
I Belonged With You

She grew up in a protective shell. But deep down, all she ever wanted was freedom. Will she choose her own path or follow the rules set by her family? Alexandra Zane was a genius who had it all, looks, wealth, status, career and an amazing lover. "I will always protect you and be by your side, Alex. Please don't keep me away from you." Benjamin implored. "He's not the right choice for you, Alex. Trouble will find you if you stay with him." Her father warned her. They say, parents were always right. But what about her own heart?

little_fieryball · Urban
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34 Chs

9. Her Boyfriend

The drive to the hospital was a silent one. If one were to look at both Benjamin and Alexandra, they wouldn't be able to tell that these two had just had the most wonderful morning together. Alexandra was relieved that Benjamin also enjoyed being with her, despite not allowed to have sex with her.

Alexandra wasn't a prude but she never had any thought on these things before, until she met Benjamin Knight. Something in her erupted the moment she saw him. It was like her inner beast got unleashed and she's not able to stop. She liked the feeling of his hands on her body, his tongue caressing her most intimate parts, and his kisses, they were to die for. Thinking about their moments together were making her wet again. She blushed at this and instinctively clamped her legs together. Luckily she was sitting at the back where he couldn't see her. She was embarrassed to be thinking about him when she just got her own satisfaction from him minutes ago. Brushing these thoughts aside, she immediately on her tablet and read the latest news in the medical field.

Upon reaching the hospital, Alexandra informed Benjamin that she would have a team dinner tonight and gave him the address where he should pick her from. He nodded and watched her walked into the hospital.

Dr Gerald Lee was busy checking the patients' charts at the nurses station when he saw Alexandra walked in. He immediately smiled at her and beckoned her near.

"Dr Zane, ready for our team gathering tonight? You can't bail out like last time okay? Everyone expects you to be there!" Dr Gerald Lee teased her.

"Don't worry, I'll be there!" Alexandra smiled at him.

Dr Gerald Lee was stunned when he saw her smile but recovered immediately. "Great! Lets go together then." He said happily.

"Sure. I'll get to work first. See you later." Alexandra replied with a nod.

Looking at her enticing figure walking away from him, Dr Gerald Lee couldn't help but sigh. He had tried numerous times to ask her out but never once she agreed. Even if she did, she would always invite another colleague to join them. In short, this beautiful lady was really hard to get close to.

Dr Gerald Lee was also from a prominent family in Azteria. His father, Dr Marcus Lee was the founder of National Hospital and a renowned neurosurgeon. The Lee family was highly respected in the society and being the only son in the family, Dr Gerald Lee was destined to inherit his father's position as the hospital's Managing Director. He had taken a liking to Alexandra the moment he laid eyes on her on her first day at the hospital. Well, he wasn't the only one though. He was well aware that some of his colleagues also had tried to woo her but to no avail. However, he didn't want to give up. Dr Gerald Lee couldn't find anyone as mesmerising and intelligent as Alexandra. He had long decided that the future position of Mrs Gerald Lee belonged to Alexandra and no one else. Even his father had on numerous occasions praised Alexandra for her brilliance in the medical field despite her young age. Dr Gerald Lee then made up his mind! Tonight he must confess to her and make her his no matter what! With this thought, he couldn't wait for work to end.

At 7pm that evening, a team of medical personnel was having dinner at the newly opened restaurant near the hospital. Dr Gerald Lee was seated next to Alexandra and was glancing at her every now and then. The looks he gave her was full of anticipation. However, not giving Dr Gerald Lee any special attention, Alexandra didn't catch any abnormality in his attitude towards her that evening.

"Alexandra, all of us are curious, do you have a boyfriend?" Dr Marie Dean asked with a teasing smile in her face. Alexandra liked this lady doctor who was always kind and helpful towards her. Not to mention, she was actually her senior who graduated from the same university. Thus, she didn't mind that question and answered truthfully.

"No, I don't." Alexandra answered with a smile.

"No way! Dr Zane, you're so beautiful and talented! I can't believe you're single!" Matron Diana Curry exclaimed.

"Haha! It's true. I never had one." Alexandra explained.

"If you don't mind me asking Alexandra, why is that? I'm pretty sure you have had many suitors!" Matron Diana asked further, curiousity shoned in her big eyes.

Dr Gerald Lee listened to their conversation with expectation in his heart. He himself wanted to know what was the real reason Alexandra seemed uninterested in having a relationship. He had also heard that her father, Sir Dominic Zane was a loving and protective father but also granted everything that she wanted. Therefore it was impossible for him to be the reason why Alexandra refused any of the proposals extended to her by many men, especially those from prominent families ever since she reached a marriageable age.

His thoughts were diverted when he heard Alexandra answered in a soft voice. "Nothing special. I just wanted to focus in my career. Plus, I believe my father would eventually choose someone for me when he finds me too old to live at home!" Alexandra explained and added a bit of humour to ease the curious minds of her colleagues. As expected, her colleagues laughed at her answer and continued to chatter among themselves.

Everyone knew of her impressive background and realized that it was common for parents of these rich and noble families to decide on their children's future, especially marriage. Therefore, Alexandra's answer was indeed reasonable. Why bother getting into fruitless relationships when in the end she had to marry her parent's choice.

Dr Gerald Lee heaved a sigh of relief. 'So that is the reason. She left the decision of finding a husband to her father. There's no use in confessing to her, the best way now is to approach Sir Dominic Zane directly!' With this conclusion in mind, Dr Gerald Lee was relieved and decided to get his father's help.

At around 9pm, they finally bid goodbye to each other. Dr Gerald Lee walked Alexandra to the waiting car outside the restaurant. A handsome man emerged from the driver's seat and approached them. Alexandra flashed a dazzling smile upon seeing him and Dr Gerald Lee was taken aback. He had never seen Alexandra smiled like that. Without a word, the man took Alexandra's backpack from her and opened the car door. Alexandra then said goodbye to Dr Gerald Lee and entered the car. Dr Gerald Lee switched his focus to the man and was once again taken aback by the fierce look that the man gave him. He looked as if he wanted to punch Dr Gerald Lee, truth be told. What's wrong with this man and who is he to Alexandra? An alarm bell rang in his mind as he anxiously looked at the car driving off.