
I Can't Be Your White Moonlight's Replacement Anymore

"Lilia... Please. I beg you. Please don't jump off the rooftop." Augustus commanded his wife but it was of no use. "I've given you enough chances. No more." Lilia screamed back at her husband. "Either you sign the papers. Or, I take your company down along with my life." "Lilia, stop this nonsense. You are pregnant. Come here, Lilia." August tried to persuade his wife for the sake of his reputation but she wouldn't just listen. "No! I've had enough. You love everyone and everything except me. So, why should I sacrifice my life for you in every lifetime? Sign them. Or, I'll jump." Lilia's trembling hands that were gripping the cold steel were ready to let go. "Fine! I'll sign the divorce papers. But, you won't get a cent from me. Remember it." Augustus shot back frustrated as he signed the papers. "I'll remember it well, Mr. Reynolds."

Larsena · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


Lilia's P.O.V

"I'm sorry."

Marie stared at me with a blank look on her face. "Do I presume that your sorry means you truly forgot everything after yesterday's fall?"

If I say I completely forgot, it is bound to raise some suspicions in Marie's head. After all, it seems like she's close enough to the old Lilia to have a beating in her stead.

One mistake, and it's over for me.

"I wanted to tell you in the morning. But, Ugh—" A sudden pain struck my head as a scene of the old Lilia flashed before my eyes.

The sudden flashback hit me like a wave, drawing me into the memory.

The old Lilia stood in front of Marie, who had a soft yet tired expression on her face.

"I just love him, Lilia. I love him a lot," the old Lilia explained, her voice filled with the same dreaminess as her eyes, while she gently tucked an invisible strand of hair behind her ear.

It was a simple gesture. Or was it a habit of the old Lilia? That whenever she explained herself to someone, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear?

"Young Miss? Are you alright?" Marie's voice was filled with concern as she leaned closer, her brow furrowed. I blinked, trying to shake off the lingering effects of the flashback.

I had to be careful with what I said next. If I play this right, I can win Marie's trust. In my current state, it will be easier to survive in this place until I decide to get out.

"Y-Yeah, just... I guess the fall did more damage than I thought," I said, forcing a weak smile. Marie's expression softened slightly. "Young Miss, if you are tired, you should rest. Please head to your room. I'll bring an ice pack for your cheek."

I nodded, feeling a bit relieved that Marie seemed to accept my explanation, even if just for now. I couldn't afford to slip up again. Her concern was genuine, but I could still sense a layer of doubt beneath it all.

"Thank you, Marie," I said softly, trying to sound as sincere as possible. "I remember bits and pieces of memories. Like you. That trash. Falling in the swimming pool." I gently tucked an invisible strand of hair behind my ear. "Computers?"

Tears welled up in Marie's eyes at my mention of computers, leaving me dumbfounded. "Marie? Why are you crying?"

"Ah! That… You always wanted to become a hacker. But you gave up the opportunity to study abroad to marry, Sir." Marie explained as she wiped the tears off her face.

Wow… Just wow! So, that's why she was excited over the fact I wanted to learn about computers. Well, I suppose it's good for me since I can learn something in this new world.

Let's not push it further anymore. If I ask too much, it would raise suspicions. I'm sure if I give it time, she'll reveal things to me in time.

"I'll just go to my room then, Marie," I spoke as Marie nodded her head furiously like a little kid. How cute. "I'll quickly get the ice, Young Miss."

I smiled as I turned and made my way to my room, the weight of everything settling on my shoulders. I couldn't help but feel like I dodged a bullet.

Once inside the room where I woke up this morning, I closed the door and leaned against it, taking a deep breath. I needed to gather my thoughts, figure out what to do next.

This world, this life—it isn't mine. But I already died in my past life, so there's no way to go back. Not like there was anyone to go back to.

Lilia, I owe this life to you. However, I can't live with your husband. A house where you are abused at every single turn… I can't. I'm sorry, Lilia. But since we have the same name, and I possessed your body, I'll fulfill the dream you had before you met him.

