
I Can't Decide My Own Class?!

My life has ended - bummer. But, in a strange stroke of luck, I've been reincarnated into a fantasy world! It's almost like a video game - I've even got a strange voice in my head telling me how to use my powers and level up! Wait, now there are two voices...and I'm a mage?! A third - and I'm a thief?! The first one's back - AND I'M A CHARISMA BUILD?!

MinisculeAlias · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Side Quest: Complete!

"...Experience threshold reached. Level advanced to 9."

No, that was not a mistake. I did, in fact, level up 3 times from that encounter, which was now considered "won."

I was, also, currently slumped in a heap on the side of the road, desperately waiting for my ability to process a single thought to return.

"H-holy shit," I stammered as the onslaught finally seemed over. "I guess, if she gives me XP for stupid things, an actual accomplishment would give a ton!" I felt almost like I was drunk, with how light-headed I was.

The construct - now, by all appearances, under my control - waited patiently at the center of the road. It hadn't moved a muscle since it had been tamed.

How DID it get tamed? I wasn't exactly sure. My thoughts right before it fell under my control may have had something to do with it, but if that were the case, and even a non-living entity was susceptible, why didn't my initial Intimidate work?

"Oh," I said aloud as I got to my feet. I tried to piece together what I was thinking. I remembered back to my experiments with the Lightning spell: incantations, no. Visualization, yes. Meanwhile, in stark contrast, were my experiences as a chef: Visualizations, impossible. Incantations, (apparently) necessary.

"I guess there really are two different types," I concluded with a shrug. So maybe my ability list, which was originally my spell list, was actually my...everything list? "Hmm...Penta did say something about Tamer and attack 'skills.' Maybe that's the word I'm looking for?"

Skill list it is, then.

"Now, what to do about...this," I said to no one in particular, gesturing vaguely toward the stone animal still standing motionless in the road. It had moved so little that I was starting to wonder if it really was just dead.

"Move over there!" I commanded, throwing a hand out dramatically. The beast immediately came back to life and moved silently over to the indicated spot, on the other side of the road. "Good," I continued, "now come back over here!" I thought to myself instead, and was pleased to see the construct move all the same. No verbalization was required.

I was sure there were many, many things I needed to iron out - such as how long this would last, for one - but, for now, it represented a powerful tool in my arsenal. So much so, that the kobold quest seemed laughable in comparison.

"I almost want it to be a huge infestation now," I thought arrogantly to myself, patting the boulder-beast on the top of its head. The stone was as rough and unfriendly to the touch as it looked.

I looked from side to side, thinking. Then, a moment later, I hopped onto the construct's back as if it were a horse - and it easily withstood my weight.

"Nice!" I grinned from ear to ear. For now, my transportation needs were a thing of the past.

For now, until the spell wore off and this thing killed me in a single strike.

"Your name is 'Rockford' from now until the moment I think of something better. Now, onwards!"

Rockford immediately set off at a moderate pace - I didn't know exactly how close we were to Slyrest and didn't want anyone seeing me on this thing, after all. I kept my eyes peeled for any travelers on the path, and, when we encountered some, directed my stony companion to disappear off the road until the coast was clear again.

Our progress was steady, and before long, the sight of a town - with walls, no less - was within sight. I directed Rockford off to the side before we got too close, and intended on keeping him hidden in the brush until I sorted things out in town. The last thing I wanted was to encounter the injured woman while riding atop the thing that attacked her. They might've thought the entire thing was a scam or something...

"Boy, I hope this doesn't have an effective range or something," I thought darkly as I got off of Rockford and looked toward the town. I directed the stone beast to lay flat against the ground, just in case, and to remain there until I returned. Given its artificial nature, I hoped that maybe the order would be retained even should it be freed from my control. Maybe then, it would reserve its return to violence for me and me alone.

"This is a lot of guesswork, but it will have to do."

I set off in the direction of the town, approaching the gates. Although the walls suggested the town was not as removed from violence as Troph, its gates were left wide open, and were only loosely staffed by what appeared to be guards. Formal induction did not seem necessary, so I was able to pass into town without incident.

"Maybe they'd be more inclined to keep things shut if they knew what happened down the road..."

Actually, why DIDN'T they know what happened? The woman who was attacked should've been back by now. Did she take shelter somewhere along the road? I wasn't exactly on the lookout, but I didn't recall seeing her.

My heart sank. Was she still in danger? Perhaps, she had succumbed to her injuries?

"Listen, you have to listen to me! I know what I saw!"

The sounds of a commotion, not far from the gate, drew my attention.

"Lady, please! I know you're in pain, but you need to calm down!" another voice replied to the first, and as I came into view, I saw two armed guards being accosted by the woman I was just worried about. Her child meandered nearby, seemingly unaffected by the ordeal. I felt relief, but also confusion.

"He's still out there, he needs your help! You need to send a squad out, or...or do we have any adventurers in town?!"

Ah. She's doing this for my benefit. Good to know that, had I been in a tough spot, reinforcements would NOT be coming.

"Ah, you made it!" I called as I approached, waving at the woman as if I had come across an old friend. Her face, covered in desperate tears, froze in surprise. "It's good to see you're alright!"

"You...its you...! You're ok!" she stammered, the relief clear across her features. Her child, meanwhile, continued to pluck at something on the ground, uncaring. Ungrateful little...

"You were the one she spoke of?" the guard asked, turning away from the woman - who had finally released him - and faced me, his hands on his hips. "The one who saved her from the monster made of stone?"

"Uh...yes. I guess that's me," I replied with a shrug. The two guards' eyes widened.

"That...are you sure that's what you two saw? A living statue? What-what happened to it?"

"I defeated it," I said simply. The thought crossed my mind of saying something to the effect of 'don't worry, it has been made my thrall!' but I decided against it. Too many questions, many of them complicated.

The two guards looked even more surprised. The woman, meanwhile, smiled widely.

"Are you...an adventurer? What's your name?"

"I am!" I replied proudly, puffing out my chest. "My name is Rhys Mephiston, you'd do well to remember it!"

"Mephiston...I haven't heard that name before. What rank are you?"

This was the first I'd heard of adventurer 'rank,' but the concept didn't exactly surprise me.

"Well..." I began, kicking absently at some rocks. "I'm actually on my entry exam right now, haha."

The guards seemed alarmed. The woman laughed.

"Objective fulfilled: Rescue the innocent. Objective fulfilled: Complete a side quest."