
I become the badass villain

In a world marked by betrayal and abandonment, our protagonist has learned to thrive in the shadows. The pages of books offer a respite from the monotonous existence that surrounds him, filling his life with vibrant hues and moments of escape. But fate has a different plan in store for him... After meeting an untimely demise on the battlefield, the protagonist is granted a second chance at life, reincarnated as the young master of the prestigious Ye family. However, there's a twist that sets him apart from the typical hero—instead of embracing the role of the virtuous savior, he is cast as a villain... As he steps into this new life, the protagonist finds solace within the walls of his newfound haven. His family becomes a source of strength and warmth, But rather than basking in the tranquility, he is prepared to unleash his inner fire to protect what he holds dear... Unfazed by the adversities that await, the protagonist becomes an indifferent force, unyielding and unaffected by the attempts to undermine him. He revels in his own uniqueness, his savage wit and unapologetic demeanor setting him apart from his peers. With a carefree and rebellious spirit, he navigates the challenges that come his way, proving that the rules of the game can be bent to his advantage.... In this gripping tale of resilience and defiance, the protagonist's indifference becomes his greatest weapon. While others may strive for heroism and redemption, he finds power in his nonchalance, his ability to turn the tides in his favor through cunning and wit. As he traverses a world teetering on the edge of darkness, his presence leaves a lasting impression on those who dare to challenge him... Prepare to be enthralled as our unconventional protagonist carves his own path, reshaping the notion of what it means to be a hero or a villain. With each step, he defies expectations, leaving a trail of chaos and intrigue in his wake. Brace yourself for a story that blurs the lines between good and evil, where indifference becomes a force to be reckoned with, and where the protagonist's journey promises to be a thrilling and unapologetic ride.... (p.s)Cover is not my Own,.. it's from Pinterest.. contact if you want it to be removed

Dufort_Yeager · Realistic
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35 Chs

An uninvited Intruder...

Ye Yong lounged by the window, his gaze fixed on the captivating view beyond. The sun's warm rays cascaded through the glass, casting a golden hue on his chiseled features. Li Na sat beside him, her frustration and annoyance growing with each passing moment. It seemed as if Ye Yong was oblivious to her very existence, and it infuriated her....

Ye Yong remained seated by the window. seemingly unaffected by the chatter and activities within the classroom. Li Na, with her ego in full force, found herself growing increasingly frustrated by Ye Yong's indifference towards her...

When she first met and saw Ye yong.. she felt an indescribable attraction towards him...Wanting to talk... she even took the initiative to say hello with a very charming smile..but he just greeted her back and started to read his book..but it kind of left Li na in an awkward and embarrassing position with the eyes of the classmates that were looking at them... what could be more important than talking to a beautiful girl even when she takes the initiative...ahe thought he was just shy...so she intiate the conversation again..she asked him what book he is read..and he just again said his breif reply..and began to focus on the book..she didn't know much about the sci-fi genre so she just decided to change the topic to continue their conversation...but nah!.. that guy...he just straight up insulted her in front of the whole class..it took her some time to process...but she was burning with anger..In fury she even lifted her hand to slap him teaching him a lesson..but he just grabbed her hand so tightly...it got red marks on them... how could he!...how dare he!...

ughhh! just thinking about it Li na became furious again and glared at her side where the same boy is just reading a book...

Even after their collaboration, Ye Yong remained distant,..

Li Na couldn't ignore the persistent need to engage Ye Yong, despite his indifference towards her. Her ego pushed her to take the initiative,..

"ha...hi! what book are you reading"...

ye yong remained doesn't even feeled the need to answer which made it akward for Li na...

she was about to say something when...


as the classroom hummed with the sound of students engrossed in their own conversations, an unexpected visitor fluttered into the room. A small bee buzzed its way through the open window, drawing gasps and startled cries from the students...a student got stung...on his hand when wasn't paying attention...

