
I Can Absorb Animal Abilities

What would you do if you could get a second chance at life? This is a fresh new start for Grim. But, he has to start from the bottom in this life. Join the adventure as our main character starts as an ant and crawls his way to the top through various reincarnations and tries to live his life differently this time.

Egg_In_a_Shell · Fantasy
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103 Chs

Horrors of the deep

Now that he was at Archon level 1, he could imprint one more element to his crystal.

"I can imprint other elements too." He decided to imprint thunder because it was the only element he had.

Grim started imprinting 'thunder' in his first crystal. To his surprise, there was no change in the color of the crystal.

However, he could feel his affinity with the 'thunder' improving rapidly.


He came out of the ruins lively. He was full of energy.

"Status Open" He decided to check his status to observe changes in the archon realm.

[Status: ]

Host Name: Grim

Species: Birds Of Prey (Aquila chrysaetos - Golden Eagle)

Cultivation: Archon Realm level 1

Life Span: 55 Years

Special Abilities:

[Innate Ability: Breeze (can cruise up to a speed of 1500 kmph for 20 minutes)]

Storm -major- (can be used as a ranged attack)

Slipstream -major- (allows you to track a target within an area of 15 km)

Poison Resistance -major- (develops resistance against milder poison)

Water Blade -minor-(launches a blade made up of water)

Dash – major – (triples your speed for 4 minutes)

Earth Shield -major-(creates barrier from earth elements)

Ability from the previous Reincarnation:

Iron Scale -major- (hardens your skin to the extreme)

Poisonous Attack -major- (can release poison with each attack)

Distort -major-(allows you to become completely invisible for 30 minutes)

Compact -growth- (can strengthen body up to 30 times)(growth)

Regeneration -Major- (can heal major injuries)

[Remaining Evo points: 40000 ]

[Second Reincarnation ]

Some of his abilities had gone through a groundbreaking change.

He could cruise at a speed of 1500 kmph (932 mph or 1.2 mach) using 'breeze'. That's 1.2 times the speed of sound.

If he stacked 'dash' on top of it, he could cruise up to 4500 kmph (2796 mph or 3.6 mach).

"It's starting to get ridiculous now." He couldn't get his head around the numbers.

The next ability to upgrade was 'slipstream'. Now, he could track his enemies as far as 15 km.

The final ability was 'compact'. He could strengthen his body up to 30 times now.

He took off after examining his abilities.

"Now, even if I face those beasts from the forest, I can ensure my safety."

He wanted to know the reason behind all the events happening in the forest.

He flew to the forest.

He could see the beasts, and the beasts could also see him.

They released aura in the hopes of forcing him down, but it didn't work. Although his body was heavy from all the pressure, he could still fly swiftly.

He couldn't find any clue in the forest. So, he decided to head deeper region of the forest.

"I know this is a stupid decision. But, I need to know what is in the deep forest that's scaring these beasts away."

He wanted to know the identity of the beast. So, he could prepare properly for the future.

He cruised at top speed toward the south. He could see the edge of the deeper region of the forest.

Just when he was about to enter, he saw a silhouette.

It had two giant eyes. Its wings were at least a kilometer long, and its body length was about 20 kilometers.

He could feel chills running down his spine. His instincts were screaming to run away as soon as possible.

Just when he was about to turn to flee, he could feel the space around him freezing.

"Breeze" He flapped his wings. However, he was floating in the same spot.

"Dash" His speed had tripled, yet he was still in the same spot. He felt like he had fallen inside a quicksand.

"Compact" He strengthened his body by 30 times. But, he still could not move an inch from the location.

Grim kept trying every ability he had. However, nothing worked.

He was getting desperate with every passing second.

He could feel its eyes slowly rotating toward him.

Despair was taking over his mind.

He had never felt so powerless.

Grim had fought against strong foes countless times.

But the word 'strong' could not describe the beast he was facing right now. He felt like a 'mortal facing a god'.

With every second passing, he fell deeper into despair.

Its eyes had finally landed on him after an agonizing 30 seconds. As soon as the eyes landed on him, his mind went blank.

His consciousness faded to black quickly.

He had been annihilated just from a gaze.

The world would feel its horrors in the future.

This is the final chapter of the eagle arc.

If you are wondering why he made that decision, it was so he can get the information and he could use the information to his advantage next time.

And also I didn't want the story to drag on with limited location.

I would like to thank you all for reading.

I have an announcement to make:

"I will be decreasing the numbers of chapters in a day. I will try my best to release 2 chapters a day" depending on my health.

Egg_In_a_Shellcreators' thoughts