
I become Satoru Gojo but in Black Clover

I find myself walking while I'm thinking, but then I see an old man who seems familiar to me, offers me a new way of living my life, I accept it without giving importance, but I wake up and find myself in a world of magic where everything is new for me . . . . . . . . The characters, scenery and stories are not my property, all rights to their respective authors, this story is created as a hobby, also do not expect much of grammar or sense in the story, you may find several mistakes but I apologize.

Darknight558 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Vol2-Chapter 4-Dungeon

Hi I'm the author :D, well for starters the characters and scenarios are not my property, the right to their respective authors, this story is a fanfic that I do it for hobby, don't expect to get chapters in a row or per week, it can take me days, weeks or months for a chapter, But if you want it to come out fast, then give power stones, please vote and give a good review.



Now this story is written in Spanish and translated to English, so don't expect everything to be correct, because my English is not perfect and I can be wrong, I hope you like the story>.




I will be updating the story slowly due to some issues I have but I will keep writing.




This time I use chatgpt to translate the fanfic, so sorry if there are mistakes


*Previous chapter*

"Why don't you go with them if they're your squad? Besides, that girl seems to know you." The grandma sits in the chair and looks at Satoru. "I know, but I want to make an epic entrance as vice-captain." Satoru gives her a big smile. "Oh, by the way, what did you think of young Julius?"

"Amazing, really. It turns out he's anti-magic by chance." Julius was excited with stars in his eyes.

"Yeah, totally correct. Well, I'll leave you; maybe we'll play next time." Satoru gets up, pats Julius's (grandma's) shoulder, and leaves the casino. He goes to a stall, buys something, then stores it and teleports away from the place.


"The day is happy and beautiful, a beautiful day to plant a nuclear bomb, don't you believe it?" Satoru turns his head to the left where he sees a child looking at him, while Satoru is eating a sandwich, but the child simply turns away from him. He looks and then runs towards the other children.

Satoru sighs and eats his sandwich in silence, while he watches all the people pass by, he is like that for a while eating and looking at the people, he finishes his sandwich and gets up, walks a little until he reaches an alley and disappears from there, moment then he appears in the wizard king's office

"How's it going, Julius?" Satoru greets the wizard king with a big smile on his face. Julius, who was engrossed in his work reading reports and making certain modifications, hears Satoru's voice and lifts his head with a smile. "How's it going, Satoru?" A moment later, he appears in front of him with stars in his eyes.

"Is it spatial magic, by any chance? Does it allow you to go wherever you want? How do you manage not to leave your mana signature? Is there a limit to teleportation?" Julius starts asking several questions as he approaches Satoru more and more, but suddenly stops due to Satoru's infinity.

"Easy there." Satoru moves the wizard king away a bit. "And if we can simplify it as spatial magic, returning to the topic, hand me the report, would you?" Satoru extends his hand to receive the report.

"Right, hehe."Julius returns to his desk and opens a drawer where he looks for a sheet, which he later hands to Satoru. "Here's the report on the dungeon that appeared a while ago. Some members of your order and the Golden Dawn will explore it, so don't worry."

"By the way, why do you want to go to the dungeon if your squad is going?"

"Easy, I just want to visit this year's rookies." Satoru smiles as he takes out a piece of cake and throws it at Julius, who manages to catch it in time. Then Satoru says goodbye and disappears from the office.

Later, Satoru appears outside the dungeon from the report Julius gave him. 'Meh, it looks small.' He enters the dungeon as if nothing happened."


*Base of the Black Bulls*

"Well that's it, here's the dungeon mission and now out of my sight" Yami hands the report to Luck while smoking a cigarette and turns away - "Captain Yami please let me go to the dungeon" Asta raises his hand as high as he can while he has a star in his eyes for going to a dungeon

"What are you talking about, brat, if the wizard king himself asked me for you to go?" Yami shows another sheet where Asta appears as a member to explore the dungeon. once"

Asta was jumping with excitement for being chosen by the wizard king, Noelle was quiet and with a serious face but inside she was excited about an important mission and exploring the dungeon, while Luck was calm and happy, so the trio left. from the base to go to the dungeon


*In the dungeon with Satoru*

"But that's disgusting, a chest with organs, blugghh." Satoru leans against the wall with his right hand while holding his stomach with his left, starting to vomit. "It's the most horrifying thing I've seen since I arrived in this world." Satoru wipes the saliva from his mouth and kicks the chest.