Panic rippled through the classroom as the bee darted around, causing a commotion and sending some students into a frenzy. Li Na, swiftly jumped to her feet and began waving her arms, attempting to shoo the intruder away...

However, her efforts only seemed to agitate the bee further. It buzzed closer to Li Na, its tiny wings beating rapidly. She stumbled backward, nearly tripping over a chair, her pride wounded by the audacity of the small creature...

Amidst the chaos, Ye Yong remained seated, observing the scene. His eyes followed Li Na's futile attempts to ward off the bee, a faint hint of amusement tugging at the corners of his lips.he chuckled.. it was quite funny...

Panic spread like wildfire as the bee zipped around the room, evading every attempt to capture or swat it away. Students frantically slapped at the air with textbooks, rulers, and even their lunchboxes, hoping to land a hit on the elusive insect...

The bee seemed to possess a supernatural agility, effortlessly dodging every clumsy swat that came its way. It weaved through the maze of flailing arms and buzzing with a mischievous energy. It seemed to revel in the chaos it had incited, buzzing with an almost taunting tone as it darted from one corner of the room to another...

The bee spotted Li Na and took an immediate liking to her. It buzzed closer, relentlessly pursuing her with a determination that bordered on comedic. Li Na, wide-eyed and shrieking, fled from the relentless pursuit of the tiny terror...

In her desperate attempt to escape, Li Na dashed across the room, weaving and ducking with the agility of an Olympic athlete. Unbeknownst to Li Na, her impromptu sprint had brought her dangerously close to Ye Yong's path....

Just as Li Na turned to check if the bee was still hot on her trail, she stumbled over an errant backpack and found herself hurtling towards the ground. As luck would have it, Ye Yong, who had been leisurely observing the chaos from his perch, instinctively sprang into action.

In a stroke of sheer coincidence, Li Na's fall was perfectly timed with Ye Yong's position. As if guided by some peculiar force, Li Na tumbled directly into his outstretched arms, her flailing limbs entangled with his in a comical collision...

Li Na's face flushed with embarrassment,..she found herself awkwardly nestled in the arms of the very person she considered a cold heartless rude jerk...

Ye Yong, surprisingly unfazed by the entire ordeal, calmly steadied Li Na and helped her regain her balance. The two stood there momentarily, caught in an absurd embrace, while the bee continued its aerial acrobatics around them...

In one fluid motion, Ye Yong gently guided Li Na to a corner of the classroom, away from the agitated bee. His touch was firm yet reassuring, instilling a sense of calm within her. The rest of the students watched in awe as the bee, seemingly acknowledging Ye Yong's presence, made its way back to the window and flew out into the open sky...

The classroom fell silent, the lingering tension dissolving in the air. Li Na stared at Ye Yong, her usual defiance momentarily replaced by a newfound gratitude. His cool and collected demeanor had not only saved her from the bee's unwelcome advances but also provided a glimpse of a side she hadn't expected to see...

Li Na, her ego momentarily set aside, tried to thanked Ye Yong with a sheepish smile...

But Li Na's pride may have been momentarily set aside, but her tsundere nature couldn't resist slipping into her response. After the incident with the bee and Ye Yong's help, she found herself internally conflicted on how to express her gratitude. With a mixture of embarrassment and reluctance, Li Na managed to muster up the following words:

"Ugh, whatever... I guess... Thanks for... um... helping me out, I guess. Not like I needed it or anything! It's just... that dumb bee... I didn't want it to think it had won or anything, you know! So, don't get any weird ideas, got it?!"

Despite her attempt to maintain her tough exterior, there was a hint of sincerity behind her tsundere facade. Li Na's words carried a subtle appreciation, revealing a flicker of warmth beneath her seemingly aloof demeanor.

" It's Okay"....

Ye Yong, ever nonchalant, released her hand and returned to his seat by the window, as if nothing had happened. Li Na, still processing the events, found herself captivated by this newfound dimension of Ye Yong's character...

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