
I Can't be The Protagonist Dad

He wake up and actually found himself as the father of the protagonist in his novel written to death by himself! Shock! Although there is no gold finger,Mo Lang is the protagonist's father, and his son is his biggest gold finger! He was thinking about holding my son's thigh and living a comfortable old-age life leisurely. However, reality is far more cruel than imagined! In the face of you big guys, the corners of the author's mouth rose up and drew an arc, I'll train him, My Xiu'er, like a great emperor!. Death is like the wind, always with me! From then on, the author began his intense and exciting life in another world.

Mimi_No_Neko · Fantasy
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10 Chs

3:The Sky has Changed


In the Mo Family Manor under the night sky, Mo Wu Wei stood in front of She'er Mo Xiu, looking worriedly at the cloud of smoke rising from the collapse of the house. In the smoke and dust, the almost crazy shout did not stop, just like a madman.


The tyrannical energy shook out from the smoke, swept around and swept away. On the ground, the broken stones trembled due to the powerful force and turned into powder. Mo Wu Wei didn't dare to be careless, luck protected his body and protected Mo Xiu behind him.


First, the tyranny of the underlying strength of the impact hit, back, out of the smoke and dust of a figure, his scarlet eyes, hair like crazy Sheban dancing, crazy, seems to have the howls of anguish. This figure rushed straight into Mo Wu Wei, as fast as lightning.

"Second brother! Wake me up! I'm your elder brother!"

Mo Wu Wei saw Mo Lang rushing towards him madly, and immediately yelled, his voice contained internal energy, he wanted to rush Mo Lang.

However, Mo Lang did not move, as if he could not hear, he was immersed in the chaotic spiritual world.

Seeing this, Mo Wu Wei felt helpless, and lifted the inner strength in his body and pushed out with his palm. The fists intersect, the violent and introverted energy collided, and a storm was set off in an instant. The surrounding rockery and potted plants were lifted, the slate cracked, and the impact visible to the naked eye spread in all directions.

Mo Xiu hid behind the stone pillar ten meters away from his uncle, watching the power storm caused by the encounter between his father and his uncle, hes eyes were full of shock, with a touch of desire and yearning for strength. When will I have such a powerful strength as the uncle and father? This thought flashed past, and Mo Xiu couldn't help shook his head, his eyes showed worry again.

Although his father is the strongest in the family, but after all he just woke up from a coma and his injury has not healed. If he does this, nothing will happen, right? Mo Xiu was excited about his desire for strength, but he was still sensible and began to worry about his father's situation. Just as this thought flashed in Mo Xiu's mind, he saw a figure flying backwards quickly during the collision.

"Father!" Mo Xiu saw his father flying upside down, shocked in his heart, and ran out, resisting physical discomfort.

Mo Wu Wei let out a dull sound, his body retreated a few steps, staggered, stabilized his body, and stretched out his right palm in a daze. He looked at it in an unbelievable manner. He couldn't believe that he could make fly away the family 'The most talented and strongest second brother'. After thinking about it, Mo Wu Wei's expression became serious, and there was a bad feeling in his heart.

"Uncle! My father..." Mo Xiu ran over, looking at Mo Wu Wei eagerly.

"You waiting here, I'll take a look." Mo Wu Wei said in a deep voice, his feet flashed, his body flashed, and he quickly approached Mo Lang who fell into the ruins.

In the ruins, Mo Lang lay on the ground in embarrassment, his pale cheeks dazzled with hair, his face slightly sideways, his eyes closed. Upon seeing this, Mo Wu Wei squatted down quickly, pressing his palm on Mo Lang's chest, feeling the sound of his heartbeat still beating, and his tense heart-string was loosened.

Fortunately, he was just passed out. Looking at his second child, Mo Wu Wei sighed and hugged him up.

"Uncle, how is my father?" Mo Xiu asked eagerly when he saw this.

Mo Wu Wei said, "Your father is in a coma. Let's leave here first and find a room for your father to rest." After speaking, Mo Wu Wei glanced at the ruined house behind him, shook his head helplessly, and hugged Mo Lang.

Walked towards the courtyard. Mo Xiu followed closely. "Uncle, can you tell me who hurt my dad? I will definitely not let those people go. I want to avenge my dad!" Mo Xiu followed Mo Wu Wei, raising his head and asking, eyes flickering with red light, full of hatred.

Hearing this, Mo Wu Wei paused, and took a look at Mo Xiu, "Don't understand these things, and practice hard. You don't have that strength now." Mo Xiu's eyes sank after hearing this.

Clenching his teeth, he clenched his hands into fists under his sleeves. Strength! I need strength! Mo Xiu shouted in his heart.

Seven days ago, Mo Xiu saw with his own eyes that his father was seriously injured and dying, and was carried into the home by his tribe. At that moment, he quickly seemed to collapse the whole world. Mo Xiu had no mothers since he was a child, and has always been raised under the care of his father. Although his father is usually strict and always has a zombie face, he is very concerned about Mo Xiu's life and personally teaches Mo Xiu to practice. Sometimes, Mo Xiu felt that his father was too strict, and some hated his father, and prevented him from playing happily like other children.

In Mo Xiu's impression, Mo Xiu didn't have much time for fun, and almost spent it in memory, that is, his father's harsh reprimands and beatings. Yes, Mo Xiu resented his father in his heart. But until he saw such a side, the resentment towards his father in Mo Xiu's heart instantly dissipated.

It was a night with a round moon, and Mo Xiu secretly discovered that his stern father, always a zombie-faced father, the strongest in the family, looked at the moon and wept sadly. Mo Xiu didn't know what happened to his father, but he could vaguely guess that it might be because of his mother who had never met before.

From then on, Mo Xiu seemed to have grown up overnight and never complained anymore. No matter how hard training his father gave him, he could clench his teeth and persevered. His father is Mo Xiu's closest person, and Mo Xiu's most idol. He never thought that the father who has always supported him, like a mountain, will fall down.

During the seven days and nights when his father was in a coma, Mo Xiu stayed by his father almost for a moment. Looking at his father who might stop breathing at any time, Mo Xiu was very frightened and frightened, for fear that his father would leave him in the next moment. go with.

Fortunately, my father persisted and woke up. The big tree that sheltered itself from the wind and rain has not fallen yet, so it can continue to protect itself. However, the children under the tree have already had the idea of leaving, wanting to escape from the shade of the tree, become stronger, and become able to protect their loved ones.

Silently, the two walked out of the courtyard gate. Outside, a group of guards with long knives and wearing Armor had gathered.

"Patriarch!" Seeing Mo Wu Wei's appearance, everyone knelt down on one knee and shouted in unison, with an aura like a rainbow.

Mo Wu Wei nodded slightly and said, "It's okay, you go back!"

"Yes!" The sword guards lined up outside the courtyard, like shadows in the night, evacuated and disappeared into the darkness.


Above the night sky, a purple arc flashed away, as if torn the dark sky. Mo Wu Wei raised his head, his deep gaze stared at the sky above, and the light flashed by, reflecting on his somewhat majestic face. But in an instant it went back to darkness. The sound of thunder sounded through this silent world, and the sound of the wind gradually became messy, and it began to whistle and surge.


A puffy raindrop fell on Mo Xiu's cheek, and Mo Xiu couldn't help raising his head and looking towards the dark sky. "It's raining..." Mo Wu Wei looked at the gloomy sky and sighed in depression.

"This day, it's going to change~"