
9 years later

Arizona, 2001.

In a small bedroom, a handsome young man is looking at his naked upper body in thought, he has black night hair, sky blue eyes, and a sunny muscular handsome face, he's about 2/3 American and 1/3 Chinese which added to his charm, his body muscules is well developed compared to his age, if someone who doesn't know him see him now, he would never think that the boy in front of him is a 10 years old kid but a teenager who is 13 to 14 years old. Just as he was thinking he heard a loud very coming from the kitchen: "Jack Parker you're gonna be late for school, come down to eat your breakfast"

hearing the woman, Jack flashed a touch of tenderness in his eyes as he said: "Ok Sam, I coming"

he then wore his shirt and Jacket and went out from his room, but before he could descend he heard Sam saying: "Jack brings that lazy girl with you".

Jack turned back to his room, only to see a beautiful girl changing her clothes, she shouted: "brother Jack help me with this dress it's stuck"

Jack shook his head helplessly and said: "ok..ok and why are you wearing a dress to school anyway"

she shouted in a voice that only he can hear: "but..but I like it, I want to show it to my friends"

Jack: "Ashley it's not that I will stop you but it's Sam who will do so.", Jack felt helpless, he never thought that taking care of his 'twin' sister would make her so attached to him always coming to him for anything, but he also loved her, and because he never turned her off from any request and this is one of the reasons she's so attached to him, also since we are still 10 years old kids, we live in the same room in two separate beds, but this never stopped her from sneaking to my bed when she has a nightmare. Jack felt normal, in the end, Ashley is still a little girl and in Jack's past life his kids always come to him when they have a nightmare, so he pretty much knows how to comfort a little kid.

Jack picked up some nice clothes from the closet and said: "Ashley take this one, you will be very beautiful if you wear it.", Ashley looked at the clothes in Jack's hand and said earnestly: "ok, help me take this stupid dress off", Jack shook his head and started helping his sister.

10 min later, Jack and Ashley went to the kitchen for breakfast.

Sam looked at her two kids with deep love, she never imagined that she could raise two kids by her own, in fact, she always felt that Jack was the one who took care of her and Ashley, never disappointing them and always caring for them, he never cried or complained about anything, for the first time in her life she felt that taking Jack from that spaceship was the most correct choice she has ever made, she said: "hurry up your breakfast is going to get cold, and you're gonna be late for school".

"ok Sam", "ok, mom"


In the past 9 years, if I want to describe my life, I can only say one word "ordinary", I spent it like any other kids should, except taking care of my young new mom and sister and training my body under the sun, everything is cool and normal, my body kept absorbing sun radiation but strangely I didn't feel any different from a normal human being I thought there was something wrong with my body until Selvy told me that my body won't start showing extraordinary power until I reach 10 years old, and my birthday happens to be tomorrow the 5th of September 2001, so according to Selvy from that moment on I can expect my abilities to surface at any time, my strength will rise like a rocket and everything that superman should have will surface as I keep absourbing the sun radiation, besides this, I trained all my abilities except for Rune science, star forging, and hot weapon mastery, all other skills have been raised by a couple of levels, there are also some changes in property panel, because according to my understanding all kind of science should not have any upper limit so I talked about it with Selvy and she in turn agreed and replaced the upper limit with an ∞ symbol, as for other common skills, Selvy told me that an ordinary human being can only reach Lv.10 because of the limitation his body puts on him, if he want to go beyound Lv.10 he needs to upgrade his body according to the skill he has. I also integrate my Critical thinking and Deduction skills in my daily life which in turn gave me a photographic memory as time passed, my strength has also reached the peak my current body could withstand.

Jack: "Selvy show me my panel, and stop with the captain thing"

Selvy said with some fake ignorance: "hay..hay captain...ops"

[Name: Jack Ming]

[Race: human]

[Bloodline: Kryptonian]

[Innate talent: yellow sun absorbation*(Y.S.A)]

[ strength: 1 ]*(1 point= the peak strength of a normal Kryptonian without any yellow sun = 1 ton of force)

[speed: 50 m/s]*(peak speed of a Kryptonian without yellow sun= 50 m/s)

[Mental strength: 20 ]*(peak mental strength of human= 1 point)

[brain development: 17% ]*(normal human brain developement= 8%; genius= 10%; super genuis= 11% --> 20%)


Photographic memory;

Critical Thinking Lv.9/10;

Deductions Lv.8/10;

Computer science Lv.7/∞;

Cooking Lv.4/10;

Combat mastery Lv.9/10;

Hot Weapons mastery Lv.3/10;

Cold weapons mastery Lv.9/10

Science knowledge Lv.10/∞;

Rune science Lv.5/∞;

Star forger Lv.0/100;



Today, I am only having school in the morning while the afternoon is all mine, which is great as I will start cultivating the star forger technique, I have been studying this technique for 9 years trying to have a deeper understanding of it so that my start can be smooth, although school was boring and the knowledge I have in my mind that I Inherited from the universe can throw any scientist miles away, but it is still one of the places that make me feel relax and normal, in the end, who never wished to return to his childhood, besides this, I am also a little famous in school, in the end, I am smart, strong and handsome at the top, so you can understand my charm, of course, this is only in the circle of teachers, as for these little devils, they only have adoration in there eyes when they look at me and some of them envy me, but I never take these things in my heart, especialy after I finished school and went to my place of training, afcourse I sent my little Ashley back home first.


