
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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100 Chs

Dark Mist Monster's Deal

Chapter 59: The Deal of the Black Mist Monster

"It's a worthwhile trip." Seeing the small knife riding on the mount, many people's eyes were staring.

Of course, more people are looking at this huge and mighty mount.

It's so cool.

I'm so envious.

If it wasn't for Xiaodao deliberately revealing the pets and names, even the level of these players would not be visible at all, all of them? ? ? .

"Pet? Is this mount really a pet?" Some players subconsciously cried out when they saw it.

It's impossible for Wang Ma next door to see her, but his complexion is not very good.

At first sight, he fell in love with it!

So much love, so much love.

Three million, worth it!

It is because it is expensive that only you, um, a few people can afford it.

That's how it looks like shit.

But now, let this guy with a small knife be awesome all by himself? But make himself an audience? You can only call 666.

This is simply unacceptable to Wang Ma next door.

But I don't even have the face to ask about the purchase.

At this time, the players here include those from the three major leagues, and some free players. Most of these free players have no worries about food and clothing in reality, and some have little money.

They didn't have any worries, they surrounded Xiao Dao and asked questions.

As a result, some players from the three major gangs couldn't help but come over.

So far, many players feel that a basic salary of 1,000 is nothing more than that, anyway, coming here is not considered a breach of contract.

Xiaodao is very close to the people this time, and I will introduce it to everyone. This is a pet, a king dog, which can also be used as a mount.

Of course, the king dog is not a new name, but the name of the knife, which always sounds taller than the hound.

The new name is naturally not a lie.

He directly introduced to everyone that this pet upgrade consumes the same experience as the player, and eating meat and the like is digested faster than the player, that is to say, as long as sufficient food is provided, the pet will upgrade faster than the owner.

Not only that, the biggest advantage of pets is that they can get skill bars every five levels, and they don't need skill books or the like, they must directly comprehend skills.

This is the advantage of pets.

As for the disadvantages? Have it?

Anyway, there is absolutely no knife, and it is not a big problem at all.

Since the problem is not big, there is no need to introduce it.

The onlookers were extremely excited, but when it came to the price, they were all stunned.

Three million real coins?

My mother.

In reality, a suite is still a good high-rise.

If it's 10,000 to 20,000, many people here will grit their teeth. If it's 100,000, a few people will consider buying it, but it's 3 million.

I can only watch enviously.

Only rational, they can not buy.

"This is definitely a good helper for hunting and hunting. It would be even better if you can comprehend the skill of acceleration." Because of his identity, he didn't get close, but the military assassin's expression changed again and again, and he was also very excited.

Just like that, time passed quickly, and the countdown to the dark vortex over there was finally over.

The black vortex stabilized.

I saw a thick black mist gushing out of the vortex, twisted a bit, and condensed together to form a large living person.

A young man who looks quite sunny, wearing a robe, looks cool.

"A lot of people, it's been a long time since I saw so many living people." The young man smiled brightly.

Then he looked at Wang Ma next door, and said with a smile: "Lucky and weak young man, if you get the relic, then the gift left behind will belong to you, and it can be regarded as a suitable for the former friendship." ending."

This made Wang Ma next door's eyes brighten, and she hurriedly came forward and said, "What a good thing."

I couldn't help showing a smug smile, don't let me down for paying 1.5 million.

The sunny youth said with a smile. "However, according to our rules, it is not free, but you can buy one at a cost price."

"Naturally! Money is not a big problem for me." Wang Ma next door smiled confidently and said in a more modest tone.

"Then, weak living person, let me choose three items, you must be able to use them, or you will need them soon!"

"Well, it's really troublesome. It's hard to find items that you can use because you are so weak."

The sunny youth frowned slightly.

"This is a cool outfit." Someone muttered in a low voice.

"We are weak now, but we will become stronger soon." Wang Ma next door said loudly.

"A very confident living person, very good, this is the passion of a living person." The sunny youth stretched his hand into the black vortex, as if looking for something.

It took more than ten minutes to wait.

Everyone is waiting anxiously.

The sunshine youth breathed a sigh of relief: "I finally found it. I didn't expect that I still have such a low-end product."

"I'm pretending to be aggressive again, and npcs also like to act aggressive." Someone whispered again.

But everyone looked over, watching the young man's hand withdraw from the black vortex.

The fist swelled ten times that of a normal person, like a sledgehammer, barely withdrawn from the black vortex.

After stretching out the huge hand, three items were revealed.

A blood-colored bean, a small black sign that came without knowing it, and a statue of a monster.

Everyone took a look, and all the attributes were clearly revealed.

That **** little bean.

Bloodthirsty vine (seed): A carnivorous plant. When it matures, it is difficult for a fighter at level 80 to escape from its attack alive. Price: 100 iron coins. Cost price: 10 iron coins.

Tip 1: As long as you have enough flesh and blood, you can quickly grow to level 80 without any bottlenecks.

Tip 2: After special processing, you don't have to worry about backlash after you recognize the master with a drop of blood, even if you only have level one.

Tip 3: After planting, it cannot be moved.

"Level 80? Damn it!" Just looking at this, someone started lying down again. The most annoying thing now is the bottleneck of upgrading. There is no bottleneck before level 80.

Envious, jealous of this seed.

"It definitely costs a lot to train, and we poor ghosts will be free to watch it." Someone smiled wryly, which immediately aroused everyone's approval.

The second one is a small brand, I don't know what kind of texture it is, but it is covered with weird lines.

Life-protecting soul card: recognize the master after dripping blood, and die after recognizing the master, the soul will be sucked into the soul card and preserved.

Price: 500 iron coins. Cost price: 50 iron coins.

Tip 1: If the soul is preserved, the level will be reset to zero, and you can practice again as a yin object, or you can find a corpse to return to the yang, or use precious treasures to reshape the body.

Tip 2: Can only be used once.

Tip 3: Players cannot use it.

This small brand, the first time I saw the knife, I became excited, and my heart couldn't help beating violently. If I brought it back to reality and used it, I would have an extra life, but when the prompt 3 came out, I could only smile wryly.

Then he turned his attention to the third item.

This statue is the largest among them, more than 1.7 meters high. If the palm hadn't become ten times bigger, it would be impossible to grab this thing.