
one thing you replaced

why...why...I thought I could trust you,my heart was wrong but my mind was right. <2 days later>. Out of everything he could of replaced it had to be me! ugh another dream why can't I just move on?I don't love him that much ugh have to go to work now welp <jumps up> I still have courage! <at work> I totally don't have enough courage for this -sits on a chair- hey hey! you fell asleep again. ugh sorry toshoro she said looking up with her with sparkly eyes <toshoro> h-hey I was wondering if you would like to get a drink to night... I'm not sure if I'll make it there good enough so- <toshoro> I'm pretty sure you'll make it there fine how about I come pick you up at 8:05 deal? fine..... <at home> o my god what should I wear what should I do?!?!?!? ugh will I'll even make it out alive! <after panicking> -she comes out of the closet with her hair curled up up wearing a red dress and black leggings with red hills-. -someone knoks at the door-. oh I'm coming! -trip over the clothes on the ground- ouch! -gets up and go to the door-. oh um sorry I'm late.... <toshoro> -looks her from head to toe-. you you look beautiful today let's head of she'll we.