If you have the ability to become famous, I will explain to you two in reality." This is obviously Wang Ma next door, and she is quite forthright.

"Look, even the legendary master has been alarmed." The exclamation sounded, it was the cheap mouth, and he kept looking around, waiting for the knife.

Suddenly, many players looked over.

"Damn, the mysterious legendary master has also been attracted?"

"Sure enough, gossip is everywhere."


Wang Ma next door has also heard about this legend. She owns a wooden house courtyard. No, it is actually a stone wall courtyard now. It belongs to a legendary character. Many players suspect that it is an NPC.

"Brother Dao, please protect me to level 15." It was discussed a long time ago, and at this time, Mama Wang came to the next door and shouted loudly.

"I owe someone a mission. Now that the agreement has been made and the money arrives in the account, I will guarantee you to reach level 15, and I will treat it as a repayment." Xiaodao said loudly without concealment, completely ignoring the large number of players around him.

"What? Experts come to protect this hot chicken?" Someone yelled, the eyes were really excited, and it was obvious that they were having fun watching it, as if they were afraid that the world would not be disturbed.

"Do you want to protect such a hot chicken?" Dai Shao was anxious.

"I owe favors, plus one million to pay, not to mention the game, it doesn't matter if it's guaranteed or not.