
I become the Supreme deity at the start

When Solarian, an everyday individual, faces an untimely demise, he discovers that death is not the end but a gateway to a new, unimaginable existence. Reincarnated as a being at the zenith of power, he embarks on an extraordinary journey, morphing into a god revered and feared across realms. But what would you do if you were in his shoes? Would you embrace the role of a benevolent guardian, spreading kindness and prosperity, or would you succumb to the allure of becoming a malevolent ruler, wielding fear and dominance? So, let's follow solarian in his journey as he truly the supreme deity.

Origin_Progenitor · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Second daemon-yeridian way

Year 6110

By the year 6110, the Yeridianic Alliance had recruited almost all of the high-ranking members of Yeridian races, who held some power in the daemon-established system governing Yeridia.

All members of the Yeridianic Alliance were ready to rebel against the daemons at any moment. They were merely waiting to produce a sage or a saint to fight against Vilran, as he was their only remaining enemy.

The Yeridianic Alliance had already struck a deal with the Devil Sage Hunio, who aimed to kill Vilran and become the new leader of the daemon race.

In return for helping Hunio ascend to the leadership of the daemon race, he promised to forge a peace treaty between the daemon race and the Yeridianic races. Additionally, he promised to grant independence to the Yeridian continent after assuming power.

The Yeridianic Alliance aimed to produce more than one sage or saint. This strategy was to ensure if they really do managed to kill Vilran.

They would still possess the power to defend themselves and the Yeridian continent should Hunio turn against them.

By the end of the year 6110, the Yeridianic Alliance finally succeeded in creating a saint, Ryu. They managed to elevate Ryu to sainthood using the Heavenly Staff of the Heavenly Church.

This staff, worshipped by the church for thousands of years, had absorbed the faith power of the church and the followers of the Supreme Deity.

With this achievement, the Yeridianic Alliance was ready to rebel against Vilran and the daemons.

An important aspect to note is that the Yeridianic Alliance sought only the freedom of the Yeridian continent; they had no intention of engaging in a battle to the death with the daemon race. This was primarily because the daemon race, with its various subraces each possessing unique abilities, was significantly more powerful than all the Yeridianic races combined.

Year 6111

By the start of the year 6111, the rebellion of yeridian started, it started by killing off all of the daemon lords which were sent by vilran to send to manage the yeridian continent, although the daemon lords were powerful but not all of them were at the supreme stage, with only few of them being at the supreme stage and by now all of the supreme stage in the yeridianic continent have already joined the yeridianic alliance, and they attack the daemon lords one by one and thus were able to kill them easily, although it took some time.

As soon as the news of the rebellion of yeridian continent spread into to the daemon continent, vilran was furious by this news because for the past 500 or so years, since the first daemon-yeridian war, in which daemons won and conquered the yeridian continent, he had always considered the yeridianc races as inferior creatures when compared to the daemons.

And now this inferior creatures had rebelled against him, he just can't accept this fact, so he ordered the daemon army to quickly invade the yeridian continent and just massacre everyone there no matter their age, race or gender, and he even himself planned to go there himself to kill all of the rebels.

When the daemon army arrived at the yeridian continent, what they saw shocked them to extreme, what they saw was an army as big as their waiting for them their fully prepared to fight the daemons, this further angered vilran.

Soon, an all out war break out of between the daemon and yeridian army, which would later be called the ''second daemon-yeridian war'', as soon as the war start, magic spells start from each side to fly across the sky and attack the enemy side and the aura users were manifesting their aura weapons and killing the enemy troops.

The battlefield was a chaotic scene of death and destruction, as the two powerful armies clashed in a brutal war that had been raging for centuries.

On one side, stood the daemon race, known for their dark and malevolent powers, while on the other side, the yeridianic races, a coalition of different species united against their common enemy.

As the sun rose on the horizon, the battlefield was illuminated with the glow of fire and the screams of the dying.

The smell of blood and burning flesh filled the air, as the two sides clashed with their weapons and magic. The ground was littered with the bodies of fallen soldiers, both daemon and yeridianic, their lifeless eyes staring blankly at the sky.

The sound of swords clashing and spells being cast echoed throughout the battlefield, as the two sides fought fiercely for control. The sky was dark and cloudy, a reflection of the darkness that had consumed the land due to this never-ending war.

The daemon race, fought with a ferocity that was unmatched. Their weapons were made of daemonic magic, able to slice through flesh and bone of anyone with ease. They were relentless in their attack, showing no mercy to their enemies.

On the other hand, the yeridianic races fought with a sense of determination and unity. Their forces consisted of different species, each with their own unique abilities and strengths.

The elves, known for their archery skills, fired arrows that seemed to find their targets with deadly accuracy. The dwarves, with their powerful axes, fought with great strength and resilience. The humans, with their magic and strategic skills, led the charge against the daemon army.

