
I can't use any common skills!

My name is Dae-Seong, my mother gave me this name for me so that I might succeed in life but that was until the gates appeared. My mother died from one of the monsters that came out of the gate and my father died when I was young, so I had to live with my grandparents. 10 years after the accident, humanity adapted and people awakened powers and awakened people can learn common skills. Common skills are learnable skills and are very important for awakens and some awakens get unique abilities and are said to be 100x more powerful than common skills but all unique abilities has disadvantages. And I recieved the unique ability, I thought I was lucky but then the disadvantage showed up, "Can't Learn Common Skills". Everybody knew that a unique ability was strong but a person who couldn't learn common skills was useless even with a unique ability. So I was treated as trash because with my ability there was limit and everybody else didn't, until my ability appeared, the "Skill Creation System". It allowed me to create unique skills that were 10x stronger than a normal skill but of course at a price of system points. This ability changes my life around, come and read the story to see how it happens. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Disclaimer: The Cover for this Novel is mine, it was made by AinsT1ck

CetusWritings · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Multiple Reawakenings - [ Chapter - 47 ]

After hearing what Leo said everyone except him was shocked it seemed like he didn't tell anyone and just brought them over here just like me, so then Leo continued on talking about this crisis.

And Leo explained that there are parts of the world that are becoming perfect habitats for the monsters and they might become permanent animals of our ecosystem.

He also said that some normal animals have become stronger and have grown mana inside there body but he said we don't need to worry since the tamer type hunters dealt with it and it might help us defend against the monsters.

And for the final news he gave to use, it was that a permanent gate with intelligent creatures has opened and we were able to communicate with each other and we became allies with them.

Everyone was shocked by this new because everyone knew if there was one gate that had intelligent creatures there could be more and they might not be so friendly as the first one we found.

But the intelligent creatures we made an alliance is called the "Dragon Newts" and they never break a pact or promise so we didn't have to worry about them and their fire power would definitely help us against other enemies.

Because of what everything Leo said, it sounded lik humanity only had a little hope but he paused before he explained the good news so it sounded like it was over and made everyone's morale low.

And so after that Leo finally explained the good news, and it was that we can forcefully awaken people and there was no recorded side effects, so all the countries' military could become awakened and trained.

The process was also pretty simple itself, it was found when an ordinary citizen accidentally passed through one of the permanent A-rank Dungeons that was already cleared while he was having a quarrel.

And so the citizen was pushed in and he was forcefully awakened and they saw that any A-rank dungeon or above could forcefully awaken a normal human being through the high concentration of mana being in the air of the dungeon.

And countries that haven't gotten any A-rank dungeons or above tried creating an artificial version of the high concentration of mana but because the need of mana was too high they weren't able to fully complete it however there were a few that succeeded.

There were also some cases that a hunter reawakened when they passed through the gate and all of them ranked up by one rank, so that itself was pretty good too but I already passed through an S-rank Dungeon.

And nothing happened so I tried creating a skill for a perfect reawakening while Leo was still talking and when it was created I reawakened instantly and everyone saw this and looked directly at me.

So while they were looking at me I took the chance and upgraded the skill to legendary rank and now it was called "5th Reawkened", and more reawakening light kept appearing and everyone was even more shocked.

While they were looking I just decided to ignore it and check what did I get for doing that and saw that all my abilities and skills strength were 5x stronger than before so it was definitely better worth being seen like that.

Then after a while Leo went to check on me and noticed that my mana improved by a substantial amount increase in mana and he looked like he wanted to dissect me and figure out what happened.

I told him I felt dizzy so I was going to the bathroom and after going into the bathroom, I immediately went into the sub-space and after that and called out Bolt to see if there were any changes in the system.

And when Bolt came out he looked more high tech and the systems rank was still at F-rank but it was this powerful, then after a while of checking the new stuff in the system, Bolt started to talk more smoothly.

[Bzz, Hello Host! You've reawakened 5 times and this allowed the system to be upgraded numerous times and you have received a substantial reward for doing so!]

Then I went and check what was the reward and I saw that there were 5 Copy Ability Tickets, 5 Upgrade Tickets and 1 Extra Life ticket, I recieved a brand new ticket so I was so excited and found out I can give anyone an extra life.

So that was really cool and I decided that I wanted to upgrade the system two times and so the system became a D-rank ability and after that I received two more rewards for upgrading the system's rank.

I got another copy ticket and a whole lot of points, and after that I went back to the board meeting with Leo and the others and when I came back, Leo finished explaining everything.

So I asked if it was over but Leo said we were introducing ourselves to each other, and while this was happening it felt like I was back in kindergarten and we were just introducing ourselves.

And when it was my turn to introduce myself, I gave my name, fake power, age and other stuff and during this I felt like I wanted to die because of the embarassment of introducing myself.

Then after that he now explained what role each of use have in his plan to take care of the dungeons, and I was assign as a damage dealer and I was really excited because I was like in a team of elites.


[Skill Panel]

[Name: Dae-Seong]

[Common Rank Skills: None ]

[Uncommon Rank Skills: None ]

[Rare Rank Skills: "Blink", "Master's Sense", "Mini Magic Turrets", "Weapon Mastery", "Grand Mage's Knowledge", "Angel's Eye", "Medium Body", "Shadow Territory", "Speedy Body", "Heavenly Demonic Body", "Auto Translate", Thunder's Call", "Atomic Maintenance", "Mimicry", "QI Sense", "Soul Slash"]

[Epic Rank Skills: "Worldly Cooking", "Advance Food Critic", "Unique Nergy Cooking", "True Heavenly Yin-Yang Body", "Prince Of Luck", "Diamond Energy Body", Sub-Space World", "Pure Heart Body", "Moon Stream", "Gravity Magic", "Umbra Magic", "Heka", "Mageía Tis Ékrixis Xéspase", "Materialization", "Martial Sword", "Parállilos Nous", "Mastered QI Body", "Reinforcement", "Max Coding Knowledge", "Training x100", "Close Combat Magic"]

[Legendary Rank Skills: "All QI Mastery", "Dragon's Flight", "Grand Alchemist's Body and Knowledge", "Unstoppable Regeneration", "Spirit Summoner", "Frozen Authority", "Foresight", "Heavenly Demon Breaking Energy Combination Art", "Golem King", "God's Blacksmith", "Elemental Sword Style", "Sword Saint QI and Style", "God's Healing", "5th Reawakned"]

[Mythical Rank Skills: "Death's Rule" "Ruler's Domain", "Ancient Perfected Mana and Magic Body", "1 Million Grand Martial Techniques", "Growth Transcendence", "Heavenly Lightning", "Heavenly Thunder Body".]


[Ability Panel]

[ F: None ]

[ E: None]

[ D: "Moon's Knight", "Skill Creation System V3"]

[ C: None ]

[ B: "Golem Master", "Power Muscle Maximization" ]

[ A: "True Void Body and Knowledge", "Chronos's Authority", "Perfect Grand Mage's Body", "Magic Mechanic's Body and Knowledge V5"]

[ S: None ]

[ SS: "Unique Immortal Magic Sword QI Perfected Body" ]

[ SSS: "The Cloud God's Body And Domination" ]

[ Ex: None ]
