
I Belong On The Court

Born with a weak body, Reo Fuji is deemed as a useless trash by society. Even more so by his own parents. He didn't ask to be born this way, all he ever wanted to do was play basketball. That was his sole passion amidst all the scorn and hate. Finally, he gets the chance to take the world by storm but not in this world but in another parallel world where basketball is seen as the pride of all people. Watch Reo as he scales to the top of the ranks in this world and dominates the world of basketball with his sheer will! PS: If you like the story, don't forget to give some power stones :)

BronzeColt · Sports
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41 Chs

A Challenge

"Goddamn it, you useless system! If you wanted me to run away, why didn't you just say so in the first place?!"

"You got me feeling excited for nothing!', Reo ruthlessly scolded the system.

He could care less about being courteous to this useless system right now.

[What?! You actually dare to scold me in such a manner and even after I gave you permission to use my trump card?! You ungrateful swine!]

[Do you know how much courage I mustered up to let you use my trump card but here you are spitting on it like it is dirt!]

The system was annoyed but Reo didn't hold back either.

'Courage? What courage are you even talking about? As for your trump card, it's even lower than dirt!'

'Honestly, I've never seen such a useless system before. I'm sure that even The Gourmet System is better than you!'

[Huh?! The Gourmet System?! Brat, you're becoming too much!]

[How can a mere cooking system be better than me?!]

'Of course it's better than you! For one, that system can actually help you grow stronger through cooking and it is also not as shameless as you! That is the true representation of a useful system!'

The system was enraged. It had just been called out to be more useless than a mere cooking system and not only that, it was being scorned for being shameless as well.

Right now, the system wished more than anything to have a physical body so that it could give Reo a nice beating itself.

It's host might not know it yet but Reo was plenty times more shameful than the system ever was.

As Reo and the system began arguing mentally, Nishimura was growing more and more enraged by the second.

This little shit, Reo had gone into a daydream more than once while he was still holding his collar.

At this moment, Nishimura had never felt so insulted in his life.

He felt that Reo was treating him as a speck of dust, not worthy giving any attention to.

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and brought his other hand to Reo's collar and with much force, he began shaking Reo wildly as he loudly shouted.

"Reo, you bastard, how dare you look down on me?! I'm going to give you the beating of a lifetime! Let's see if you ever forget about me again after that!"

The class couldn't help but find this scene a bit comedic.

Wasn't Reo the one who was going to get bullied? Why did it seem like Nishimura was the one on the verge of a mental breakdown then?

"Nishimura, it's useless to keep talking to him. In my opinion, it's better to just give him a beating instead", one of Nishimura's buddies commented from the side.

Immediately, the other one agreed as well.

"Right, Nishimura. If you don't quickly give him a beating and show him his place, he will just see you as another insignificant person in this class"

The rest of the class didn't say anything but they were all nodding their heads in agreement.

However, just as Nishimura was going to take action, a loud feminine voice shouted from behind him.

"Nishimura-san, don't you dare do anything to Reo or I will report you to the school's office!", Mikasa shouted loudly as she pointed at Nishimura.

The class fell silent as they heard Mikasa's voice.

They had anticipated but they had never expected Mikasa being the one to stand up for Reo.

Even Nishimura was speechless from being scolded by the school flower but thinking that Mikasa still didn't understand the situation, he began to explain in a softer tone.

"M-Mikasa-chan, why are you defending him? Didn't he make you cover up for the Glowing Sunrise incident?"

"Also, didn't he do some bad stuff to you after kidnapping you this morning?"

Mikasa felt question marks pop up on her head.

Since when did Reo ever make her cover up for the Glowing Sunrise incident? Also, what was this 'kidnapping' thing?

However, as Mikasa thought about what happened this morning, she began to gradually recall the memories of this morning.

Mikasa's face immediately turned beet red just thinking about it.

She had thought that Reo was about to do something bad to her but as it turns out, she was the one with the bad thoughts instead.

How could she not feel embarrassed about it?

Then, closing her eyes in embarrassment, Mikasa scolded Nishimura in an aggrieved tone for bringing up that embarrassing topic.

