

The world isn't fair. And Ruun knows better than anyone else. After the first time he died, he was invited to come back to life, stronger than before. Faster, smarter, too. Ruun decided to use this second chance to make the world a better, more equal place. But the Great Constellation didn't like it. She had bigger, darker plans. And Ruun would ruin everything, if he ever stood against her. So, the Great Constellation bestowed her powers upon a group of heroes, and convinced them that Ruun was evil. After getting sick of these games, Ruun decided it was time. To prove them right! Ruun, then, became the most powerful and vengeful villain alive. Only that he knew about the Great Constellation's plan, but let them taste their own medicine, right? Ruun got imprisoned by the heroes, with the help of the Great Constellation, in the Abyss, for thousand years. There, he met Kora, his valiant partner in murder and beast-slaying. Meanwhile, the Great Constellation took over the world, and began her reign of chaos, death, and destruction. But one hero, a mage that remained alive, tried her best to come up with a spell that could take Ruun out of the Abyss. And even if she could die in the process of creating the spell, she let her lineage know about what mattered most. Now, one thousand years later, a portal opens in the Abyss, and Ruun is called back to his home world. But will he accept any apologies? **************************************************** I don't own the rights for the cover art, but I can't seem to find the owner, so if you do appear around here, and want me to shut the cover down, I'll gladly do it. **************************************************** If you want to support me, and help my work reach new heights, please, donate. https://ko-fi.com/mrbones23640

MrBoness · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Cho4. Trail of death

Theresa spent her whole life, after Ruun was imprisoned by the Great constellation, with the help of the mage's comrades, looking over her shoulder, and living in the dark.

So it wasn't the most comfortable situation to her, walking in broad daylight, where everyone could see her.

When the Great Constellation was finally defeated, she even thought that it was her chance to make things right.

And tell the world that Ruun was right, that he wasn't actually a villain, just a victim of greed and circumstance.

But the emergence of a new king had changed everything.

That was what she thought, before dying and coming back to life, to know that she accomplished it.

And even though she felt bad about everything that Ruun went through, she was glad that he was finally back.

And it was a great relief to her, that he allowed her to follow him.

Seeing Ruun display his powers every time a group of king's soldiers appeared in front of them felt mesmerizing.

He would leave a trail of destruction and death anywhere they went, just by snapping his fingers, or even blinking.

'Well, let's see how long he can keep me entertained.' She remembered him saying.

"I'm not sure if he'll be able to keep you entertained enough, looking at how your power has grown ever since last time..."

"What did you say?" Ruun looked over his shoulder, while snapping his fingers, blowing a group of fifty soldiers that ran towards them, ready to attack.

Theresa widened her eyes, noticing how she spoke her mind out loud.

"I'm sorry, my Lord. I didn't mean to say it."

"No, it's fine." He waved his hand. "I just wondered why you said it like that. Isn't the king powerful enough to wipe out the constellation from existence?"

"Yes, he's the Master of Dragons, but..."


"But your power has grown to the extent that you have to use these rings to suppress your power, so... I don't think he'll entertain you enough."

"Yeah, master's awesome, I know!" Kora smiled heartily before Theresa's statement.

"Let's hope that he makes me take off one of them, at least, then."

They kept walking, but Fjara stayed a bit behind.

Theresa noticed it and got back to check on her.

"What's going on, my dear?"

"I... I thought it was a spell..." Fjara fidgeted with her fingers, looking down. "But you said those rings were meant to suppress his powers."

"Yes, my dear. What of it?"

"I... I was mean to him before he brought you back. He took one ring off, and I almost passed out! And he took 'one ring'!"

"And you noticed that he uses two more in one hand, and five more on the other hand, right?"

Fjara trembled and her eyes shook.

She felt like such a fool.

"I won't make the same mistake again, omma."

"You shouldn't say that just because he's the most powerful being we ever met." Theresa's eyes were compassionate. "But because he's our only hope, and we, the whole world, is indebted to him, ever since he was born."

"One thing that I expect from you if you truly decided to follow me." She heard Ruun's voice right behind her, and a wave of absolute terror filled her. "Do not. Talk about me. With pity. That isn't the payment I expect from 'the whole world'. I hope I made myself clear."

And he walked back, not giving a chance for Theresa to apologize.

"I guess we both messed up." Fjara took her mother's hand, and pulled her up to start walking again. "He's quite the figure, huh?"

"You saw nothing yet."

Theresa smiled.

'How could I think about him like that? I'm such a fool...'

After two more hours walking, they arrived at the castle entrance.

It was swarmed by dragons of all kinds.

Chromatic dragons, frost dragons, even black, and white dragons.

All of them standing in formation, ready to fight.

"That's why you don't teleport immediately to the king's castle." Ruun ran his fingers across his jet black hair. "You don't get to enjoy the fun if you hurry right to the boss fight."

But suddenly, all the dragons in the middle of the formation stepped aside, to give way to a little being, that almost looked like a human, if it weren't for his horns, tail, and scales that covered his skin.

All beasts knelt before the good looking person before them.

"So you're the one who killed my son..." The draconic being glared at Ruun.

"Actually, that was my disciple," Kora grinned at the draconic after Ruun's remark "and you are...?"

"How come you don't know the mighty Brann'Un, lord of the skies!?"

"Been out for a while." Ruun shrugged. "Now, you want to fight me one on one, or do you want your beasts to die before you meet them on the other side?"

Brann'Un growled, letting out a deafening roar.


"Kora, do you have the last ring with you?"

"Master, are you planning to..."

"I just want to use my fists for once." Ruun smiled, humbly.

"Here." Kora pulled a ring out of her pocket.

It was so embedded in black gems, that it was hard to see the white silver that the piece was made of.

Ruun put the ring on, and everybody immediately felt his magical power disappearing.

As if Ruun never had any mana, to begin with.

Ruun looked at Brann'Un, and gestured to him to come.

Brann'Un roared again, sprinting towards Ruun at full speed, but Ruun appeared right behind him in the blink of an eye.

"I thought you'd be faster, since it's been a while that I don't stretch myself."

Brann'Un turned to attack Ruun with his claws, roaring, but Ruun's fist connected to his jaw first, sending him flying in the direction of Ruun's group.

Fjara screamed, but Kora stood in front of her and Theresa.

"One punch? Are you that weak?" Ruun walked towards Brann'Un. "And here I was, thinking that if you survived long enough, I could make a good pet out of you."

"You... FUCKING HUMAN!" Brann'Un growled and smashed the ground beneath him with his fist, getting up.

His mouth was full of blood.

"Oh, so you're alive, good. How about my offer? Do you want to be my pet?"