
Daughter of Mathilde in Place



White Coast

Quentin stood at the south gate of the city, looking straight ahead as the knights of Helferich were on a long march to four small towns near Duskshire. The four towns were controlled by four small houses: Knightcolt, Standers, Heartbone, and Raventon.

It had been two days since the meeting was held in Mathilde. Not a single knight of the guard had made it out of Mathilde alive. All of them died following in the path of their lord, a brave decision Quentin had made to ensure peace in the land.

Currently, Helferich's army was being split up to go to four cities in the south. They were led by James, Baron, George, and Sir Stevan. For the matter in Mathilde, Quentin would handle it while Sir Stevan was away.

'If they accept my suggestion, then there will be no need for a battle to take place there,' Quentin said to himself.