
I Become a Writer in Konoha

In the winter of the 58th year of Konoha, a novel called "Konoha's Love Story" slowly spread among housewives and then extended to surrounding cities and countries like a spark. Yuya, who originally wanted to earn some money for his livelihood, has become a literary hero all over the world. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ----------------------------------------------- Chinese-English Translation b.faloo.com ------------------------------------------------

William777 · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 30: Ino's Abnormality

Kakashi narrowed his eyes, looking apathetic and jokingly commented that if he agreed to a duel with Gai it would be endless, so he had to find a way to escape.

In the moment he lowered his head to think, Kakashi saw Yuya watching himself and Gai with a kind of "watching the show" expression.

Looking at Kakashi, who had been quiet for a long time, Gai lost his composure, put his right hand on his body, and asked again, "Kakashi, are you afraid to fight?"

"Anko, Yuya, I don't know if I can join the mission. Hokage-sama hasn't assigned me a task recently. I want to go out and do some activities. If I get used to being lazy at home, my body will become stiff," Kakashi said in a tone of "consultation."

As a former member of Anbu and Elite Jōnin, Kakashi only accepted tasks assigned by Hiruzen himself. This time, he returned to the village and did not receive any instructions from above, so this "lie" may sound convincing.

Anko immediately raised her eyebrows upon receiving the message, then nodded directly and generously said, "Okay, if you're here, it will save me from worrying about not being able to take care of this brat alone."

Hehe, why don't you have time? Yuya had already discovered these small tricks in his heart. It is estimated that Kakashi just wanted to get rid of Gai, and after leaving the training field for a while, he probably separated.

Gai looked at Kakashi with a little disappointment and said, "Oh, it's a pity that I missed another chance to beat you!"

Yuya: "..."

Kakashi, who wanted to get rid of his friend, didn't care, just nodded quickly and told Gai, "It's a pity, wait until next time!"

Gai, who sees Kakashi as his lifelong opponent, is a little disappointed, but he is not the kind of person who bows his head!

Suddenly, he took a step forward, patted his chest, and said seriously, "Anko, Yuya, let me join this task, it turns out that I'm also free recently!"

Anko: "..."

Yuya: "..."

Kakashi: "..."

The determination to duel Kakashi is really extremely determined!

Yuya thought in his heart, then looked at Anko's "difficult" face, and almost laughed out loud.

Pulling on Anko's sleeve, Yuya cleared his throat and dryly said, "Elder, let Master Gai go with us! If you take on a more advanced mission, you'll earn more money, and I can spend time doing something else."

Anko immediately received the signal, nodded her head at Gai quickly, and said, "Okay."

Guy immediately jumped up excitedly!

Kakashi looked at Anko, who nodded and agreed with a stunned expression, the tacit understanding between them had now completely disappeared!

Tsk, women are really fickle, he thought helplessly. Originally, he planned to escape in a while, forget it, he rolled his eyes, he was a little desperate!

Rock Lee was stunned for a moment until he realized that everyone here, except for him, was going on a mission!

He immediately shouted to Gai, "Gai-sensei, take me with you, I also want to go on a mission!"

Gai stopped, looked at his eager student, patted his head, and said sternly, "Lee! Your current strength is not enough!"


Yesterday, after Yuya, Shikamaru, and Chōji left Ino, it was quite a scene in the Yamanaka heiress's room.

Holding the small package of bento boxes, Ino opened the wooden door, took off her clogs, and shouted, "Otossan, Okassan, I'm back...."

Putting the load on the living room table, after greeting her father and mother, she walked barefoot to her room, looking very worried.

Yamanaka Inoichi, who was in the living room having tea, looked at his wife in confusion and said innocently, "What's wrong with Ino? Something is wrong, should we go see her?"

Mrs. Yamanaka also seemed worried, placed her index finger in the center of her lips, thought for a moment, and said, "Let's take a look, this girl is not usually like this."

After returning to her room, Ino didn't even have time to change her clothes and lay down on the soft bed, covering her face.

"I was so abnormal today! Especially when I met that woman Anko who stayed with Yuya all the time, I felt uncomfortable in my heart and then felt a series of jealousy!"

"The key is that Shikamaru and Chōji saw it!"

"Ah! Yuya, you're not Sasuke, okay!"


Ino couldn't help but hit the bed with her fists, her whole face was flushed, as hot as a steam oven! It was too embarrassing, she lay on the bed with some desperate words.

Inoichi and his wife, who eavesdropped at the door, couldn't help but knock and enter Ino's room, saying, "Ino, we're coming in!"

"Ah! Otossan, Okassan, why?" Upon hearing the voice, Ino immediately sat up and turned to look at them.

The Yamanaka couple entered and saw Ino, who was lying on the bed, quickly got up, her face as red as an apple. Yamanaka Inoichi touched her head and said with concern, "Ino, what's wrong? Do you have something, are you sick?"

"Why is your face so red?"

Ino: "..."

Mrs. Yamanaka, who was silently standing aside, saw some clues and suddenly reached out and pushed her husband out, and said to Ino with a smile, "Ino, we're leaving!"

After speaking, she kindly helped Ino close the door.

Ino pouted and said, "What...just happened...."

"Hey! Don't pressure me, don't pressure me!" Yamanaka Inoichi still wanted to struggle to walk back and said excitedly, "I have to go see what my precious daughter has!"





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