
100, 000,000,000 $.

"Dr.?" Jack asked questioningly. While glancing at Samanta, because he said he was a doctor and researcher to Samanta.

"Well, yes, without a medical degree, how could you possibly create a medicine? So, they've added that requirement. I'll have him draft some solid documents for you as well since he'll definitely want to buy your newly invented drug," Heinrich said, eager to leverage his connection with Albert, the CEO of Pfizer, to secure Jack a fake degree.


"No need for that; I'll just go and take an examination. Just arrange me some nice university, and I just want to give the examination because I already possess the knowledge." Jack said he was eager to get many certificates without cheating.

"Alright, I'll look into it." Saying this, Heinrich ended his call.

As soon as he ended the call, Jack got another call from Luxaviation. Jack received it, of course.