"I hope to find something better than that." Satoru walks down a corridor for a while. "Is it just me, or is it getting darker?" Satoru keeps walking, but as he progresses, it gets darker and darker. After a while, it's completely dark, and nothing can be seen. "Yep, it's dark. Did they forget to pay the electricity bill, and CFE cut off their power?"

<Author's note: CFE Electricity Commission, a Mexican organization responsible for providing electricity to the city. Yep, I'm Mexican.>


"Dungeon entrance"

"Incredible, this is an amazing dungeon. Hey, Noelle, do you know if, ouch, ow, ow! What did I do now to deserve this pecking from you?"

"See, that's because he prefers Silvantus Schauzer, right?"

"Turu turu."

"Wouldn't it be better to call him Nero?" Asta and Noelle turn to look at Luck for the name he suggests. The bird then stands on Luck's shoulder and lifts its wing as a confirmation.

"What!!!!" Asta and Noelle shout simultaneously upon seeing how much the bird likes the name Nero.


*In the darkness with Satoru*

"Where the hell did I get myself into now?" Satoru scratches his head a bit before pulling out a folded sheet from his pocket and unfolding it. "Let's see where I am." Satoru looks at the map, but nothing can be seen in the darkness. He turns his head to the right and presses a brick, which lights torches in the area.

He turns to look at the map but finds it blank. "No wonder I'm lost." While looking at the map, he hears a noise to his left. He turns his head to see what it is, but only finds three chests with organs open, staring at him. Satoru looks at the chests and simply raises his right hand to press the brick again, turning off the torches.


*In the dungeon with the Black Bulls*

"Noelle, don't worry, I'll get you out of there." Asta swings his sword, cutting the vines of the plants that were holding Noelle. However, one of these vines grabs the sword and Asta's arm, preventing him from moving to cut the other vines.

"Oh no, I can't move." Asta was trying to tear the vines off his arm, but other vines caught his other arm. Meanwhile, on the ground, the plant opens its mouth, ready to devour Asta. Suddenly, several wind blades appear in the area, destroying the plant and cutting the vines.

Asta falls to the ground and rolls a bit on the floor. He then gets up to see the person who cast the magic spell. Asta looks up with a smile on his face upon seeing the person who saved him. "With this, I've repaid my debt to you, Asta."

"Haha, Yuno."


*With Satoru*

"Well, how many damn chests are there?" Satoru kicks a completely destroyed chest, and behind him is a pile of broken chests. "Seriously, what an ugly dungeon. Who puts such ugly enemies?" Satoru looks at a wall. "Phew, I'd better do it this way."


*With Golden Dawn and Black Bulls*

"Yuno, I'll be the first to become the Wizard King."

"Keep dreaming, Asta. I'll be the first."

While they argued, the other members were talking. However, as they were about to leave, they felt a tremor, confusing everyone as they didn't know the reason for the quake.


*With Luck*

At this moment Luck is fighting with an enemy who entered the dungeon but he also felt the shaking but instead of being confused he started to feel the desire to go to the person who made the shaking.


*With Satoru*

"This way is simpler, straight to the treasure." Satoru was breaking through every wall that appeared before him as if it were paper. He didn't care if traps were triggered or enemies attacked him; he continued to destroy the walls.

After a few minutes, he reached the place he desired so much: the treasure chamber. He approaches the door and touches it. "Hmm, it has some kind of seal or lock, but it's easy; I'll remove it with purple." Satoru steps back a bit to cast his technique but stops before initiating it.

