
I Become The Supreme Vampire Lord

[MATURE CONTENT WARNING - Swearing and sexual scenes are apart of this novel!!!] Al'Hazier was never as obedient as his older brothers had been. He got himself in trouble often, and did things he was explicitly told not to do - like drink things from the forbidden cabinet in the cellar looking to get a little drunk. He had no idea he had taken a precious, forbidden potion that his father had actually been saving for himself at the right moment. When the king discovered his youngest son had taken the very nectar he coveted - he was so furious that he did the unthinkable: He cut up Al'Hazier's body with a silver knife, and divided up his body parts around their country. For his head, though - King Varkys made sure that it was preserved in a crystal-lined silver box. A head that would never die. A head that lived in dark silence. A head in a sense - literally buried in the sand. That was over 300 years ago. Going mad, and certain he would be surrounded in darkness forever until the earth finally exploded and disintegrated his corpse - Al'Hazier wasn't expecting to see the sunny seaside again, nor did he expect a group of beautiful women to be the first thing he had seen in decades. After discovering his brother is up to no good, and how terrible the world has become, Azier finds his heart soft for his female companions, and hardened against Azrael, who has taken control over literally /everything/. Once he finally reveals his secrets to the six sexy saviors, they help him grow his abilities as well as his knowledge for the new world...but it comes at a price. Find out what happens when one war front becomes two as Azier not only takes on the tyranny of his brother - but his actual self as well when things end up not even close to what he expected. *Volume One Completed!!!* **Updated Daily** 50 Power stones = one extra chapter for that week. 1 Golden Ticket = two extra chapters that week. Gifts = four extra chapters for that week.

Starparticle · Fantasy
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270 Chs

A Work-'Stud'y Program [R-18] (Bonus Chapter)

"So do you want to play around first, or are you going to play coy?" Amyra asked as she slid herself onto her armschair and crossed one long leg over the other. When she sat, her perfect plump ass only looked more irresistible.

"Play around - with what? Are you trying to bully me, dearest? I only wish I could play with you. I want to strip your clothes off and touch those hidden gems of yours beneath your shirt," Azier answered with a bit of a playful attitude, but there was a hint of resentment in his voice from her suggestion.

"Don't try to play dumb, Azier. I saw your eyes. I saw your past and future. Surely you could used your...special gift to create some appendages for yourself..." Amyra hinted and looked at him knowingly.

"Woah, woah, woah - first of all; careful about what you give away. Information is the most precious resource you have. You should have kept that to yourself to torture me or something, and two; I can't do that. I don't know how to even begin doing something so complicated when I haven't even tapped into that talent," his voice went low and he got closer to the scholar who was now staring at him with disappointment.

"It sounds like you need a motivator," she pointed out with a lusty undertone and started to unbutton the corset she had on. One the tanned leather was parted, her two large breasts were freed from their reigns and could be seen through the thin, parchment colored shirt that exposed those tender shoulders he loved oh so much.

"I'm sure you want to touch me," she led on and removed her shirt so he could see her chest in all of its glory - the naughty woman even had piercings through her nipples that were little silver bars tipped with orange gemstones on each side.

It was very fitting.

"Oh fuck do I ever..." he admitted while practically salivating.

"Then work hard," she answered with a dirty little grin and leaned back in her chair.

"Did you just taint my favorite pass time with...learning...?" The last word even tasted rancid in his mouth.

"Didn't you say you wanted a lesson? What happened to my eager student? If you succeed, it will be worth it. If you think I'm just pretending to be hot and bothered for you, you're wrong - but first, you need to do your classwork. Otherwise, your professor has to admonish you," she teased and put both hands under each of her breasts to give them a quick jiggle to entice him further.

"Where were you when I needed to study arithmetic and history?" He wondered out loud and ran his hungry eyes over her ravishing form.

"I suppose just waiting for you to get your act together so you could come back to class, you bad little prince."

