
I Can’t Act Anymore

Mu Mu transmigrated in the novel that had the plot like a fraud marriage with a man dressed in women’s clothing, a rich man regretting and taking revenge after rebirth. The body he had transmigrated into was none other than that of a scumbag who was a fraud man dressed in women’s clothing. He was also the one that the protagonist took revenge against. And now, he was standing at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau with that damn protagonist, holding the newly-released marriage certificate in his hand. Mu Mu agitatedly raised his head. He saw the fierce and sinister expression on that damn protagonist. He was twitching the corners of his mouth, showing a grim smirk of wishing to eat his blood and flesh. Mu Mu’s legs were weak and his eyes turned dark. He was trembling: “My good brother, why don’t we get a divorce?”

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36 Chs

Chapter 7

After eating, Qin Yucheng took the initiative to put away the bowls and chopsticks.

Holding the bowl with a pig's trotter left, Mu Mu watched Qin Yucheng enter the kitchen.

Those who cook don't wash the dishes, so this division of labor is quite reasonable.

Mu Mu thought about it, took out the disposable gloves from the refrigerator, and turned to glance at Qin Yucheng.

Qin Yucheng concentrated on washing the bowl.

Mu Mu put on his gloves like a thief, sat back at the dining table, ate a mouthful of sauced pig's trotters, glanced at Qin Yucheng, and looked at Qin Yucheng's mouthful of sauced pig's trotters, trying not to expose the way he ate pig's trotters to Qin Yucheng's eyes.

Fortunately, Qin Yucheng did not look back.

Mu Mu quickly finished drying the pig's trotter in his hand, threw away the remains, and hid in the room.

In the summer, I was sweating a lot.

Mu Mu took out his phone and went into the bathroom, clicked on the music app, followed the song list collected by the original owner to play, put the phone on the sink, and began to take a shower and wash his hair.

Music is also a way to understand each other. The more details you know, the less likely you will be exposed, and you can take care of your own safety in all aspects.

As soon as Mu Mu took off his T-shirt, he was startled by the black voice that exploded from the phone.

Mu Mu:! ?

Mu Mu touched the phone screen and opened the playlist to read.

Dude, underground rock.

The original owner's hobbies are quite wild.

Mu Mu withdrew his hand, took a shower and shook his head and legs following the music, his scalp felt heavy when he was shaking, and he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Girls with long hair take extra effort to wash their hair.

Mu Mu rubbed his head and rubbed the foam, and sighed while taking a bath accompanied by the fierce performance of the electric guitar. As soon as he put on his pajamas, he felt his back was soaked by the long wet hair.

Mu Mu: "..."

i fucking...

Mu Mu took a deep breath.

Mu Mu gritted his teeth and found out the hair dryer.

When he got divorced and broke up with Qin Yucheng, he must have cut the three thousand threads of trouble immediately.

I even want to shave my head!

I don't care about the original owner!

Mu Mu was still dreaming that he might go back one day when he woke up.

Leaving the money intact to the original owner was his last tenderness. As for things like marriage and women's clothing, of course, they can be discarded as soon as they can.

He will open up a brand new future for the original owner. There will be no fraudulent marriage, no women's clothing, and no wrong background, so he will have a chance to change his mind and start a new life.

Mu Mu felt that he was really kind.

Whether it's for the original owner or Qin Yucheng.

Mu Mu dried her hair, pretending not to see the fluffy lion-like shape on her head, pulled her hair in a mess, and left the bathroom with her mobile phone.

There is a laptop in the room, which should belong to the original owner. It needs a power-on password, but Mu Mu failed to try it out.

He can only use his mobile phone as the next best thing, and start to understand the current hot spots in the world, and see if he can try to start earning some income for himself.

Qin Yucheng was in the study, and just finished a video conference when he heard a knock on the door.

Mu Mu probed in from the door again: "Qin Yucheng..."

Qin Yucheng glanced at him.

"Please..." Mu Mu paused, realizing that the word "excuse me" is too unfamiliar and not suitable for their current relationship.

Mu Mu changed his words: "Do you have a notebook you haven't used? And a pen."

The question is so, but Mu Mu knows that there is.

When he came to search the study room before, he saw that there was an entire shelf on the bottom floor of the bookcase full of unused notebooks.

After a few years, how could Qin Yucheng remember if he had any notebooks that he hadn't used.

He looked at Mu Mu with messy hair, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said seemingly unintentionally: "You find it yourself."