"But what if I eliminate the treasure with purple? Mmm, I know, I'll make it smaller." Satoru approaches the door again and casts a small purple spell, creating a hole in the wall. He peeks through the hole and smiles, teleporting into the room in an instant.

"Perfect, time to take everything." Satoru begins to explore the room full of treasures, seeing various interesting items like a device projecting an image of him on another device, a cloak making you invisible, a sword that shoots weak fire, and piles of gold coins.

Satoru stores a large amount of coins in his inventory as he continues exploring. Eventually, he reaches the end of the room and spots a scroll there. "Oh, so this is Yuno's spirit. Perfect, now I can charge him money for the scroll. Right, where is Asta's sword?"

Satoru looks around for a wall with a mirror because behind that wall is Asta's sword. It doesn't take long for him to find it, so he approaches the wall, gives it a strong punch, destroying it, and in front of him is the sword. "I wonder if the sword can cut infinity."

Satoru approaches the sword, activates infinity, and touches it. "Hmm, quite interesting. The sword can cut my infinity, but not completely. For now, it can only tear it. I wonder when I'm in demon assimilation if it can cut infinity?" Satoru brings his right hand to his chin. "But there's also Yami with his new spell he unlocks in the Sumarino Temple; he could also cut infinity, I believe."

"This is a good question; I'm curious to see if they can cut it. It would be fun." While Satoru was lost in thought about who could cut his infinity and imagining what the future might hold, he hears a lot of noise and sees the room shaking. "They've arrived already?"


"I'm the guy who was born without any kind of magic power, and even though they say this, I will be the Wizard King. I live solely to make that dream come true."

"I will destroy everything."

"You're going to destroy everything? The Wizard King exists to protect his kingdom and the people living in it, so a destroyer won't defeat me."

"You're in my way, a long-lasting hindrance without any magical power." He approaches Asta with his diamond armor, ready to kill Asta.

"Maybe I'm a hindrance, but I'M THE HINDRANCE THAT CAN SHATTER DIAMOND!" Asta runs toward the enemy wielding his sword, getting close enough to make a horizontal cut, slicing through the entire diamond armor of the enemy, defeating him.

"The only ones who will have the treasure will be us from the Clover Kingdom!" Asta shouts at the top of his lungs while raising his sword in victory.

After defeating the enemy, everyone celebrates and relaxes in the victory. They capture the enemy and immobilize him while attending to the wounds of Asta and Yuno. During this, everyone is surprised to hear someone speak.

"I have to say, Asta, that was an excellent demonstration of your dream." Everyone turns towards the door of the treasure room and finds a person sitting in a chair with his right leg crossed over his left, wearing 3D glasses over the black bandages covering his eyes, and eating popcorn.

Noelle takes out her wand and points it at Satoru while standing in front of her cousin Mimosa. "Who are you, and how did you get here?" Yuno, Klaus, and Luck also become alert due to the unknown person, but suddenly Asta speaks. "Satoru, what are you doing here?" Everyone turns to look at Asta. "Hey, Asta, do you know him?" Luck asks Asta.

"Yes, I met him when I was taking my Magic Knight exam and when we went to the black market with Vanessa. But what are you doing here, Satoru?" Everyone relaxes a bit knowing he's not an enemy, but they are curious about how he got here.

"Well, it's simple, through the door and breaking down the walls." Satoru stands up from the chair and brushes off his clothes from the popcorn crumbs. "Wait, were you the one who shook the entire dungeon?" Mimosa peeks behind Noelle and asks. "Yes, that was me. I got lost, and it was the fastest way."

"Wait, even though we know who you are now, that doesn't mean you can't be a spy. So, reveal who you are." Klaus raises his grimoire while shouting angrily. Satoru raises an eyebrow as he looks at him, then turns to Yuno and Mimosa. "Is he always like this?"

