
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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100 Chs

seek death

Chapter 100

"Ten thousand soft sister coins, I admit it." The new young master Dai said quickly.

Drop: The player in front of you will give you real currency: 10,000.

Xiaodao was taken aback, with sarcasm in his eyes, the **** long knife slashed across, and a head flew up with an expression of disbelief.

The other players were dumbfounded.

"Is the real currency not fragrant?"

10,000, two or three months' salary in reality.

Drop: The player who kills you will transfer you real currency: 10,000.

Dai Shao, the only one who had just hung up and hadn't taken off his helmet, smiled and rubbed his aching head: "It's interesting! It's more fun this way."

"Finally there is a master, I must break through."

Then he turned out the nutrient solution and poured it into his mouth.

"Run! This is not a human." The other players were still dumbfounded, because it was too incredible, but soon someone shouted.

Xiaodao didn't bother to bother, after all, it was just a game, and he also understood the mentality of ordinary players.

If you don't vent in the game, where can you vent? Tik Tok?

Ha ha!

"Kill us all if you have the ability." Seeing that Xiaodao didn't chase after him, one of the fastest players ran desperately, twisting his **** at Xiaodao at the same time, causing the others to laugh. There are many imitations.

Looking at the buttocks twisting towards him one by one.

This caused a black line to appear on Xiaodao's forehead.

A handful of secret bone meal spilled out.

Bone resuscitation!

The bones were beating, forming a bone wolf.

Because it was a bone resuscitation technique, it was performed at a lower level. Although the bone wolves were only at level ten, there were as many as eight of them.

Immediately, the eight bone wolves rushed forward.

"Oh my god! What a terrible method, this is definitely not a player."

"Too cheating, complain! Complain"


The knife didn't stop, and another bone meal was spilled.

Soon, all the players became corpses, and none of them escaped.

"I feel refreshed again." Xiao Dao rode on the bone horse and headed towards the entrance.

After entering the multi-headed tribe, many of the npcs I saw had multiple heads, and I was not used to it.

I also saw many players.

The number is not less than that of the Blackbone Tribe, but the overall strength is obviously far behind.

Xiaodao asked a player, and soon found the cave where the item was sold.

I rushed to check it out, my eyes lit up, and I could buy combat-level equipment and items by myself, no work required.

Immediately and unceremoniously sweep the goods.

He came out and found a corner, erected a totem pole, went offline under the totem pole, and sent the goods into his own warehouse in reality.

After going back and forth several times, the items that players of the war level could buy were emptied.

I don't know what expression the players will have when they find that all kinds of equipment and items are gone.

Although I didn't look carefully, I also saw two items, which happened to be the items needed for the mission of the witch and the black soul crow.

The quest items obtained through a series of quests are directly sold here, how convenient it is.

It's getting dark.

Xiaodao also found a place with few people, and went offline by relying on the totem pole.

Eat breakfast as usual, and let the boys practice martial arts together.

Shancao reported that many people were willing to sell immortal cultivation skills through online contact, but after investigation, 99.9% of them were fake, because the birthplaces of those players clamoring for sale were never heard of. Immortal cultivators appear, or the player's level is simply out of reach.

According to Shancao's survey, none of the current players has really come into contact with immortal cultivators, and even those mortal NPC bosses are hard to come by.

Xiaodao also searched through the Internet himself, and sure enough, there is a strategy. If it is the first time to go online in a city, the range with a high probability of being born is not far away, and it is also possible to appear in a place of birth.

"It's a pity!" Xiaodao shook his head, he should let all the fans go online in the city where he first entered the game.

It seems that they are not very far from each other.

This made Xiaodao even more curious, how many brothers does Dai Shao have? Dear, or Tang's cousin?

If dear, how many births have passed?

His father must be very good.

Then I contacted Er Gouzi again. He was almost done with his work outside, and the construction team and the like were all arranged. He also contacted his former comrades in arms and got some powerful guys. In the name of the studio, he can buy it in a fair manner.

Among them, adding some private parts is the real good thing.

"I yawned." Half of his body merged into Er Gouzi's back, and the phantom in his body was a bit listless.

It's boring to follow along all day, and I can't read novels on my mobile phone.

"It's a good thing you'll go back tomorrow, otherwise you'll be sucked dry in a few more days." Xu Ying muttered lazily.

Er Gouzi shook his head, it's strange, he's been too busy recently, why he gets tired so easily, and he hasn't reached middle age yet.

However, everything has been arranged, and I will enter the game after returning to improve my strength.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling hot in his heart.

How magnificent is the world in the game, all kinds of magical powers, and the legendary cultivators, one day become a reality, and it is possible for me to reach that point.

This made his breathing quicken.

"You're so hot, I can't help but want to **** you up." Xu Ying shook her head That's a big taboo.

Xiaodao hung up the phone, and the brothers practiced martial arts by beating each other with wooden sticks.

The last time I took advantage of the rapid increase in strength in the game, now everyone's strength has increased greatly, and the speed of practicing the thirteen Taibao horizontal exercises has also increased a lot, and they have achieved success one after another.

At that time, you will be able to practice the iron cloth shirt of the town hall martial arts of the Iron Clothes Martial Art Museum.

But Xiaodao didn't need to be beaten now, he sat cross-legged, and began to exercise the internal movement method that can only be mastered by the iron cloth shirt.

Tried for half an hour, to no avail.

Then, more than an hour passed, and that familiar feeling reappeared.

True Qi was born in the body, hehe! Sure enough.

After drinking a bottle of blood spirit witch medicine, it stimulates the blood, assists in cultivation, and increases the amount of true energy.

"Brother Dao, the iron cloth shirt is ready!" Opening his eyes again, Xiaodao was startled, because Da Bing's **** was too close to him.

It turned out that he blocked the knife behind him, and looked at Lenghua warily, while Huo looked at himself stupidly.

Next to it is a helpless mountain grass.

He has no way to communicate with this person, regardless of whether he is not smart, no one can change what he believes.

"It's done." Xiaodao nodded.

"I also want to achieve great success. If I achieve great success, I can become a teacher. I can become a teacher, eat and live for free, and still have money." Lenghuo said seriously.

It hurts his heart to exchange real currency for game currency.

"great, good luck!"

Xiaodao realized a lot at this time.

Blood energy is the essence energy of flesh and blood, which can strengthen the body and nourish the flesh and blood, but it is easy to dissipate outside the body, so it is regarded as energy rather than strength.

However, true qi can be regarded as the energy of flesh and blood transformed into another kind of power, which is not beneficial to the body, and it can be regarded as power rather than energy.