
Six Hundred Million.

Jack, seeing the channel, felt weird and closed the TV.

"What kind of shows are they showing nowadays?" Jack, saying this, shook his head.

Then he stood up and called Swami to see if everything was alright with his project; there were several tons of product in his plan.

As soon as the phone rang, Swami received the phone. "Hello."

"Swami ji, it's Jack. How are you?" Jack asked, as he wanted to say greeting first, Jack has learned in India that Indians loved to be greeted for some reason.

"Jack, yes, my boy. I am good; how are you? How is your life? Sorry about the incident that happened. Even though I promised your safety, I snatched the work from that traitor Heinrich. He's nothing but a snake. He was blaming me for the attack on you. I hope I didn't do anything bad. Swami Ji's voice came over with an explanation of what he did.

"No, it's all right. Have you personally been to the island? Saw the materials for yourself?" Jack asked.