"Unfortunately, yes," they both said at the same time, sighing at their superior's behavior. "Well, it doesn't matter; in the end, he's very weak, and his rank is very low." Satoru shrugged off the situation and put his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, I told you to reveal who you are; I am superior to everyone," Klaus exclaimed with some annoyance. Asta was about to intervene to ease the situation, but Satoru spoke first. "You're mistaken, kid; I am the superior one because I am the vice-captain of the Black Bulls." As he said that, the Black Bulls emblem began to appear on the left side of Satoru's clothing.

Everyone listened with surprise to this revelation. Noelle was frozen seeing the vice-captain, while Asta was amazed to know him. Before they could ask their questions, Satoru spoke first. "Alright, you have questions; I'll answer them later. Now, you first, Prince of the Clover Kingdom or from the other Kingdom of heart or the kingdom of pica, I can't remember which one you are, prince." Satoru turned towards Yuno.

"I'm not a prince; I'm a commoner from Hage Village." Yuno was confused about why he called him that. "Whatever, you'll know later. Take this; it's for you." Satoru tossed Yuno the wind spirit scroll. "I'm giving it to you because it doesn't suit me, and you have an affinity with it, so read it." Yuno opened the scroll, and a bright light emanated from it, lasting a few seconds before disappearing.

Then, Satoru turned to Asta. "Alright, now, shorty, see that sword over there." Satoru pointed to the sword next to his chair. "Yes, I see it." Asta replied after seeing the sword. "Well, that sword is yours because it's anti-magic, so go and take it." Asta got excited about receiving a new sword, especially from his vice-captain. Asta picked up the sword and was about to thank him until he saw the defeated enemy rising again, now with fire magic.

The enemy managed to break free and, now, with his fire and diamond magic, had a significantly large and strong armor. He launched several diamond spikes directly at them. Yuno, Klaus, and Mimosa managed to protect themselves using Klaus's magic. Luck dodged every attack, although some grazed him. Noelle couldn't dodge every attack, so she tried to protect herself with her water shield, but she could see the discs coming. Asta went straight to help Noelle and managed to break some, but more and more were coming faster. However, Satoru stepped in front of them.

"Vice-Captain Satoru, be careful!" Asta shouted in fear, seeing Satoru in front of them. But he simply raised his left hand, and the discs stopped in front of him. "Alright, alright, you guys calm down, and I'll be nervous. You know, I wouldn't want Noelle to get hurt, and you too, shorty. So, how about a little show?" Satoru smiled and took off his 3D glasses that he still had on his bandages.

The enemy became angrier and unleashed his diamond magic, trapping everyone. Seeing this, he released his fire magic to burn them. Satoru, who was trapped in quotes because the diamond never touched him, broke the diamond and stood in front of everyone. "During my inspiration journey, I discovered several ways to use infinity that never occurred to me before." He raised his left hand, stopping the fire.

The fire began to surround Satoru, but with his other hand, he began to compress the fire. Slowly, the fire around Satoru started to recede, and now there was a fireball in his hand. Everyone was curious and amazed to see how he mastered the enemy's fire, even the enemy was curious.

Satoru, who compressed the fire, now had a fireball in his hand. He then crushes it and extends the fire, gives it a spin, and now the fireball is in the palm of his left hand. He turns his hand, and now the palm is facing down with the fireball, and the right hand is on top of the left hand.

With the right hand and his index finger next to the middle finger, he touches the fireball in the palm of his left hand and pulls it backward while extending his left arm toward the enemy. The fireball began to take the form of a fire arrow. "Introducing a way to use infinity, a curse technique copy of Sukuna's technique." Satoru smiled and released the arrow, which shot towards the enemy.

The enemy takes the arrow's impact, shattering part of the armor, and takes several steps backward due to the attack's force. "You know, it's a different way to use infinity. Although it's defensive, it can also be used for attacking. But it leaves a mark, demonstrating the power of a vice-captain," Satoru raises his right hand like a gun. "[Curse Technique: Red Inverse]"

A black sphere starts forming at the tip of his finger, then it takes on a red color, illuminating the room in red. In a split second, the sphere flies, hitting the enemy. All everyone saw was a red sphere on Satoru's fingers that flew rapidly, hitting the enemy, shattering his diamond armor, and causing him to fall unconscious. Satoru starts walking towards the enemy and observes him with white eyes, a burn on his left arm, and a bruise on his chest.