"Oh." Mu Mu nodded, without any hesitation, went straight to the bookcase, squatted down and opened the cabinet, took out two notebooks, and then took out a pen from the pen holder on the table, "Thank you."

Qin Yucheng watched as Mu Mu walked briskly out of the study room with his notebook and pen.

Mu Mu is very familiar with his study.

This is normal. Living under the same roof, it is a matter of course to be familiar with the furnishings at home.

But once you know that the other party has bad intentions, this familiarity will be particularly eye-catching.

Qin Yucheng flipped through the documents and materials at hand, looked up at the corner where the surveillance was hidden, thought for a while, and felt that this would not work.

If you want to fish for law enforcement, you can't completely use real bait to fish.

In the past two days, I replaced the important materials in the study.

Qin Yucheng is not sure when Mu Mu betrayed him, maybe at the beginning, or maybe halfway.

But if you prepare early, you can't go wrong.

Mu Mu returned to the room, took out the receipt in the bag, rolled on the bed, lay down on the bed and began to record today's accounts.

He didn't want to use the original owner's money, but he was penniless now, so he could only withdraw part of the original owner's account balance for the time being.

For this part, he will make up for it when he earns money later.

Mu Mu wrote down the account, opened another notebook, and began to search for entries in film and television entertainment on various platforms.

For a rookie with no fan base, no background, and no financial support, the fastest way to get ahead is to gain popularity.

Mu Mu has a lot of skills and experience in operating video accounts, so he has some experience in these things.

It's just that before crossing over, he inherited most of his things from his mother.

Mu Mu's mother is a tailor, but in the modern age where everything can be industrialized, tailoring is not a good job.

However, Mu Mu's mother was quick-witted, and became the first batch of Taobao sellers at the beginning when online shopping had not yet flourished.

…and was shot dead on the beach because of insufficient production capacity.

Mu Mu sighs every time he thinks about it.

My mother used to have a good time with the sign that each piece is unique and never hits the shirt. But a person's energy is really limited, and her output can't keep up with the rapid development and rapidly expanding online shopping industry, and finally fell silent.

Mu Mu's manual enlightenment came from his mother.

Inheriting her mother's craftsmanship and the Taobao shop, Mu Mu can also rely on the old customers in the shop and the new customers who don't know where to find them. At the same time, she has also developed many strange derivative skills.

While searching for current hot spots, Mu Mu was taking notes, and several rows of new film and television entertainment apps and games were added to his phone.

These are things that need to be seen and played in person, and then draw inspiration from them.

Mu Mu's study continued until late at night.

When Qin Yucheng was about to take a rest, he saw through the balcony that the lights in the master bedroom had not been extinguished.

Qin Yucheng glanced at the time, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

He thought for a while, then lifted his foot, walked quietly to the master bedroom, and tentatively pressed the doorknob.

The door opened.

The sound of the video playing fell into his ears the moment the door opened, as if it was a TV series.

Under the light, Mu Mu, who was wearing pajamas, was lying on his side on the bed, his hair was disheveled, his mobile phone fell beside his face, and he was still holding a pen in his hand, the tip of which had soaked a piece of ink on the open book.

Mu Mu fell asleep, but did not lock the door.

Qin Yucheng raised his eyebrows.

He is no stranger to Mu Mu's bedroom, but he rarely comes in at night.

Because as long as Mu Mu goes to sleep at night, he will definitely lock the door.

But not today.

Qin Yucheng stood at the door for a long time, staring at Mu Mu who was sleeping soundly on the bed, took off the slippers that would make footsteps, and walked in quietly.

He saw the notebook pressed by Mu Mu's hand, on which were written summaries of hotspots one, two, three, hotspot sources, and compatible platforms.

It looks like some kind of market analysis, but it's not very professional. Probably because he was extremely sleepy, the words on the paper were like dogs crawling, completely different from the upright lower case characters in Qin Yucheng's impression.

There are a few receipts in another notebook next to it. I can't see the details, but there is a sign exposed outside. It is the fast-selling brand that Mu Mu wore today.

The TV series on the mobile phone was still playing, Qin Yucheng glanced at Mu Mu, his eyes turned around on his shriveled chest, and then turned to look at the side guard in the room.

Mu Mu didn't even close the flank guard's door.

Qin Yucheng saw the fake **** hanging inside at a glance.

Qin Yucheng: "..."

Qin Yucheng's eyes were shaken for a moment, and he took a deep breath silently.