I will become a hacker. The greatest hacker in the world to exist. I promise that.

A gentle knock at the door dragged me out of my thoughts as I opened it, and Marie entered with the ice pack. She handed it to me with a careful look, her eyes searching mine.

"If you need anything, Young Miss, I'm here," she said quietly, almost like she was offering more than just her help. Maybe she was. But even the kindest souls can deceive. Like Ixia did.

"I'll be fine, Marie," I replied, pressing the cold pack to my cheek and giving her another small smile. She hesitated for a moment, then nodded and left the room.

I turned around as I walked to the bed, pressing the ice to my cheek. The sound of the door creaking open again rang in my ears. "Marie? What's the—" As I turned around to face the person standing at the doorway.

"What are you doing here?"

"Can't I come into my own room now, wife?" Augustus spoke as he walked closer to me. I sat on the bed, feeling nauseous for some reason.

"What do you want from me?" I pressed the ice harder against my cheek as I looked at him with disinterested eyes.

"I am sorry about my mother. I didn't know—" His words trailed off as he sat beside me, too close for comfort. I shifted slightly, trying to maintain my composure, even though being near him made me feel like bugs were crawling on my skin.

"Sorry?" I repeated, narrowing my eyes. It was strange hearing him apologize, especially considering everything I've seen or heard or been treated like ever since I transmigrated. "It's weird to hear someone like you, who raised his hand without knowing the entire truth, apologize."

"Yeah, I didn't know she'd be so… unruly," he continued, though his tone lacked sincerity. His apology felt more like a formality, a way to ease his own guilt rather than to make things right.

But just for a second, putting my prejudice against him away, for Lilia's sake. I looked at him for a moment, studying his face. This man was supposed to be my husband—or Lilia's husband—but there was nothing in his eyes that suggested love, or even care. It was just cold calculation.

I'm sorry to say this, Lilia. This man you loved wouldn't have cried even if you died for him.

"It's fine," I replied, my voice flat. "It's not like I expected much from you."

He seemed taken aback by my lack of reaction, his eyes narrowing slightly as if trying to figure me out.

"Fine?" he echoed, clearly not expecting that response. "That's it? No anger? No tears? You've changed, Lilia. It seems you really lost your memories, huh? You weren't playing around for my attention."

Speechless. This man's narcissistic comment left me speechless as I stared at him while blinking my eyes.

"You were eavesdropping on Marie and my conversation?"

"It's hard not to when you two were practically shouting in the kitchen." Augustus smirked, leaning back slightly as if my reaction amused him. "It's amusing, though. A little doll who would beg me to believe her feelings were genuine didn't even care that I made a comment about you playing around to get my attention."

I clenched my jaw, trying to keep my cool. He was testing me, seeing how much he could push before I broke. I hated it. I hated men like these. Was Emperor Augustus the same? How could I not see it?

"Well, you heard right," I said, my voice steady. "I don't remember everything. But what I do remember… it's enough to know that this isn't the life I want for me anymore."

His smirk faded, replaced by a colder expression. He didn't like that answer, and I could see the gears turning in his head, trying to figure out what I meant by that.

"This life isn't something you can just walk away from, Lilia," he said, his tone darker now. "You chose to be my wife. And no matter what that fact, I don't allow it to change. So, live quietly and behave, little doll."

I felt a chill run down my spine at his words, but I refused to back down. "I want a divorce."

Augustus stared at me for a long moment, the tension between us thickening with each passing second. Then, finally, he stood up and walked towards the door without a response, his hand resting on the doorknob.

"You can't leave this room until I tell you to, Lilia," he warned, his voice dangerously low. "If you try to leave, I'll personally break those legs so you can't walk. Ever. Again." With those being his last words to me, Augustus left, slamming the door on his way out.

"M************! Ugh! You think you can lock me up!? You fucking don't know me yet."