
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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100 Chs

beauty strikes

Chapter 10 The Beauty Attacks

At this time, the more I look at the slave, the more pleasing to the eye, I still feel a little delicate, hehe, an illusion, definitely an illusion.

The two eat meat together, practice spears, and practice resuscitation.

"Brother Dao, I finally found you. This place is really remote." A player came running out of breath.

"What's the matter with the cheap mouth?" Xiaodao asked directly when he saw the person.

"Brother Dao, I want to hang out with you in the future. If you say east, I will never go west. If you beat a dog, I will never flatter you. I am your most loyal little brother. Well, I didn't even join in the recruiting of the fraternity army." She smiled flatteringly, automatically ignoring the title of herself.

"No charge."

"Brother Dao, don't look at my mouth is broken, but I am interesting enough."

"No one will be accepted!"

"Father, just accept me and let me hang out with you. After you, you will be my own father. I will definitely be filial to you."

A black line appeared on Xiaodao's forehead, this one belonged to the shameless type of plaster, and he was super shameless, and he was willing to bow down.

"I don't accept everyone, come to me after you reach the fifteenth level." Xiaodao casually said.

"Brother Dao, just look at it, brother, I'm not a vegetarian." The cheap mouth assured.

The cheap mouth was blasted away, and one person and one slave continued to practice.

This kid's virtue is estimated to be outside the fifteenth level.


"No problem at level 15, hehe, I'm not going out to take risks, what if I die?" Chizui has his own plan, he has already received 10,000 support from the old man, and he has also received praise, becoming the only one One of the three young juniors who passed the test and became an adult hunter was rewarded with an extra 10,000 yuan. Even his cousin failed the tenth-level trial and had to start from scratch.

With 20,000 yuan, he showed that his monthly income will not be bad in the future, um, a little bragging, man!

As a result, Xiaoli successfully became her girlfriend, and everything happened so incredible and so naturally, which made the cheap mouth feel like a winner in life, and his ambition increased a lot, but he didn't take the risk of hunting, that would be too dangerous .

It was purchased directly at a sky-high price of one hundred soft sister coins and one stone coin, which was used to buy wild beast meat for cultivation, and the grinder had to be ground to level 15.

Therefore, the wealth and power displayed, and by the way, also won the hearts of the people. January 3,000 supported two professional subordinates.

This is the correct way to open up a master.

Here, the small knife that has been practiced hard, but before dark, the basic spear Xiaocheng still only increased the proficiency by 1%.

Take off the helmet, and it's a new morning.

After eating meat, he rushed out after he was full.

Running all the way not only helped digestion, but also bought two largest pressure cookers along the way, and ran back with them.

The slave is used to command, the meat has long been cut into small pieces by the slave and stored in the personal space, and now put some in the pressure cooker.

After these days of exercise, Xiaodao's physical fitness has been greatly improved, and his muscles have grown a lot. He can eat half a bowl of ordinary beast meat.

But after taking a bite of this freshly stewed top-quality beast meat, the heat rose from his stomach, as if on fire, the skin all over his body turned red, and sweat flowed down directly.

It's really strong, I don't need to drink anymore, the knife feels dizzy.

On this day, he felt that his physical fitness had improved rapidly again.

"Soon, I will go home, you heartless things, let you know how strong I am, boss!"

"It wasn't that I didn't do anything before, but that my boss used to keep a low profile."

"Hey!" Just thinking about it is satisfying.

When night comes, enter the game again, here is the morning, after Xiaodao performed a bone recovery, I ate the best beast meat with my slaves, and practiced spears together.

Di: Congratulations, after hard training, experience +1, spear proficiency +1.

Di: Congratulations, strenuous exercise has digested the vitality of the world in the beast meat, experience +8.

Sure enough, one meal is worth four meals.

In this way, eating three meals a day for digestion, plus practicing, can gain 27 points of experience, eat another meal before going to bed, and digest another 8 points of experience after sleeping.

You can get 35 experience in one day, and you need 20 experience for each level from level 5 to level 10, and your slave will be able to rise to level 10 soon.

Huh? wrong.

When Xiaodao checked the attributes of the slaves, he made a new discovery. Can he upgrade even if he doesn't have enough experience?

Slave (unnamed): Strong child of the Blackbone Tribe: Level 5. Experience: 11|20 (upgradeable). Health: 99%, Level Cap: 10.

Skills: Strong: Far stronger than ordinary tribal children.

State 1: Extreme beast meat, life recovery 4% per hour.

Status 2: Die-hard, a slave who belongs to the master physically and mentally, never betrays, and is honored with the master, and lost with the master. You can consume the experience of the slave for the consumption of the master, and you can also consume the experience of the master for the consumption of the slave.

It's interesting, Xiaodao immediately chooses to upgrade, upgrade, and upgrade again.

In one breath, upgrading the slave to level ten only consumes 100 experience points.

Now there are not many other things, we only have a lot of experience, Xiaodao still has more than 900 experience.

Because Bone Resuscitation consumes 1,000 experience to evolve into Bone Hunting Resuscitation, at this level, it needs 10,000 experience to evolve again.

Ability: Bone Hunting Resuscitation: Use the black bone tribe's secret bone powder to summon a level 20 bone hunting skeleton. can also use ordinary bone powder to summon a level 10 white bone skeleton or a level 5 dry bone skeleton. Skill evolution costs: 10000 experience.

Every time the skeleton is revived, it will make the spirit exhausted, but it can increase a little proficiency.

Drip: Congratulations, your slave (unnamed) has reached level ten and is about to become an adult, gaining a skill bar.

Reminder: Nu just needs to rest and grow as an adult, and the next time you go online, you can complete adult growth.

"Unexplainable?" Xiaodao didn't go into the details, but the slave can grow taller at the tenth level, and he has to change his strategy when he becomes an adult. He can't be kept in the house as a servant, and he will be taken to hunt tomorrow.

Diehard fans can rest assured and are not afraid of exposing their cards.

Yes, just do it.

Therefore, Xiaodao also upgraded himself, consuming 500 experience, and upgraded from level ten to level fifteen.

It can be regarded as the level of the old hunter, and after that, the first level needs 300 experience? The leap is really big, there are only more than 400 experience left, so don't worry.

Tianyang appeared in the sky, and a new day began.

Knife got up from the bed in the hut.

Slave, why haven't you come back yet?

Walk out of the hut and look at the surrounding scenery.

A figure is running towards here.

Although he was wearing low-quality animal skins, his graceful figure immediately attracted Xiaodao's attention.

So beautiful, she looks like a player at first glance, how rare is there a female player? He also completed the tenth level trial, how did he come here.

"Master, I'm back." The crisp voice sounded, making Xiao Dao stunned?

He looked around, no one else?


Looking at the beauty again, it's so beautiful!

Then Xiao Dao froze, completely unable to believe it.