"Kyah! W-What are you talking about?! Nishimura, you gorilla faced monster!"

Nishimura felt himself fumble as he nearly fell down after hearing Mikasa's words.

Here he was trying to help Mikasa but not only was he not appreciated, he was even scolded for being a gorilla faced monster.

Nishimura felt like crying but no tears would come out.

He had never felt so wronged in his life but what could he do?

Scold the school's beauty? The entire class would surely gang up and beat him up if he really did do that!

While Nishimura was with an internal struggle with himself, Reo's battle with the system had reached new heights.

'You stinking system, I think it's better if you recall yourself back because you're so obviously flawed!'

[Huh?! What about you then, you brat?!]

[If you're ancestor could be traced back, his name would surely be 'Shameless'!]

'My ancestor is shameless?! If that's the case, then so are you! You are basically the embodiment of shameless!'

[F*ck you, you little shit! If that's the case, then we will be related! I will never in a million years be related to such a shameless person!]

'Same! If I ever get related to you, I will probably get so sick of myself that I'll transmigrate back to my old world!'

The system and Reo were both at a stare down as man and screen were both locked in a glaring contest.



Both Reo and the system turned away in anger.

Their battle was more than enough to make one not talk to the other party for several decades so there was really no point in continuing.

Reo then couldn't help but think to himself, 'I wonder what's happening outside?'.

'Sigh. Looks like I will have to go through a beating after all'

The system could naturally hear Reo's thoughts and couldn't help remarking.

[Why don't you just challenge his honor?]

Reo looked at the system in disdain.

'What challenge his honor? That would make the beating even more painful'

[I'm not talking about his personal honor, you idiot! I'm talking about challenging his honor in basketball!]

Reo couldn't help but feel curious thus dimming his anger a little.


[Hmph! You must have noticed that this world places high importance in basketball so if you want to settle something, settle it on the court!]

[It's like how knights engaged in sword fighting back in your own world for honor and for personal agendas!]

Reo couldn't help but think about it carefully. In other times, it might not seem feasible but this was a different world altogether and he had seen just how much importance basketball was held in the hearts of people.

Thinking it through, Reo felt that it had a good chance of working.

'It might work. Hmph, turns out that you are useful for something after all', Reo remarked to the system.

After that, Reo immediately focused on Nishimura and thoroughly ignored the incessant swearing of the system.

"Nishimura, I challenge you to a basketball duel!", Reo made his challenge.

Nishimura who was still in an internal struggle couldn't help but turn his head to Reo is surprise and shock.

Wasn't this fella daydreaming just now? Why was he suddenly challenging him?

This thought not only went through Nishimura's head but through the entire class as well.

However, this only lasted for a moment before Nishimura's shock was replaced by rage instead.

He tightened his hands on Reo's collar as he spoke to Reo through gritted teeth.

"What? You challenge ME? You must be a fool for doing that!"

"If I remember correctly, you don't even like basketball in the first place!"

As Nishimura said this, he didn't bother hiding the disdain that he felt for Reo.

In this world where basketball was literally everything, finding someone who didn't like the sport was both disappointing and disgraceful.

That was exactly what he saw Reo as.

Disappointing and disgraceful.

However, Reo didn't care about what Nishimura said. After all, he was the new and improved Reo.

"Are you going to accept the challenge or not, Nishimura? Or are you too scared?", Reo asked cheekily.

When the system heard this, it really wanted to go out and give Reo a big smack on the head.

'Wasn't this boy complaining to me just now about getting a beating? Why does it seem like he's asking for a beating now?'

'Honestly, this boy's luck for getting into trouble can only be compared to my level of greatness'

Reo had no idea about how the system's thoughts suddenly changed from scolding him to becoming self complimenting and if he did, he wouldn't really care anyway.

The system's level of imagination was already beyond the level of saving in his opinion.

Meanwhile, Nishimura's nostrils flared in rage as he heard Reo's provocation.

This good for nothing was actually looking down on him!

