
I can absorb Anger Infinitely

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AshKing_007 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Purchasing the Shaoyin Sword Sutra

On the central stand.

Liu Xinghe sat at the end, and he had been paying close attention to Li Xuan's movements.

According to his plan, Li Xuanbacheng would be defeated by the outer disciples in the first round.

If it is an ordinary outer disciple, if you lose one, you are not eligible to compete.

But Li Xuan was a miscellaneous disciple, and in order to better let the elders of the outer gate see his performance, he could appoint someone from the miscellaneous dean to fight Li Xuan again.

At that time, Liu Xinghe will let Lin Wen take action and abolish Li Xuan.

What a perfect plan.

Liu Xinghe had already thought of the scene of Li Xuan's hands and feet being abolished and kneeling in front of him begging for mercy.

But suddenly.

I saw Li Xuan swinging his sword, without any tricks, and a sword stabbed Zhao Long's shoulder.

With a click, Zhao Long's sword fell on the ring.

"How... Possible? Zhao Long felt the pain in his shoulder, and he couldn't accept this reality.

Before you can amplify the move, you lose?

Among the outer disciples, there were not too many people who originally paid attention to this competition between Zhao Long and Li Xuan, and in their eyes, a congenital realm to condense qi was really nothing to look at.

But suddenly an outer disciple exclaimed, "No, Zhao Long was actually defeated by that miscellaneous disciple?"

This sentence is like a boulder dropped on the calm lake.

Suddenly, all the outer disciples set their sights on the ring where Li Xuan and Zhao Long were.

Li Xuan's sword was still in his hand, and the tip of the sword was not deep into Zhao Long's shoulder.

But there is no doubt that Li Xuan won.

Just one move to win.

"How is that possible? All the outer disciples had such a question in their minds.

On the central stand, Liu Xinghe saw the scene just now, and he couldn't help but rub his eyes, "How is it possible?"

In the

ring, Li Xuan withdrew his long sword.

He let out a long sigh, "I originally thought that the outer disciples were very strong, but I didn't expect that... Hehe! These

two hehe, endless contempt.

Zhao Long's face turned red, and with a wow, he directly spat out a large mouthful of blood and fainted.

[Ding, absorb the anger value from Zhao Long +20]

[The host's current anger value is 511 points. ]

Li Xuan couldn't help but complain, this is so angry that he vomited blood, only 20 points of anger value?

It seems that Xue Mao still has to find a master.

If Zhao Long heard this, it was estimated that he would have to vomit a few more mouthfuls of blood after waking up.

"Li Xuansheng, Miscellaneous Courtyard! The referee announced.

Li Xuan turned around and walked off the ring, just now he heard that the anger value was already 511 points, and he couldn't wait to go to the system mall to change a martial art.

"Brother Xuan, when did you learn martial arts? Fang Xing asked.

"Which special has martial arts, I used the movements on the "Basic Sword Art Introduction Instructions", but I didn't expect Zhao Long to be so dish, and he couldn't catch a single move. Li Xuan replied.

Fortunately, Zhao Long had already been carried down, otherwise he would have vomited two mouthfuls of blood when he heard this.

A flash of surprise flashed in Fang Xuan's eyes, and then he stretched out his thumb and praised: "Brother Xuan, a rotten street sword spectrum can be trained by you so well." "

Li Xuan didn't have the strength to brag with him.

He found a corner to sit down and opened the system mall in his heart.

The Shaoyin Sword Sutra is worth 500 points.

The Nanhua Sword Spectrum is worth 500 points.

"Flame Xuangong" anger value is 500 points.

The anger of "Three Talents Sword Technique" is worth 500 points.


Exercises and martial arts are divided into five levels: yellow, xuan, earth, heaven, and god.

Each grade has three grades: upper, middle, and lower.

For example, Li Xuan's cultivation of qi channeling technique belongs to the lower grade of the Yellow Order.

He can now see the yellow-order exercises and martial arts in the system mall, and the others are gray, probably because Li Xuan's own cultivation is not enough to be displayed.

Gongfa martial arts, whether it is the upper grade or the lower grade, all of them are 500 anger points, which made Li Xuan a little surprised.

In theory, it must be the best of the top grade.

But it also depends on the person, only what suits you is the best.

Li Xuan thought about it and planned to buy the Shaoyin Sword Sutra of the Yellow Rank Middle Grade, and he also had his own considerations for doing so.

If he had enough time, he would definitely choose the martial arts of the Yellow Rank Upper Grade, and then use the god-level accelerator to cultivate.

But he doesn't have that much time now, and he could face more formidable opponents at any time.

Not everyone is as easy to send off as Zhao Long's silly fork.

The higher the grade martial art, the more spiritual energy it must consume to cultivate, and Li Xuan was worried that he would faint directly after choosing the Grade Gong to activate the accelerator.

When the time comes, it will be more than a fart.

"Buy the Shaoyin Sword Sutra," he meditated in his heart.

[Ding, the purchase of the Shaoyin Sword Sutra is successful, and it costs the host 500 anger points. [

The host's current anger value is 11 points.] ]

[Friendly reminder to the host, the martial arts purchased in the mall can be directly placed on the god-level accelerator to accelerate. Hearing

the last sentence of the system, Li Xuan's heart was ecstatic.

He hurriedly tried it, and used his mind to open the Shaoyin Sword Sutra and activate the god-level accelerator at the same time.

With a feeling of dizziness, the virtual shadow appeared in his mind and began to practice his sword.

Fortunately, I chose the Yellow Rank mid-grade martial arts, and the aura in my body could barely hold up, Li Xuan said in his heart.

Fang Xing saw Li Yao sit down and went to sleep.

He thought it was strange.

Just now, Li Xuan and Zhao Long competed, and they didn't fight much? You can now take a look at the competitions of other outer disciples.

Familiarizing yourself with their moves will definitely be good for the later competition.

Isn't it overconfident to sleep here as soon as you come?

However, Fang Xuan did not disturb Li Xuan's sleep.

This time, more than 100 disciples from the outer sect participated in the competition.

10 rings, you have to play more than 10 rounds.

Fortunately, the efficiency of everyone's competition is very high, basically three or two moves can distinguish the victory and defeat, and it is rare to see the kind of fight scenes where you come and go.

Finally, an hour later.

The first round of the outer disciples was all over, and the 54 disciples who won would compete in the previous round today.

On the wooden card, the names of both sides of the competition were quickly posted.

"Brother Xuan, don't sleep, go and see who your opponent is. Fang Xing reminded.

Li Xuan stretched out and rubbed his eyes again, looking like he had just woken up.

Just now, his Shaoyin Sword Sutra had already cultivated to the level of proficiency in the first glimpse of the door.

I have to say that the Shaoyin Sword Sutra is a martial art that has entered the grade in the end, and it has not been cultivated to the peak once.

"Are you going to fight again so soon? Li Xuan asked.

Fang Xuan glanced at Li Xuan with great contempt, and secretly said that you have slept for an hour, and if you don't fight, you will have dinner.

The two walked to the wooden sign, and Li Xuan found his name.

Li Xuan, 9th order of the Condensation Qi Realm.

Qian Dong, Innate Realm Level 2.

Obviously, Qian Dong was his opponent in the second game.