The beastmens were helping the wounded by taking them out of the battlefield quicky and then coming back to the battlefield again to fight and the barbarians were also helping the army to fight against the daemon army

Amidst the chaos, there were moments of individual battles that stood out. A group of yeridianic warriors fought against a powerful daemon, who seemed to be surrounded by a dark aura.

With each swing of his sword, he cut down several yeridianic soldiers, but the yeridianic warriors did not back down. They fought with all their might, their determination to protect their land and loved ones giving them strength.

In another part of the battlefield, a group of yeridianic mages engaged in a fierce magical duel with a group of daemons. The sky crackled with energy as spells collided, creating explosions that sent soldiers flying in all directions.

The mages were determined to use their magic to defend their people, while the daemons were determined to crush their enemies with their dark powers.

As the war raged on, the ground became soaked with blood, making it slippery and treacherous for those still standing. The cries of pain and anguish filled the air, as more and more lives were lost in this gruesome battle.

But amidst all the gore and violence, there were also moments of bravery and sacrifice. Yeridianic soldiers risked their lives to protect their comrades, while some daemons showed mercy to their enemies, choosing to spare their lives instead of delivering the final blow.

As the sun began to set, the battle was still far from over. The two sides were evenly matched, with neither gaining the upper hand. The battlefield was a testament to the horrors of war, and the toll it takes on all those involved.

Vilran himself, the leader of daemons, entered the battlefield. His arrival instilled fear in the hearts of the Yeridian soldiers. They had heard tales of his immense power and hated him because of him their continent became the slave of daemons.

As Vilran made his way through the battlefield, he effortlessly took down the supreme stages of the Yeridian army. His magic was unmatched, and his enemies fell like mere ants in his path.

But then, something unexpected happened. Vilran was attacked by a powerful force that injured him. It was a shock to vilran, as Vilran had never been injured since he became a sage.

He looked towards the direction the attack came from and saw a young boy with long brown-black hair and piercing black eyes, wielding a sword.

But there was something different about this boy. Vilran could sense a powerful energy emanating from him, almost as strong as his own. And then it dawned on him - the Yeridianic races had managed to cultivate a saint. The boy in front of him was no ordinary warrior, he was a fucking saint, a being as powerful as a sage.

Without hesitation, both Vilran and the boy named Ryu ran towards each other, ready to engage in a fierce battle. The clash of their swords echoed through the battlefield, as onlookers watched in awe and fear.

 ryu moved with incredible speed and agility, dodging and deflecting every spell that Vilran threw at him.

But Vilran was not one to back down easily. He too, was a formidable fighter, and his experience in battle gave him an edge over Ryu.

Their swords clashed, creating sparks that lit up the dark sky. The ground shook with each blow, and the sound of metal against metal filled the air. Both fighters were evenly matched, and it seemed like the battle would never end.

As they fought, the sky turned a deep shade of red, as if mirroring the intense violence on the ground. The once beautiful battlefield was now a gruesome sight, with blood and body parts scattered everywhere.

The soldiers from both sides could do nothing but watch in horror as this two fought to the death.

But the battle was far from over. Vilran and Ryu were both determined to emerge victorious. Their swords continued to clash, and their bodies were covered in bruises and cuts. But neither of them showed any signs of backing down.

As the battle raged on between Vilran and Ryu, it seemed as if neither of them would ever tire. Vilran's magic showed no signs of weakening, while Ryu could feel himself becoming exhausted from the constant fighting.

His divine energy was depleting rapidly, and it seemed as if he would not be able to keep up with Vilran's powerful spells for much longer.

However, just as Ryu was about to succumb to his weariness, a sudden turn of events changed the course of the battle.

Without warning, a hand pierced Vilran's heart and crushed it, causing him to let out a blood-curdling scream. In that moment of shock and distraction, Ryu saw an opportunity to strike. With all his remaining strength, he launched a final attack and beheaded Vilran.

As Vilran's head rolled down to the ground, he was still alive for a few moments. In his last moments, he saw the person who had betrayed him and pierced his heart - the powerful demon sage, Hunio. A feeling of betrayal and anger consumed Vilran as he took his final breath.

With Vilran's death, the second Daemon-Yeridian war finally came to an end. As Hunio had promised to the Yeridianic alliance, After he declared himself as the new leader of the Daemon race.

he declared that the Yeridian continent would now be recognized as an independent continent, separate from the Daemon's rule.

This announcement came as a shock to daemon side. The Yeridians were thrilled to finally have their independence, while the Daemons were left reeling from the sudden change in leadership and power dynamics.

For centuries, the Daemons had been the dominant force in the world, with the Yeridians living under their rule. But now, thanks to Hunio's actions, the balance of power would shift.

Guys, your author-kun has an exam tomorrow, so wish me good luck, and if you liked the chapter, do leave a comment, okay?

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