
I Can Absorb Animal Abilities

What would you do if you could get a second chance at life? This is a fresh new start for Grim. But, he has to start from the bottom in this life. Join the adventure as our main character starts as an ant and crawls his way to the top through various reincarnations and tries to live his life differently this time.

Egg_In_a_Shell · Fantasy
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103 Chs

Polar Opposites

"I'll take it as progress since it didn't vanish like before. However, I'll need to try it with better-suited elements instead."

He pondered. "The 'fire' element will overpower any basic elements. So I'll try merging with other elements that use the 'fire' element as the base."

"I only have three elements except for the basic elements, 'ice' element, 'lightning' element, and 'life' element. Among them, only the 'lightning' element is associated with the 'fire' element. So I'll have to focus on the 'lightning' and the 'fire' element."

'Fire Domain'

A fiery domain extended 2.5 kilometers(1.5 miles), forming embers within.

'Lightning Domain'

The domain extended 1.5 kilometers(0.9 miles), and tiny lightning sparks materialized.

Soon, the sparks and embers clashed.

"Not this again."

The development alarmed him. Clashes usually end with a victor, so he didn't want the friction to occur. However, it was out of his control.

As previously, the 'Lightning domain' tried to snuff out the 'Fire' domain, but his mastery of the 'Fire' element was a level above the 'Lightning' element.

In addition, the 'Fire' element was the base of the 'Lightning' element, so the 'Lightning domain' couldn't exert much pressure.

The embers began to empower the lightning sparks-heating the sparks even more. The sudden increase in heat resulted in tiny lightning bolts, catching him off-guard.

"We can do that?" He was taken aback.

He examined the lightning bolts, and somehow they felt different. They were more scalding than before. So he gave it a go.


Around a dozen lightning bolts materialized before him. Despite his distance, his skin was burned.


The bolts lunged ahead and bombarded the frozen wastelands, resulting in giant puddles. However, he only discovered six puddles.

"So half of the bolts vanished."


"The domain is unstable, but on the bright side, the temperature and destructive power of the ability has doubled."

However, on the negative side, lightning bolts can heat up to 27,760 ºC(50,000 ºF). So Grim had to endure double the temperature while using the 'Storm'. The lightning bolts only lasted a few milliseconds, but it was enough to burn him if he was too close.

He had successfully merged the two domains, but it was unstable, and he felt like more improvement was possible.

"Even with the assistance of my second crystal, my body can only withstand temperatures up to 6,000 ºC(10,832 ºF). However, the lightning bolts can get 10x hotter. Despite the low chances of getting struck by my ability, I'll have to increase my resistance to fire."



His 80% Qi reserve vanished, and a clone was summoned.


Both the 'Fire' and 'Lightning' domains were canceled.

The clone understood his thoughts.

'Fire Domain'

'Lightning Domain'

The clone activated two domains at once. Soon, the two domains began clashing.

The domains reached tranquility a few minutes later.

The location lacked any fiery aura for absorption, so he decided to use the most effective way.


Multiple lightning bolts emerged before the clone.


Bam! Bam! Bam!

The bolts struck around him, causing the temperature rise, and injuring him. Grim only wanted to increase his resistance to the fire, so he decided to use the 'wear and tear' process to adapt to the heat.

'Life Flux'

The injuries started healing.

He yelled. "Again"

The clone followed his order.


The lightning bolts struck around Grim again.

'Life Flux'


The process continued for an entire day. However, he couldn't even feel a slight improvement.

He began to ponder. "Why is there no improvement? Could my method be wrong?"

He was exhausted, and so was his Qi. So he decided to take a rest and let his Qi recover.


The next day

He got up with a grin.


'Fire Domain'

Lightning Domain'

The clone activated both domains.


He was about to lunge the lightning bolts toward him.

Grim ordered. "Attack continuously this time."

The clone nodded in response.

Soon, the bolts made their way around him.

'Life Flux'


Another batch of lightning bolts appeared around him before the previous one could dissipate.

A chain was formed, and the temperature started rising. The temperature was bearable for a few seconds, and the heal could keep up with the injury.

However, it got more demanding as the time passed.


Grim screamed in agony at a minute mark.

The clone stopped the ability immediately.


A charred body fell.

The clone rushed toward Grim and saw his charred body. His body had suffered from the fourth-degree burn.

He murmured. "Life Flux"

Soon, his body started regenerating. New tissues started regenerating while the burnt tissues fell off.

His body fully recovered an hour later.


"There's no improvement again."

Grim asked the clone. "How long did I last?"

"One minute." replied the clone.

He was dumbfounded. "Huh? How much did you say?"

The clone replied sarcastically. "A minute or sixty seconds."

He yelled. "That's it??? I was charred down in a minute?"

He muttered. "No wonder there was no improvement."

"Alright, let's think of something else." He began to think of new ideas.


A few hours later

"I've got it."

Grim stood up

"I can't even last for a minute. So, what if I absorb the 'icy' aura to combat the heat?"


"I'm such a genius." He started bragging.

He yelled. "Again"

The clone followed his order and activated both domains.


He was ready with the lightning bolts.

The heat within the domains dissipated the 'icy' aura. So Grim flew toward the edge of the domain to absorb the aura from beyond.

'Moonlight Storm'

The 'icy' aura began to seep into his body. However, he didn't use any other ability to counter the aura.

He yelled. "Now"

The clone discharged lightning bolts toward him continuously, forming a chain.

The temperature started to rise around him.

Without the help of 'Glaciate', the 'icy' aura started to freeze his insides while the extreme heat tried to roast him from the outside.

Soon, a battle ensued between two opposites, and his muscles were the battlefield. One would freeze from the insides while the other would heat from the outside, causing both effects to be neutralized.

Unbeknownst to Grim, a miracle was taking place inside his body.

[Evo points left: 9,534,750]

We've reached a hundred chapters. It feels surreal to me.

I would like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for reading this novel.

Also, I would like to apologize for the recent short chapters. Currently, I'm going through a lot, so I can't bring myself to write longer chapters. Thank you for understanding.

Once again, thank you everyone for reading my creation. I hope this novel has brought joy to you.

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