Although it was shocking, it was not surprising that he had known about this for a long time.

Qin Yucheng walked around Mu Mu's bedroom lightly again, and saw the wedding ring safely kept in the ring box on the dressing table.

After taking everything into his eyes, he stopped by the bed again.

Mu Mu fell asleep ignorantly, his messy long hair was scattered on his cheeks, neck and hands, making him look like a butterfly trapped by black fabric.

So fragile, so beautiful.

Qin Yucheng squinted his eyes, thinking of the betrayal before his rebirth, the ridicule of his opponents, and the appearance of the company he developed by himself.

all of these.

All because of this liar.

Qin Yucheng looked at the sleeping Mu Mu.

If now—

If now, tear off the beautiful scales of the butterfly, seal the lips and tongue, and cut off the neck—

Nothing will happen.

Qin Yucheng's fingertips twitched.

Mu Mu felt a chill in his dream, he muttered coldly, and curled up.

Qin Yucheng looked at Mu Mu who was shrunk into a ball, closed his eyes to gather himself, turned his head and left the room.

Mu Mu sneezed as soon as he was woken up by the alarm clock.

He was dazed for a while before realizing that he fell asleep watching the video last night.

The temperature of the air conditioner was a bit low, and it seemed that I woke up from the cold in the second half of the night, but I fell asleep again after rolling the quilt.

Mu Mu crawled out of the quilt that was messed up by him, looked at the pajamas and quilt cover that had been scratched several times, and got used to it.

Laughing to death, no one can write homework without getting sleepy, right? No, no, no, no?

Mu Mu put away his notebook and pen, plugged in his mobile phone, and went to the bathroom to wash up with his messy hair.

A new day, not a new life.

It's time for a gentle and kind girl to get up and prepare breakfast for the person who is about to go to work!

Mu Mu put down the towel, smiled at the pretty sister whose hair and clothes were messy in the mirror, and then angrily threw the towel into the sink.

Oh shit!

Shit, better not let him go back one day!

Otherwise, he must find the author and let the author experience for himself what gentleness and kindness are!

A Zhai who was forced to get up early two days in a row was furious!

Mu Mu wrung out the towel cursingly, hung it up cursingly, and put on the fake **** cursingly, the movements were skillful and natural, and the movement of putting the pink bra on the fake **** was also extremely smooth.

After doing all this, Mu Mu raised his head, looked at the beautiful sister in the mirror, and deeply felt that human beings are really adaptable.

Once a certain lower limit is refreshed, the mind will quickly rationalize this behavior.

That's why there are only zero and countless times in women's clothing.

Mu Mu supported the fake **** expressionlessly, and put on her pajamas.

In a mere day and a half, the ghost knows what he went through.

Mu Mu walked out of the room, unaware that he hadn't locked the door last night.

He opened the study door and took a look, and found that Qin Yucheng was not sleeping in the study today.

But he hasn't gotten up yet.

Mu Mu pulled off the rubber band on his wrist to tie up his hair, and turned his head to the terrace.

At seven o'clock in the morning of July, the sun has already climbed up.

Mu Mu put down the hose used for watering in his hand, moved the wrought-iron rack with succulents to a cool place under the stairs, swept away the stagnant water, and returned to the house before the temperature rose.

As soon as he entered the room, he happened to run into Qin Yucheng who got up when he heard the noise.

Qin Yucheng glanced uncontrollably at the curvature of Mu Mu's chest, the corner of his mouth trembled, and he turned his head away.

This little liar is quite dedicated.

He commented in his heart.

Mu Mu looked at Qin Yucheng who walked into the bathroom: "Is it okay to eat noodles today? I remember I left tomato and egg soup yesterday."

Qin Yucheng stopped turning on the faucet: "I fell."

Mu Mu:? ? ?

Shame on wasting food! !

Qin Yucheng looked in the mirror, and the something wrong that he noticed yesterday spread again.

When will Mu Mu pay attention to the leftovers?

Mu Mu wondered if there was more than half a bowl of tomato and egg soup left over from yesterday, or the kind of big bowl of soup.

This morning, a bowl of instant noodle soup for two people will be good.

Qin Yucheng, the prodigal son, fell down directly!


Have you been eroded by capitalism? Qin Yucheng!

Have you forgotten your adoptive parents from an ordinary working family?

Mu Mu took a deep breath, opened the refrigerator, and tried to be calm: "I can change to other soup, can I eat noodles?"