He wanted to beat him up so badly but Reo had already challenged him to a duel in basketball. In retrospect to one's honor, he would have to accept it first.

He could beat the crap out of Reo anytime afterwards.

"Fine, I accept your challenge! You think you're a bigshot, right? Then, allow me to show you our standings in the court for you will never be able to defeat me in a million years!"

However, while Nishimura was talking smack to Reo, Reo had long left him monologuing.

Instead, he was looking at the system screen after trying out the 'Talent Scan'.

[Talent Scan Initiating....]

[Target Acquired!]

Name: Nishimura Tanaka

Height: 154cm

Talent: E (Developed)


The 5 basics

Remark: Nothing worth saying. If you lose to him, I suggest you become a water boy for the rest of your life!

Reo sighed in relief when he saw that Nishimura's talent was only 'E' rank. It wasn't by much, only a single rank higher.

Looks like Nishimura was only talking big all this while. In actual reality, he sucked in basketball.

Hearing Reo's thoughts, the system couldn't help but remark.

[I don't understand what you are so happy about! A single rank is more than enough to destroy you by at least 20 points ahead!]

[Also, this is only for the lowest ranked talent! As you get higher, the difference might shorten but it will be more hard fought so don't even think of jumping talent levels to win against your opponents!]

[Right now, you are so weak that even the pig in the farmlands can defeat you so I suggest you postpone the challenge as much as you can to take time to learn the basics first!]

Reo wanted to curse at the system for giving such harsh remarks but seeing as it did make sense with it's words, Reo restrained himself from saying anything.

Right now, his talent was only at 'F' which was only two sublevels higher than his previous unranked. As such, he needed time to level up his skills and raise his talent.

School would only run for about month or so before ending for this term. By March, he would already be in his senior year for elementary school which didn't leave him much time to train.

After thinking about it for a while, Reo decided that the latest time that he could push the challenge was towards the last day of the term at late March.

With his plan formulated, Reo proceeded to turn it into words.

"Nishimura, I will challenge you at the last day of the term in March! Exams will be happening in the next few weeks and I need to study. I'm sure that this is the same for you, no?"

Nishimura was originally upset that Reo wanted to push the challenge to the last day of next month but after hearing him mention exams, he immediately agreed!

His exam results were nothing to be proud about and if not for Reo reminding him, he would have probably forgotten about them.

Without even needing the time to think about it, Nishimura nodded and agreed with Reo straight away.

Seeing Nishimura agreed, Reo was relieved. At least now, he would have some time to train himself up.

Then, without waiting for everyone to finish reacting about what was happening, Reo grabbed his bag and ran out of the class!

Just because they agreed to the challenge, it doesn't mean that they would not give him beating too!

When he was a good distance from the class, he finally heard the voices reacting.

"Shit! He escaped again!"

"Damn it! That sly bastard, he actually waited until we let our guards down!"

"This wont do! He needs to be thought a lesson! My brothers, after him!"

While Reo was running, he heard another voice that drowned out all the others.

"Reo, you big dummy! You better return my homework tomorrow or I will kick you!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

After escaping from the school, Reo finally returned home after a long day at school.

He could finally relax without worrying that someone would surround him and give him a beating. Now that school was over, he could finally train in peace.

By the time he arrived home, it was almost 4pm which left him plenty of time to train afterwards.

However, Reo was also thinking about earing EXP points to level up his skills as well.

Gaining new Common Grade Skills were no problem but gaining EXP was.

The system had previously told him that to level up his skills, he could earn EXP from challenges, matches and even the amount of points scored in the game alone.

With this in mind, Reo decided to become as good as he could at this moment before attempting the challenges.

Even if he didn't win, he didn't want to embarrass himself either.

So, after a bit of contemplation, Reo decided to head out to the city.

Even if he was not good enough to compete in them now, he could still scout out the competition and see what he was up against in the future.

So, after freshening up, Reo simply put on a pair of black slacks and tee.

He wanted to be as least noticeable as possible and what other way was there other than wearing all black in the middle of the night.

It was only after significantly preparing himself, did Reo finally leave his house and head into the city depths.