
I Can't Believe We Got Isekai'd

Three best friends (Miari, Theo, Ava) dream comes true when they are reborn into a new world; a fantasy & supernatural world with deity’s, mythical creatures, different kinds of races etc. Join them on their adventure as they explore their new home/world. They will soon find that this world is really no different from theirs.

Thaddeus_Thomas_2775 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter Eight: Keeley (Ava) Infantia

It's been six years since I've been reborn in this new world/home of mine. I'm still getting the hang of being a princess & everything. I haven't gotten the chance of exploring this country let alone been outside of the capital. Even when I do go out into the city, I'm not allowed to interact with peasants as my parents & guards like to call them.

I don't agree with how some of the people here treat the less privileged here. They talk down on them & treat them like they are a different race or breed or something. My daily routine consists of having one or more house servants/maids coming to wake me up & dress me. Next, I head down to the dining room to eat breakfast that was prep for me following that having a history lesson about our country & race which typically lasts 30 minutes.

Then I go to the magic study hall & learn all there is to know about magic & the different types of casting spells & how to properly use them. I've been doing this since I learned how to read & write at the age of 3. A lot of people here are calling me a child genius and even calling me a child prodigy.

My parents don't want me to be using magic until my body is mature/strong enough to handle the magic. But what they don't know is that I've been feeling the flow of magic inside of me ever since I was born & my most trusted maid who's also my best friend has been helping me cast & use magic around the same time, I've been able to read & write. Also, she's not your typical maiden she's a night elf maiden who's a ninja in training & my guard.

My dad's right-hand fairy said that it'll be a great idea to get someone who's almost around my age to also stand by my side because I'll have someone to easily relate to. Both of my parents quickly agreed to the proposal but took it one step further & allowed me to choose who that person will be. So, I ended up choosing the person who doesn't just see me as a princess or royalty but sees me as me although she's 7 years older than me.

I challenged myself to pick three spells to learn & try to master them. Those three are a healing spell I call <Blessing> the second one is a water barrier spell I called <Aqua Protect> & lastly a fire spell I call <Flame Spear>

It's all thanks to Mira my maid aka my best friend. She's very pretty she has calming mint green eyes that also glow in the dark. She also has long luminous mint green hair with black streaks in them. Her hair reaches down to her lower back she has a light caramel skin complexion with stars under her eyes.

I'll start by explaining what each spell does. First, we'll start with <Blessing> it's a healing spell that as of right now can heal 80% of your injuries & remove 40% of any toxins from your body. Once I fully evolve this ability it'll even be able to even replace lost limbs. Next up we have <Aqua Protect> it's a water defensive barrier spell. I cover myself & one other person in a sphere-like dome barrier so far it can take a max of 4 hits.

Last but not least the <Flame Spear> It's my only offensive ability for right now. This ability allows me to shoot flames in the shape of spears & use them as a temporary weapon as well. I've also been training in hand-to-hand combat because at least that's the only combat my parents allow. This is how I get away with training with magic in secret with Mira by going to our favorite hiding spot & telling everyone that we are just combat training & bonding to get to know each other better.

I don't consider this lying to my parents or anything because we do bond & do other training besides me mastering & improving my spells. I just realize that it's almost lunchtime.

"Keeley! I made us lunch let's have a picnic in our favorite spot!" <Mira>

"Yummy!! Did you make your famous pulled boar & pork sandwiches, devil eggs & green mint tea!?"

"You bet I did! I mean, after all, it's your favorite!"

"You bet It is!! It's to die for!"

So, our favorite spot is different from our hiding spot our favorite spot is down by the lake next to the cherry blossom trees. We have a huge lake 1.5 miles behind our huge house it has all types of fish in there. We take our time getting there so we can enjoy the nice scenery along the way.

The weather is perfect today it's not too hot the wind is blowing just right. I didn't realize that we were already here I was so caught up in the conversation & scenery on the way here.

"Come on Mira hurry up I'm ready to start digging in!"

"I'm coming princess!!"

"You know that I don't like you calling me that!"

