
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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Chapter Eight: The Crybaby

Before adulthood, he could only move down the mountain, but now Xiaodao can walk up the hillside.

But he was blocked with the slave.

After being told, he suddenly understood and took out the bone.

Crushed directly, black mist gushed out and landed on Xiaodao's eyebrows, leaving a mark representing hunting.

Drop: You have obtained the mark of the old hunter, and you can freely enter and exit the tribe.

Seeing all this in Nu's eyes, a shocked expression appeared on his face.

Di: Seeing the mark of the old hunter, the slave's favorability degree +30, currently: 35.

Adult hunters are eligible to choose one of the scattered thatched huts on the hillside, but after becoming an adult at the tenth level, there will be no free food for two corn buns a day, and everything depends on hunting for survival.

"Xiaodao has grown up. There is an empty house next to me. It would be nice to have a small piece of sloping field there." Xiaodao was looking for a place to live when the military assassin happened to pass by. waved.

Especially when he walked in and saw the imprint between the eyebrows of Xiaodao, his face became completely incredulous.

Now the black bone tribe, the most famous player among the players is the military assassin.

He is already at the fifteenth level at this time, and he is well-deserved as the number one master, and the other highest levels have just reached the tenth level.

Army Assassin was also the first player to own a private slave. At this time, he was carrying a big bow, which he made himself. fifteenth grade.

But he is still just hunting. He doesn't plan to do the trial task of level 15 in a short time, and he has no confidence to complete it. , possessing the mark of the old hunter, I can imagine the shock in my heart.

"Let me take a look first." Xiaodao also greeted with a smile.

This made the assassin hesitate to speak, and finally said nothing, just nodded with a smile.

Soon Xiaodao walked all over the hillside, and there were many empty thatched cottages, basically with a small yard.

But in the end, Xiao Dao chose a relatively remote corner, blocked by a big tree, and if he didn't look carefully, he really couldn't find it.

Yonda here is said to be very bad, but does Xiaodao care!

We are short of this food!

Slave (unnamed): Strong child of the Blackbone Tribe: Level 4. Experience: 36|40. Health: 76%, Level Cap: 5.

Skills: Strong: Far stronger than ordinary children.

Status: hungry.

"You're hungry." The knife took out a piece of meat.

This made the slave look at the knife with some hesitation: "Master, this, this is for me."


Slaves are not eligible to eat meat.

Drop: Slave's favorability +10, currently: 45

"Clean our house after eating." Xiaodao waved his hand and left without paying attention.

As an adult, many places can be unrestricted.

First came to the witch's cave, where you can buy and sell items.

There is no equipment made of stone, and the worst is made of bone. Just like jade, all bone weapons are very exquisite, and there are even metal weapons.

However, the knife saw several black bones covered with lines at first glance.

War ghost pattern: Skill, seals a 30th level war ghost, can be sealed in the body, fed with blood essence, can be summoned during war. The military exploits are not enough and cannot be exchanged.

Cannibal head: Level 30, the fruit of the willow cannibal, can be parasitic, not enough combat achievements, can not be exchanged for.


Xiaodao swallowed his mouth watering, there are so many good things, but almost all of them are crooked, and they can't be bought without military achievements.

It's more ordinary than what money can buy.

Even so, the knife only has ten bone coins.

The prey was not sold, and was temporarily stored in the warehouse. The teeth of the iron-toothed mouse were glowing with metal, and it actually contained iron, so it was sold for ten bone coins.

And the iron-toothed mouse without front teeth weighs at least ten catties, and the purchase price is only five bone coins? Wouldn't it be delicious to stew by yourself?

The elite Gale Rabbit even offered a price of 1,000 bone coins, but because of its value, the knife is eaten by itself, which is absolutely nutritious.

He took out the wind crystal, which immediately aroused the old witch's interest. He was willing to buy it for a thousand bone coins, and it could also be made into witchcraft, which could permanently increase the speed of improvement.

Needless to say! When this thing is brought back to reality, if it can increase your basic ability, you must take it yourself and immediately accept the task.

Task: Wind spirit witch medicine, find the corresponding materials, which can be made into wind spirit witch medicine that can permanently increase a little agility.

Materials: Wind Crystal: 1, (existing) Wind Spirit Grass: 10 (not obtained), Beast Blood: 1 drop. (Not obtained), production cost: 1000 bone coins.

He hurried back to the warehouse and took out the prepared bone spear point!

Ordinary quality is one stone coin, good quality is two stone coins, and high-quality goods is four stone coins.

All were replaced with stone coins, and finally exceeded one hundred stone coins.

Then the deposited prey was taken out.

Take out ordinary bone meal and sprinkle it on, and use the skills to revive a level five skeleton.

Drop: Perform bone resuscitation, proficiency +1.

Skeletal skeletons followed up with their prey on their shoulders.

On the way, Xiaodao bought the first skill book for 100 stone coins, which was also a black bone with lines. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Dissection: Skill, used to decompose prey, with a slight chance to improve quality.

Back to the thatched cottage, the slave is cleaning.

"Stop for a moment, come, eat meat with me!" The knife took out the meat again.

The two people who got two points of favorability quickly ate their fill, and then Xiaodao took out two wooden spears and instructed the slave to practice together.

After Nu Xian was exhausted, seeing that he had absorbed the vitality of the world and gained three experience points, Xiaodao began to practice hard by himself.

When the slave recovered, he was fed meat again.

This time it only gave a little favorability.

But after eating and exercising until exhausted, I finally had enough experience.

As the master, he was promoted to level five under the control of Xiaodao.

Drip: Congratulations, your slave (unnamed) reached level five and got the skill column.

Tip: Once the level is online, it cannot be upgraded again.

Then Xiaodao handed over the Black Bone Skill Book Anatomy Technique.

learned it.

The muscular child slave looked at the knife in surprise, and then at the black bone, his arms trembled with excitement, and immediately shed tears.

"As for it!"

Drip: Your slave has learned to understand the planing technique, favorability +20, currently: 67.

"What's so touching, let's work." Xiaodao threw the iron-toothed mouse to him.

There is also a stone knife.

Well, it is naturally made in reality, there is no requirement for roughness, the quality of the stone knives made by the uncle is superb, surpassing the quality of fine products.

The slave immediately picked up the stone knife excitedly and got busy.

"As for being so excited?" Xiaodao shook his head.

This iron-toothed mouse has a strange appearance, and it cannot be disassembled when brought back to reality, and only Nu is the most suitable.