Qin Yucheng was suspicious for a moment, responded, and turned on the faucet.

Mu Mu made two bowls of soy sauce egg drop soup, thinking that since Qin Yucheng has a bad habit of not eating leftovers, he should be more discretionary in the amount of food he cooks.

Mu Mu turned off the fire, poured the shredded pork on the noodles, and placed a poached egg on each of the two bowls of noodles.

Qin Yucheng observed Mu Mu while eating the noodles. After the meal, he didn't find anything wrong.


The fact that Mu Mu wakes up in the morning and cooks and takes care of the green plants is very strange in itself.

Although this is obviously to please him.

But still something is wrong.

Qin Yucheng finished his meal with a slight frown, and couldn't let go of his brows until he arrived at the company.

He sat in his office, thought for a moment, opened the monitoring page of the study, narrowed it down to the lower left corner of the computer screen, and began to process his work.

The whole morning passed, and there was no movement in the study.

Also, how could there be movement so quickly.

Qin Yucheng thought casually.

The most taboo thing about deception is impatience, especially the deceit that manipulates people's hearts...

Before Qin Yucheng could finish his thought, he saw Mu Mu push open the door of the study.

Qin Yucheng: "..."

Qin Yucheng put down the document in his hand and enlarged the monitoring page.

Mu Mu took his mobile phone to make a summary of the morning, his whole body was dizzy, and his eyes were blurred.

Phone screens are too small.

Really too small.

He was already short-sighted, and if he tortured his poor eyes like this, he might go blind directly!

When Mu Mu thought of the laptop that couldn't be turned on, he felt extremely sorry, and then turned his head and typed his idea on the 27-inch curved screen computer in Qin Yucheng's study.

Qin Yucheng is not at home now!

Mu Mu jumped up from the sofa as soon as he turned over, walked into the study with his notebook in his hand, pressed the power button for ten seconds, and instantly became sluggish.

What gave him the confidence that Qin Yucheng's computer would not have a password?

Mu Mu, who failed to protect his eyesight, was depressed and huddled in the boss chair, holding up his mobile phone and continuing to struggle.

Qin Yucheng looked at Mu Mu holding his mobile phone facing his computer screen in the surveillance screen, snorted emotionlessly, and saved the screen.

Qin Yucheng got off work very late today.

When Mu Mu heard the noise from the door in the room, it was already dark for a long time.

Mu Mu upholds the personality of a gentle, kind and good girl, and leaves a light in the entrance.

Hearing the noise, he walked out of the room and asked Qin Yucheng, "Have you had dinner yet?"

Qin Yucheng looked at Mu Mu who seemed nothing happened, and pursed his lips.

He really doesn't understand, his career has just started now, and the future may not be very bright, so what is there for Mu Mu to lie to him like this?

Qin Yucheng couldn't figure it out.

He stood silently under the faint light left in the entrance, watching Mu Mu silently, the black suit on his body absorbed the surrounding light unscrupulously like an abyss.

At this moment, Mu Mu's emotions disappeared.

Help! help!

Can anyone give a confirmation that Qin Yucheng is now a man or a ghost! ?

Mu Mu was so frightened that he froze in place, afraid that if he moved, Qin Yucheng, who was like a ghost, would rush up and kill him with white knives in and red knives out.

But in the next second, Qin Yucheng looked away, lowered his head and changed his shoes: "I've eaten."

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

When he's had enough of seeing the little liar struggle, he'll take him to court.

When Qin Yucheng thought about it, he immediately felt a lot more relaxed.

He glanced at Mu Mu, who was still frozen in place, and his gaze was clearly focused on his chest.

The fake **** prepared by the original owner are full of B. They are upright and round, full of drape, and very solid in weight. Mu Mu can see the size of the arc when he lowers his head a little.

Qin Yucheng's eyes were dark and substantive under the dim light, as if he wanted to take off the clothes of the person in front of him.

Mu Mu had never been looked at with such eyes before, and instinctively took two steps back, his hands behind his back were tightly entangled, and his fingertips curled up.

Qin Yucheng raised his eyes to look at him because of his retreat, with a slight sarcasm.

Mu Mu stared at Qin Yucheng a little shyly, and then seemed to think of something, and quickly reacted.

Hello Qin Yucheng!

What are you looking at? What are you looking at?

You can't do it, it's useless to read it!

Relying on Qin Yucheng's unknown hidden disease, Mu Mu looked back on the spot with his head held high.