"Yea yea I know but it's fun to mess with ya!"

I & Mira begin to set up for the picnic & begin eating & talking about all kinds of things. This world is so different from my own & I'm not talking about magic & other supernatural powers & beings. Like this planet has two moons that are twice as big as our earth's moon from back home in my other life. Earth here is also double or triple than the one I'm used to.

At least there are still four seasons here but there are two more months here & we have 36 hours here instead of 24 hours also we have eleven days in a week. The sun here is also huge it burns around 40-50 million degrees Fahrenheit with a core temperature of 20-30k degrees Fahrenheit & a surface temperature of 15k degrees.

"Omg, this is to die for it's been a while since I had your famous cooking!!"

"You just had some a few days ago silly!!"

"Exactly a long time ago!!" I say while laughing.

"Hey let me ask you something Ava are you still planning on finding your friends?"

"Well of course I am but my parents insist that I focus on other our people & learning about my current & future role & responsibilities."

"Well, your parents aren't wrong if we are being honest; but I'm not saying that your friends are not important but you do have a birthright duty."

"Yea I know that but they just aren't my friends but my best friends we've known each other for 10+ years. Besides elves & fairies live for hundreds of years I don't need to take the throne in a couple of years. I wanna explore this world & learn everything that I can with my best friends before I have to take responsibilities."

"Well, whatever you decide I'll support you every step of the way. Also, I've been meaning to ask you how old are you? Not in human years because I know that but how does your age work for a hybrid?"

"Well, I'll explain it to the best of my knowledge. First, let's start off with elf years we know that 10 elf years is equivalent to 1-3 human years or simply every three human years is 10 elf years. Now for fairies 10 fairy years is equivalent to 1-5 human years again simply put every five years is 10 years in fairy years. So, what you'll do is add the human years for both species.

For example, you'll add the elf to human years (3) the fairy to human years (5) then split it in half & you'll get four. So, in other words, it's every four human years at max I'm 20 in my hybrid years so that'll make me 6 in the human time because that's how long I've been around according to the calendar."

"Yea that's a little too much!" she says while laughing with four fingers covering her mouth.

I & Mira talked & had fun for like another hour or so until we received word that my parents wanted to have a word with me. So, we started to pack up & make our way back to our lovely home to see what my parents want. As we get back, I was escorted to where my parents were.

My father starts by telling me that he believes it's time for me to spread my wings & start learning how to fly soon. He tells me that he'll appoint me an instructor soon but tell him that I really don't need one & how about he tell & teach me the basics & I'll take it from there.

Like always my dad begins to be all stubborn & insists that I should get a teacher. I tell him instead of getting someone else to teach me how about he actually be a father & spend time with me & teach me himself. We get into this huge argument about this whole ordeal until he finally gives in & tells me to do it my way.

Mira takes me by the hand & takes me away from my dad & tells me that she'll help me & if I want help me find someone to teach me. As you can tell I don't have a great or a good relationship with my parents I'll say it's decent & or rocky at best they are a little too controlling for me. I decided to blow off some steam by heading to my favorite spot to train.

I had Mira toss up some 2-ton boulders in the air as I use them as target practice with my <Flame Spear> spell. I had her toss them faster than the average human eye can track I stay at it until I was able to cool down which was about an hour. Right when I finished my mom finds me & tells me that she found someone to help me with my flight lessons & they would be here in two days' time.

Mira had asked who my mom had coming & she said a close friend of hers is sending her daughter over here for the time being. She said that the girl's name is Myra & she's 30 & which makes her around 11-15 years old in human years. After my mom had left, I decided to continue to do some more training for a couple more hours.

Once I finished training me & Mira started heading back home to hit the showers & prepare for dinner. Once I finished eating, I decided to call it a night a little early today this time & wished Mira goodnight.

My apologies for taking so long to upload I've been dealing with personal problems. Also, this chapter is slightly shorter than the others but I had to make it short of making up for the lack of updating. But the next two chapters will be slightly longer than this one to make up for this shorter chapter. But as always thanks for reading & also just two more chapters until this volume is done.

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