
Chapter 11 The Maiden Flight Ceremony

The generals here didn't know what kind of plane it was.

But just from the appearance, one could see that this plane was extraordinary.

But the people who were in the airplane construction factory were different. They were studying helicopters all day long.

Now when they saw the helicopter, their eyes widened.

The staff outside the factory shouted, "Z20! This is Z20!"

Hearing his shout, the others who didn't react immediately understood.

"Oh, my God! This is Z20!"

"Hurry up! Go and call the chief engineer!"

A staff trotted to call the chief engineer.

After a while, an old man about 70 years old was pushed over on a wheelchair. He was the chief engineer of the airport.

The old man couldn't move, so he had to put him in the wheelchair and rushed here.

The chief engineer stood up from his wheelchair as soon as he saw the helicopter.

He looked at the helicopter with tears in his eyes and stretched out one hand to touch it.

The people around him stopped him at once: "Chief, don't go there! It's dangerous!"

They didn't know how the helicopter was built and thought there were aliens in it.

Therefore, they didn't dare to get close, so they could only stand outside and watch.

But the chief engineer didn't seem to hear it and still walked towards the plane step by step.

He was still muttering, "It's worth it even if I die to see such an advanced plane in my life!"

Hearing the chief engineer's words, the other young people also looked solemn.

Gritting their teeth, they quickly followed the chief engineer and helped him walk slowly into the factory building.

Allen found on the screen that many people had gathered around the plane to watch.

Originally he wanted to build a second plane, but now he had to suspend it.

Allen looked at the people around, their expressions were unusually excited.

It was as if they had seen a family member who had been separated for a long time.

He was also affected by the expressions of people, so he had an idea.

"Casey, can you introduce this helicopter to them?"

The helicopter sent out an electronic voice, "Z20 armed helicopter, which is designed with a five-blade rotor. "

"The body is made of compound materials, and the inclined beam of the helicopter is made of T800 carbon fiber..."

Hearing the introduction of the plane, the staff present became more excited.

"This is really the Z20! There is a helicopter only available on the other side of the continent!"

Although this kind of plane was not the top, it was several times stronger than the plane of Bama State!

After watching for an hour, they reluctantly left the factory building.

Allen knew that they couldn't fall asleep tonight.

But he had to build another plane as soon as possible.

About more than 10 minutes later, the second helicopter was completed.

Looking at the two helicopters parking in the factory building, Allen smiled with satisfaction.

The generals at the navy base were more excited.

"These two planes are the legendary Z20!"

"This kind of plane can only be made by the State of Hua on the other side of the continent. I wonder what kind of expression they will have when they know it."

Most of the planes serving Bama State were eliminated by the State of Hua. For example, their helicopters were Black Hawk.

For the present world, this kind of plane was still too backward.

The Z20 plane could carry out tasks in all kinds of complicated terrain and environment.

It just made up for the defect of the active aircraft of Bama State!

General Shane said excitedly.

Not only him but also Commander Petro.

But he thought differently from others.

"Look, the mysterious man built a destroyer yesterday, and today he made two more helicopters."

"This level of military equipment is completely out of our imagination before."

As soon as Commander Petro said this, everyone was immersed in deep thoughts.

Shane touched the stubble on his chin and said, "It seems that this mysterious man is really not simple. He can actually build such high-level equipment."

"Now, what we can do is to try our best to please the mysterious man. As long as he can be used by us, we have to pay any price!"

"Keep it a secret! Everything about the dock, the helicopter construction plant and the airport must be kept a secret!"

Commander Petro emphasized.

This kind of thing was too inconceivable. If others knew it, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Sitting at home, Allen looked at the two helicopters with satisfaction. Now he was not afraid of the submarine anymore.

With the help of the anti-helicopter, the combat capacity of 052D could be improved to another level.

"Let's wait and see the military exercise in half a month. What surprise will the No. 001 ship bring to me?"

"Now I have a destroyer and two helicopters. More ships will be built soon!"

Allen was a little excited. His ultimate goal was to build a carrier fleet.

At this speed, this wish would soon be realized!

He clicked on the technology tree. There were a variety of planes and ships in grey, which made him itch.

He was short of money now. If the money was enough, he could unlock more ships with upgrade technology.

And the carrier fleet could also be completed as soon as possible!

At that time, even if White Eagle State wanted to start a war, they had to think twice.

After all, a country that could build a carrier fleet was also very powerful!

Suddenly, a prompt appeared on the screen, "New task! Hold a first flight ceremony. After completing the task, you will be rewarded with 5,000—10,000 gold coins according to the degree of completion!"

"Hold the first flying ceremony?" Allen scratched his head. Looking at the generous gold coins reward, Allen also felt a little itchy.

"Then come on. Inform the navy base that I'm going to hold the maiden flight ceremony and let them get ready!"

At the navy base in Santiago.

Shane smiled helplessly. "The maiden flight ceremony?"

"This mysterious man is really making trouble for us!"

"Yeah!" many generals echoed.

However, Commander Petro said, "You're wrong. He's not messing around."

"Holding the maiden flight ceremony can quickly improve our international image. This is an important move for us to show off our muscles to White Eagle State."

Shane hurriedly echoed, "That's right. In this way, if White Eagle State wants to target us again, they have to think twice!"

The generals nodded in agreement.

General Petro ordered:

"Go ahead. We'll hold the maiden flight ceremony as soon as possible. We need to discuss all the matters with the mysterious man."

"We also need to do the confidential work well, mainly to protect the information about the mysterious person."

Shane nodded in agreement.

The maiden flight ceremony was ready soon, and the news of Bama State spread quickly.

Many countries knew that Bama State had developed a plane similar to Z20.

The State of Hua’s military thought that their military secret had been leaked.

So they immediately sent reporters to attend the ceremony.

The ceremony was well prepared, and many countries all over the world had come.