In a deserted place full of sand a shadow can be seen running, his speed was very fast, he went straight inside a normal looking cave but once he went inside an entirely new world has shown itself, the inside is full of cold weapons, from stick and swords to spears, in the middle of the cave a giant training ground with an open roof that let the sunshine on the inside, what is weird about this cave is that if you looked at it from the outside you will not notice anything abnormal about it, not even the hole in the roof, as for why is that, it's because of the knowledge of rune science he inherited from the last universe, Rune science is very magical but logical at the same time, it shows how to channel the energy of the universe by inscribing Rune lines and creating a complete rune of the energy you hope to control, there are 6 main elemental runes:

*Fire rune

*Earth rune

*Air rune

*Water rune

*Space rune

*Time rune

beside these elemental runes, there are special Runes like:

*Spiritual rune or soul rune

*Curse rune

*Sun rune

*Lightning rune

*storm rune

*Illusion rune


Finally, there are universal Runes:

*Gravity rune

*electromagnetic rune

*Death rune

*Life rune

*and more...

in these years Jack has studied the four basic elements, water, fire, air, earth, and the illusion rune just recently, and in order to use them he needed to engrave them in tools by using his spiritual energy or his mental strength which is why his mental strength has gone way beyond his other attribute, he then blended his scientific knowledge with his Rune knowledge to create this training ground.


Once I arrived at the center of the training room, I took a deep breath to calm down, moments later I started running the method of star forger, I felt all the solar energy that I absorbed in the past 9 years boiling, my skin turned red, white smoke started coming out from every pore in my body, I felt so much pain in the process that I wished to kill myself to end this pain, but this feeling has gone as fast as it came, what I felt after this pain is the pleasure of my body getting stronger every second at a rapid rate, my muscles kept expanding, getting bigger and firmer, my hight has reached an astoniching 1,85m which made me look like muscular boy who was trained by his bodybuilder father from an early age, but this didn't last long when black matter started coming out from my pores covering my entire body, these are the impurities that I have accumilated in the past 10 years with genes that are unwanted or worthless to my growth, this allowed my body to return back to its normal look, my hight has shrunk back by 30 cm reaching 1.55m which is 1.5 cm higher than before, my muscles became more stream-like, firm and beautiful, my five senses has reached another level, I can hear everything within 500m, I can see the small particles of dust within a 500m.

after more than 30 min I finally took a deep breath only to smell a very disgusting odor coming out of my body, and because my sense of smell has been upgraded to an inhuman level the impact of this odor was 100 of times worst. Without further delay, I went directly to the prepared small lake and jumped in.

1 hour later, I went out feeling very refreshed, my mind was very clear like never before, I felt everything about my body has been upgraded by 10 times, not only this because I felt that this strength belongs to me and I won't lose it even if I stopped absorbing the solar radiation, I was so excited that Called out loud: "Selvy show me my panel "

Selvy said: "Ok Jack"

[Name: Jack Ming]

[Race: human]

[Bloodline: Kryptonian]

[Innate talent: yellow sun absorbation*(Y.S.A)]

[ strength: 10 ]*(1 point= the peak strength of a normal Kryptonian without any yellow sun = 1 ton of force)

[speed: 500 m/s]*(peak speed of a Kryptonian without yellow sun= 50 m/s)

[Mental strength: 200 ]*(peak mental strength of human= 1 point)

[brain development: 20% ]*(normal human brain developement= 8%; genius= 10%; super genuis= 11% --> 20%)


Photographic memory;

Critical Thinking Lv11/100;

Deductions Lv.11/100;

Computer science Lv.9/∞;

Cooking Lv.5/10;

Combat mastery Lv.10/10;

Hot Weapons mastery Lv.3/10;

Cold weapons mastery Lv.9/10

Science knowledge Lv.10/∞;

Rune science Lv.6/∞;

Star forger Lv.1/100;


I looked at the panel in shock I never thought that the 10 times means ten times in speed and spiritual powers, this is simply an all-round upgrade, not only this, I feel my body absorbing the solar radiation way faster than before, but the because in the first place I never felt my body absorbing sunray, which means that the stronger my body the faster my absorption rate, the clearer I felt it, and if I am not wrong then the capacity of my cells have been widened by 10 times and this is the reason why I absorb Solar radiation 10 times faster, Jack said: "Selvy, is my analyze true"

Selvy: "Jack you are really smart, without any tools you stimulated your theories in your head, not only that, because of your brain development, all the skills that are related to using intelligence will go beyond the limit of ordinary people."

Jack said with some thoughts: "well, it logical, in the end, Deductions and Critical Thinking rely heavily on my reservoir of knowledge and the speed of analyzing, so if my brain evolved then is my speed of analyzing and comprehension."

Selvy added: " the Jack, do you want to start receiving part of the knowledge sealed inside"

Jack: "No Selvy I still need to digest my current knowledge before I start receiving more, at the same time I want you to tell me exactly how much knowledge I received"

Selvy: "ok Jack, I will add it to your panel"

[Knowledge received from the universe: 0.01% ]