
I Can't Decide My Own Class?!

My life has ended - bummer. But, in a strange stroke of luck, I've been reincarnated into a fantasy world! It's almost like a video game - I've even got a strange voice in my head telling me how to use my powers and level up! Wait, now there are two voices...and I'm a mage?! A third - and I'm a thief?! The first one's back - AND I'M A CHARISMA BUILD?!

MinisculeAlias · Fantasy
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25 Chs

I Want To Be an Adventurer!

After a significant upgrade to our morning meal, we were finally ready to head to the Adventurer's Guild.

Not much was said about the how and the why of what I had done. The children certainly asked no shortage of questions, with Leo seemingly attempting to understand, while Nia would only chime in if the topic seemed sufficiently interesting, but there was only so much I could say. I made it clear this was due to not really understanding the process myself, to dispel any notions that I was hiding things from them.

Leo did not seem entirely convinced, but seemed more focused on figuring it out for himself. Nia took what I said at face value, naturally.

Damien, meanwhile, asked no questions at all. I felt like this was not the first time he'd encountered something strange, even if it wasn't exactly this.

"You've really never seen anything like this before?" I had asked him, to confirm that this process was not the norm. He nodded.

"Unfortunately, this is the first I've seen of the 'puff of smoke' style of cooking." He let out another boisterous laugh.

Before leaving, I offered to use my abilities on anything else they may have squirreled away. Leo and Nia quickly proposed a timeout while they searched for more in the city, having nothing in supply themselves, but the idea was quickly dashed by Damien.

"We'll have leftovers for a while yet," he explained, "should we control ourselves, that is." He looked pointedly at Nia.

Indeed, they had not eaten everything that I had produced from the material the demi-human had provided.

The experience had also taught me a few things - like how I was able to produce a dish based on a fruit I hadn't even known the name of. It seemed the process was independent of my own knowledge of the given food, or the dishes made from it, which was, naturally, pointed out by Penta in the form of experience.


"You already gave me a store-opening challenge."


Ignoring the voices in my head, I indicated to Damien that I was ready to go. Naturally, Nia took the lead, being well aware of how to get there. Leo came with us, as well - it seemed the boy was at least somewhat invested now, and not completely hostile.

The trek through the seedier parts of Athelens was as nigh-incomprehensible as it was when Nia initially brought me. I was expecting the route to be a little more coherent due to Damien's presence, but he followed Nia's path to a T - apparently, this was just how you got to and from their hideout.

In time, our surroundings grew more familiar, and soon we were back in the market district, not far from the gates. I was going to be pissed if it was here all this time...

But, it was not to be - Nia took off down another street leading deeper into the city, and pretty soon we were leaving the district all together. Thankfully, the Guild hadn't been right under my nose.

"It's not far, now," Damien commented after we ascended further into the capital. We were not at the top, but about midway up the tiered substructure of Athelens - it made sense for the Adventurers to be situated here, I noted, given that the profession allowed for both wild riches and mundane living, depending on your ability.

I was beginning to worry, however. I had not solved the glaring issue left to me concerning my entrance as an Adventurer:

I was still a god damn chef.

We ascended another small staircase and already I could see an impressive-looking structure emerge from further up.

"Look, there it is!" Nia confirmed, pointing.

"You're right!" Leo called as he caught up with Nia. The boy's eyes were wide with admiration, but when he looked back at Damien and I, he suddenly had a mix of confusion and fear about his features.

"W-what happened to your weird outfit? And what is that?!" the boy cried, pointing directly at...me.

"What? I-oh. Oh no."

I knew even without looking that my outfit was different. My weapon, too. And, most importantly, my class.

"Hah! You're just full of surprises, aren't you lad?" Damien laughed, clearly more amused than anything else.

This was the first time I had been noticed changing like this...

Lastly, Nia looked back. Her eyes widened as she noticed the change, but her wide smile quickly returned.

"Woah, cool! You even look like an adventurer now! How'd you change so fast?!"

"I...uh...I don't know what to say."

I was wearing what appeared to be leather armor, now, and I did indeed look more the part of an adventurer like this. As well, the butcher's knife at my side had been replaced with what appeared to be a bullwhip. Taking out my card with a sigh, I looked to the status area.

"Class: Tamer."

"That's...surprisingly vague," I commented mentally, frowning. The class archetype was not unfamiliar to me, but wouldn't it be something like...'beast tamer,' or 'monster tamer'? Did this mean I could tame...anything? Or was I overthinking it?

"You maybe want to call off the trip to the Guild while you figure this out?" Damien offered, watching my face intently. He probably noticed my confusion.

"No, no," I said with a resigned sigh. "It won't get any better, trust me. I might as well just keep going."

Damien tilted his head and shrugged his shoulders.

"Your call, boss."

We pressed on. I noticed Leo throwing glances my way as we walked - I had a feeling he had MANY more questions he wanted to ask, but didn't. Nia and Damien seemed oddly comfortable with all of the weirdness, so I figured Leo's reaction was more akin to a normal one.

I stood at the entrance to the Adventurer's Guild, took a breath, and pushed my way inside.

The interior was impressive, but...unsurprising. Anyone at least a little familiar with the words 'Adventurer's Guild' could have guessed what lay inside: a large gathering-hall-type building, with tables like a tavern, a reception desk like a hotel, and a massive board at the back filled to the brim with tacked-on notes. There was a second floor, as well, leading into separate rooms that probably served some administrative purpose.

The place was filled with adventuring types - most were socializing over food and drink, while a few more serious-looking ones were perusing the board or talking to the people that stood behind the desk.

"Look at this place!" Nia cried, her voice easily lost in the commotion of the room. "Adventurers, everywhere!"

"Aye, it's not exactly the place to come for some peace and quiet," Damien commented, giving a nearby table covered in what looked like beer steins a very judgmental glance.

He probably had mixed feelings about this place, considering his situation.

"You don't have to stick around, if you don't want to," I offered the demi-human, trying to sound as neutral about it as I could. He glanced back at me, stared in silence for a moment, and then laughed.

"I appreciate your consideration, but you'll not be rid of me that easily. Come, let's get you registered already! Daylight's burning, and you'll need that time for the entry exam!"

"Wait, entry exam?"

"Objective fulfilled: Enter the Adventurer's Guild."

"You're LATE."