
Episode 1

"Akari!"the boss called out for her.

"Yes boss?"

"The restaurant is gonna get busy today since it is a special day for people. Will you be able to keep up with the work?"

"Of course boss! Count on me!"Akari keeping her hand on her chest confidently.

"If you say so."the boss sighed.

While doing the work.



"Please deliver this to table A1!"


"Hurry up Akari! We got more customers!"


The day went busy and everybody was exhausted.

"Akari....?"her friend called her with a sigh.

"Yes?"Akari responded smiling.

"You must be tired because we have been ordering you around more than anyone."

"Nah! Its not a problem! Boss told me to do the work more since he trusted me. He said he will pay 15% extra if I work."Akari responded with a confident smile.

"I see. Good for you! Atleast your hard work paid off."


After cleaning up all the dishes and cleaning the floor.

"I'll be going back now guys! See you tomorrow!"

"Okay! See you tomorrow!"

While walking down the street.

"Hah....how exhausting. I work from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm and I get 40,000 yen only.....I got 34,500,000 yen to pay my debt, the water bill, house rent....life is hard."

After she gets back home.

"Lets just cook and have food. Then I will watch some movies and then....I will sleep at 10:30."

She finishes all her work and goes to bed.

"Oh its still 9:30...lets just watch some movies...."

After watching movie for a while.

"I wanted to watch more but I am feeling so sleepy...." sleeping away.