He couldn't help it as his cock twinged against his pants in desire at her words. It seems she was just as good at having fun with others as he was. The more he was around her, the more he was starting to appreciate and admire Amyra.

Besides, what man didn't love a dirty instructor? He didn't - because he was certainly hot for teacher. Now the idea of trying to learn something new was less of a chore, and more like a challenge. He wanted to twist those nipples between his fingers, and grasp her hips so he could pull her into him over and over again.

Now for Azier to just figure it out....

Any minute now...

......Come on, damn it.....

He tried and tried to will two limbs into existence, but it wasn't working. It was almost like he didn't want it enough (even though he did so very much). Amyra must have picked up on his hesitance because she raised her eyebrow and sat up slowly.

"It seems my pupil needs some motivation," she paused and stood to remove her tight pants, and the orange panties she had hidden under it. They weren't much of underwear, really - because the back of it was merely a string that went between her two nice ass cheeks, and the front was see-through to where he could spy her little tuft of hair that ran in a line down her womanhood.

Azier let out a small little whimper of wanting as his eyes beheld a goddess of a woman bare and bold before him. When she sat back down again, he was certainly more incentivized than before. He thought about moving his fingers and grabbing two big handfuls of gloriousness.


He tried again, and this time closed his eyes and really concentrated on his extremities and how his fingers and hands once felt...what it was like to grip...and feel...and hold. What warmth was, and what cold was - what was wet and dry...and he even started to ignore the sensation of his real arms and hands which were feeling two entirely different things.

He could feel air on both of them for just a brief second, and as soon as he opened his eyes, the corporeal red magic that made up his arms dissipated and once more he was back to feeling earth in one hand, and water in another.

"You did it for a second," she gasped with surprise. "Try again, try again,"  she urged and sat up.

He did as she instructed, and tried again just as she had asked, but it wasn't as easy this time for some reason. He had it - what changed?

"Hmmm...you need higher stakes..." she mused out and stood up to fetch something on bunk bed that was above her adorned desk. When she came back, there was some kind of polished wood in her hand - wood that looked a lot like....ah...

"If you can get those arms to work again, you can take over my toy's position, deal?"

"You're not really going to-"

She was. She was going to masturbate in front of him. That wicked, wicked witch. Helplessly, he watched as she inserted the undeserving device between her two tight slits that were glistening with desire for him.

Amyra even let out a long, loud moan to accentuate her teasing. She even started to play with one of her breasts as her other hand pulled the model cock in and out of her slowly. She made sure to gasp and sputter out moans in order to push him further.

He both hated and loved her at the same time for what she was putting him through. The overwhelming urge to grab her and take that fucking toy away from her sopping cunt pushed him to try to recall his fake limbs again.

Crushing things between his fingers...rolling papers and items....pushing soft things, and running his index finger across solid, smooth things like glass - and rough like stone walls.

'Come on damn you. Don't let that thing make her cum, you're better than this. You're way better than this, Azier' he coached himself in frustration silently.

'You want to touch those tits, don't you? You want to grab her, right? Well let's go numb nuts -- make it happen,' he continued desperately.

The feel of satin... and cotton.... silky hair...smooth skin.....

There they were again! Yes, those two limbs weren't perfect - he was missing one pinky on his left hand, but dammit he had two arms with hands. Two hands he practiced squeezing open and closing shut as he looked over to his instructor hungrily.

"...I'm going to fuck you, Amyra..." he promised heatedly. "Now give me that useless thing," Azier added and made his way towards her with his arm stretched out and ready to pull the loathsome object from her delicate insides.

"Please do, my prince..." she begged with her eyes more than she did with her lips.

He planned to do as she asked. He did want to be a good student after all....

Thank you for all of the collections!!!

As thanks, I wrote an extra chapter for the week, and I made it nice and decently long!

I will pick up this scene in the next update, so stay tuned for Friday (US time) for your typical upload!

Starparticlecreators' thoughts