
Drive By. (2/2)

Jack calmed down; the gunshot gave him a little time to get the big gun and pushed it in Amanda's hand as he realized the bullet was not normal.

"Take the gun to save your life," Jack said, then concentrated on the bike, which was still following him.

"Clark, that's not a normal assassin. Keep your head low; use the fucking car to block him," Jack said on the phone, which was connected to the Range Rover.

"Doctor, the bike is too speedy," Clark's voice came in as he sat down on the vehicle after Jack's warning.

"I know. We've two monsters in our hand; let's use them," Jack said as he focused more on driving.


A gunshot rang out, this time bursting Jack's tire. However, Jack had anticipated this. A regular bullet wouldn't penetrate his skin so easily, yet this one not only tore through but was also harming his body.

"Doctor, what monster?" Clark asked, as he was confused in this scenario.