Satoru grabs his feet and drags him on the floor as he walks back. "Enemy defeated. Take him." Satoru throws the enemy to Klaus. "That was amazing!!!" Asta approaches Satoru with stars in his eyes, amazed by his vice-captain's power. "Haha, I know. I'm amazing." Satoru smiles while posing like a bodybuilder. Everyone else is surprised by Satoru's power.

"By any chance, are you a captain?" Mimosa couldn't hold back her curiosity and decided to ask. "The truth is, no. Although they offered me the position several times to be a captain, it's too much work, so I stay as vice-captain." Satoru dismisses the idea of being a captain, and as they chat, the dungeon starts trembling. "What's happening?" Noelle, confused, asks.

"The dungeon is collapsing," Satoru calmly replies. "Alright, listen up. I want everyone to huddle together and see everything in a ball." Everyone follows Satoru's instructions and gathers as close as possible. Then, Satoru starts drawing a circle around them. "This is the polar express. Please don't stick out your hands; they might get cut, and I'm not responsible if you die in the process or end up with an organ reversed." Before they could say anything, they disappear from the place.

Satoru is still in the dungeon and simply picks up his chair, folds it, and stores it before disappearing. Outside the dungeon, Satoru appears and sees everyone else dizzy, some vomiting. "Perfect, no one died." Everyone just gives him an annoyed look but doesn't say anything.

After relaxing for a while and sharing all the information, the Golden Dawn members return to their base, while the Black Bulls also head back. Before they could call Finral, Satoru carries Asta and Noelle like sacks of potatoes, with Luck jumping and holding onto his back, disappearing from there. Moments later, they appear at the Black Bulls' base.

"Home sweet home. How long has it been since I came?" Satoru says with great joy and drops Noelle and Asta to the ground. They get up and scold Satoru a bit, who doesn't pay them any attention. They decide to enter the base.

"Hey, but if you're the vice-captain, why weren't you here before?" Asta asks with curiosity as they enter the base. "Well, you see, I was doing something important, so I couldn't be here." Satoru says quite casually as he sits on the sofa. They chat for a while, and other members start arriving.

Finral sees Satoru and is about to shout and ask who he is and why he appeared suddenly. But before he could ask his questions, everyone hears a noise of something breaking. They turn and see Vanessa with a surprised expression, dropping her alcohol.

Satoru turns and sees Vanessa, so he stands up, extends his arms for a hug, and smiles. "Vanessa, how are you?" Vanessa lowers her head, and her face cannot be seen because her hat covers it. She begins to walk slowly towards Satoru. Everyone is curious about who she is and what their relationship is.

Vanessa gets closer and closer until she's just a few centimeters away. Satoru was about to hug her until he received a strong blow. Everyone opens their eyes in surprise to see Vanessa slapping Satoru, who turned his head to the right due to the slap. Satoru stays like that for a moment, then turns his gaze to see Vanessa, angry and crying. "Fool! You're a complete idiot," and she leaves.

Satoru remained still, not saying anything and not moving. No one knew what to do or why it happened. Noelle went after Vanessa to see what was wrong with her friend. Yami, who had just arrived, saw Satoru get slapped, so he approached him and touched his shoulder. "You should have sent a letter at least, huh?"

"I know. The same thing happened to me with my parents."

Yami pats Satoru's shoulder a bit and goes to the bathroom. Satoru sighs, lowers his arms, and then sits on the couch. "Yes, I'm a fool. I should have at least sent letters."


<Author: Well, folks, a new chapter. I hope you like it. Please provide feedback and donate stones, if can. might not upload chapters for few weeks; I'm fixing something making corrections to several have. Hehehehehehehe>