

The world isn't fair. And Ruun knows better than anyone else. After the first time he died, he was invited to come back to life, stronger than before. Faster, smarter, too. Ruun decided to use this second chance to make the world a better, more equal place. But the Great Constellation didn't like it. She had bigger, darker plans. And Ruun would ruin everything, if he ever stood against her. So, the Great Constellation bestowed her powers upon a group of heroes, and convinced them that Ruun was evil. After getting sick of these games, Ruun decided it was time. To prove them right! Ruun, then, became the most powerful and vengeful villain alive. Only that he knew about the Great Constellation's plan, but let them taste their own medicine, right? Ruun got imprisoned by the heroes, with the help of the Great Constellation, in the Abyss, for thousand years. There, he met Kora, his valiant partner in murder and beast-slaying. Meanwhile, the Great Constellation took over the world, and began her reign of chaos, death, and destruction. But one hero, a mage that remained alive, tried her best to come up with a spell that could take Ruun out of the Abyss. And even if she could die in the process of creating the spell, she let her lineage know about what mattered most. Now, one thousand years later, a portal opens in the Abyss, and Ruun is called back to his home world. But will he accept any apologies? **************************************************** I don't own the rights for the cover art, but I can't seem to find the owner, so if you do appear around here, and want me to shut the cover down, I'll gladly do it. **************************************************** If you want to support me, and help my work reach new heights, please, donate. https://ko-fi.com/mrbones23640

MrBoness · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Ch05. Brother

Brann'Un stood up proudly, stuffed his chest, and breathed a white torrent of fire that could melt anything in its wake.

But Ruun simply walked through it like it was nothing.

"I'll apologize for looking down on you, Brann'Un." Ruun looked at the draconic. "You're quite refreshing. It's been a while since the last time I tasted such bright and powerful flame."

Brann'Un stood there, silent, his jaw dropped while the flames extinguished themselves.

The powerful Brann'Un, entitled as the Lord of the Skies, had his knees shaking with fear as he saw Ruun walking past his most powerful flames.

And as Ruun approached, Brann'Un's knees finally gave up, and he fell to the ground.

"Kill me, but please, let my children live."

His eyes were glued to the floor, he didn't want to look at the eyes of such a formidable being.

But then, he felt the gentle touch of Ruun's fingers on his chin.

"I respect you, because even though you knew your death was certain, you still chose to fight. Is it the dragon's pride that I once heard of?"

Ruun's tone was serious, and Kora knew right then what he was going to do.

"Master's evil, but he's not bad or mean." Kora's eyes gleamed with tears. "Accept the offer, he's the best master one could ever wish for."

"Let him choose, Kora. Don't cloud his judgment with outside thoughts. Now, answer my question, Brann'Un."

"Yes, that's the pride of a dragon. After all, how would I be able to look at my children in the eyes, if I just decided to tuck my tail between my legs and serve a master?"

"I see..."

Ruun pondered for a moment, and decided to take off the ring he asked from Kora.

"I'm not doing this for me, you know?"

Ruun reached his hand backwards, as if he was holding something.

And immediately, two dragons roared loudly, crashing to the ground, dead.

All dragons looked at their brothers and sisters, their eyes wide in fear.

"NO!" Brann'Un shouted. "IF YOU..."

"Will you be my pet?"

Brann'Un took a few more seconds to answer, but in the meantime, Ruun killed two more of his dragons, as Brann'Un watched in utter disbelief.


He had tears in his eyes, as he stomped his head against the stone path.

"Please... I'll be your... Pet."

"Good boy, smart choice." Ruun patted the draconic's head. "Now, all dragons, change into humanoid form, I want you all to defend the city from the king's soldiers. Go!"

"What about me... Master...?" Brann'Un still cried, grieving.

"You? Look at me."

He raised his head, and Ruun was looking at him with a sympathetic smile.

Ruun placed his thumb upon the draconic's forehead, and suddenly, there was a mark there.

"This is a slave's mark, it allows me to summon you whenever I please, wherever I might be. Go home, and after the sun sets, count your sons and daughters."

Brann'Un didn't understand instantly what his master meant with those words, but after a few seconds, a bright smile shone through his lips.

"Powerful and cunning... If you weren't a human, you could be an awesome dragon..."

And then he opened his wings, and flew away, leaving a trail of happy tears, gleaming through the clear skies.

"Why did you tell him, master?" Kora shook her head in disbelief.

"Grief is not a pain that one should go through for more than just long enough. And he would realize it soon enough, when he readied the funeral of his children, anyway."

"You got what you wanted, without spilling a single drop of unnecessary blood?" Theresa was shocked.

"What? Did you really think I was going to waste those precious dragons for a whim? Now let's go, the king's waiting for us."

And as they walked past the dragons' bodies, they vanished like an illusion.

When Ruun passed through the gates, he felt a familiar presence that made the hairs on his neck go up.

"So you're still alive, after a thousand years..."


"I think it's better for you girls, to stay outside. Kora, protect Theresa and Fjara, okay?"

Kora frowned.


"No but. I'm not asking you, and don't forget that we're not in the Abyss, anymore."

"Yes... Master..."

Kora pouted her lips, but stood behind with the other two girls.


Ruun entered the castle and hushed.

"If you already know I'm here, than show yourself."

It didn't take long, before the new king appeared in front of Ruun, from inside a white, fiery storm.

Jet black hair, green eyes, pale white skin, slim complexion.

"I never thought you'd come back from the dead, What happened? Did 'he' summon you back, too?"

"What if 'he' has summoned me back?" Ruun shrugged, analyzing the features of the person in front of him.

"Then you know what has to be done, and after we achieve it, we will have everlasting and overwhelming power! What do you say? Join me, brother! Let's rule this world, and whatever else lies beyond the skies!"

"How about you give up, and I don't kill you, Vartas, my brother?"

Vartas looked at Ruun, displeased.

"Who brought you back, Ruun? After you ran away, I thought you were as good as dead, but... You look... Strong. And you don't even seem to have aged, even though a thousand years have passed. Answer me, and I won't tell my dragons to kill you."

"Can you get any more annoying?" Ruun sighed, bored again. "Do whatever you want."

Vartas screeched and roared, and Ruun felt the mana around him revolving.

But nothing happened.

Vartas looked around, intrigued, and did it again.

Without success.

"What are you doing, brother? Are you getting ready to do a mating dance?"

"What. Happened. To. My. Dragons?"

"Oh, you mean 'my' dragons? I made their father my pet, and now they're under my command."


"I'm not good at repeating myself, brother. Now, are you going to tell me what's going on, or do I need to make you?"