
I Become A Storeowner At Apocalypse Following My Transmigration

At some point, a store called White Cloud appeared in the dangerous apocalyptic world. The store sold all non-polluting food, and there were also some magical effects of the signature series: "recovery" fruit tea, clears exhaustion and restores psychic abilities. Can make a man live one day more at most no matter how badly hurt he is... "Sober NTie" coffee, briefly improves mental resistance and repairs mental damage. Three hours of immunity to all illusions. ... What was even more surprising was the rules of the shop: No fighting allowed. No superpower allowed. The fact that she ran a store and set such rules during the apocalypse came as a shock to people. When the crowd wanted to see her make a monkey out of herself. "Sh*t, isn't this the bandit of the Cold Moon Ridge? Why did he get thrown out and who beat him up like that?" "Jesus, isn't this the right-hand man from the mafia of the Northern Cold Land? How did he fly out?" Yun You, who was holding the ginger cat and lying on the table playing poker, sighed long and helplessly. "It's so dangerous toward the end of the world. How I wish I have some powerful superpowers!" The ginger cat gave her a speechless look and continued to sleep. A certain future villain who was her bodyguard stood silently behind, and his low voice came, "I got you."

Big Cat The Slacker · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
40 Chs


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In a room in C City, the dim candlelight shone on the narrow space.

On the swivel chair at the innermost side of the room, a coquettish-looking woman crossed her legs and crossed them. She held a wine glass in her hand and swirled the red wine in it. Her long and narrow peach blossom eyes looked at the aggressive muscular man in front of her with a faint smile.

"Mei, why did you let him go? Don't forget what your mission is." Wang Tai gritted his teeth and said to her.

"Hehe, let him go? You can eat whatever you want, but you can't say whatever you want. My mission is to give him that injection. The rest is not under my jurisdiction." Mei took a sip of red wine, raised her slender neck, and continued, "And I administered that injection."

"But he left alive. That's Test Subject Number One!!" Wang Tai almost shouted at Mei.

Mei lazily changed her posture. "Oh, so you're not confident in your boss's potion."

"Wang Tai, pay attention to your identity. With your strength, you don't have the qualifications to shout at me." Mei didn't have much patience. Killing intent appeared in her eyes.

"You…" Wang Tai was trembling with anger, but he was indeed no match for Mei.

"Hmph." He turned around and left.

Only Mei was left in the room. She finished the wine in one gulp. Some red wine flowed down the corner of her mouth, making her look extremely charming. "Hehe, I actually hope that he survives. That lunatic's expression will definitely be interesting."

But is it really possible?

On a road in the city, a figure was walking alone. He had one hand on his shoulder, and black lines spread on his arm. Although he looked very tired with every step, the terrifying aura spreading from his body was still not to be underestimated.

A few low-level zombies surrounded him and suddenly attacked him. Han Qichuan formed a claw with one hand, and unknown scales appeared on his arm and face. The surrounding temperature plummeted, and he finished off the zombies that pounced on him in a few moves.

However, he did not look relaxed. He pursed his lips, closed his eyes, and clenched his fists even tighter, as if he was fighting something.

If one looked closely, they would see that the black lines on his arms had become longer and seemed to cover a wider area. He took a few steps forward.

With a bang, his body trembled and he fell to the ground.

At the same time, in the shop…

[Beep! Target detected nearby. Do you want to go to the rescue?]

Yun You, who was thinking about her hometown, was pulled back from her thoughts by the system's voice.

Hmm? The target? Could it be Han Qichuan? That was great. Looks like she don't have to sleep in the hall today.

Big Orange, who was on the table, was also woken up. It narrowed its eyes and yawned. It smacked its lips and came out of the small blanket to stretch. It tilted its head and looked at Yun You, as if asking what was wrong.

Yun You put the blanket into the system space and patted Big Orange's head. "Let's go."

The road at night was not so easy to distinguish. Relying on the guidance of the system interface, it still took Yun You a while to find the place.

After arriving at the designated location, Yun You closed the system interface and was about to look for the target when a stench assaulted her. Yun You frowned and held it in for a long time.

It seemed that it will take her a while to adapt to the apocalypse.

"He should be here. Why does it smell so rotten? I wonder how Han Qichuan is doing."

I should be able to make it in time!

"Meow, in front." Big Orange jumped out of Yun You's arms and jogged to the front.

Yun You quickly followed. The scene in front of her could be vaguely seen under the moonlight.

Seven or eight zombie corpses were lying on the ground. Some of them had scratches on their bodies and the ice that had yet to completely dissipate. These zombies had all died from head explosions. Dark green mucus was all over the ground. No wonder there was such a strong rotten smell.

There were also crystal cores on the ground that no one had collected. However, they were almost useless to Yun You unless she earned them from a convenience store.

There should have been a huge battle here. Thinking of this, Yun You's heart trembled. Her starting mission wouldn't be gone just like that, right!!

This thought did not last long because she had found the person.

A few steps in front of the zombies, Han Qichuan lay on his back with his shoulders pinched. His body, which was still twitching from time to time, showed that his situation was definitely not easy.

Han Qichuan's face was cold and hard. He looked very dignified. Other than the blood and mucus on his face, although he was not stunning at first glance, he was the kind that is relatively good looking. The more one looked at him, the better he looked.

His short black hair was messy and stained with dust. He was in a very sorry state. There were many holes in his short shirt, as well as burns and lacerations.

"Meow, Little You, he's been poisoned. His condition is very bad. It's also very dangerous nearby. We have to move back to treat him immediately." Big Orange leaned closer and sniffed before turning to Yun You.

Yun You nodded, but how was she going to bring him back? Forget it, there was no time to think about it. It seemed that she could only carry him back. Fortunately, she often exercised. Carrying an adult man shouldn't be a problem, right?

Although a 1.69m girl carrying a 1.8m tall man looked a little incongruous,

Well, he was heavy, but barely. But why did he smell so strange? The smell of decay, blood, and all kinds of unpleasant potions mixed together. She felt that she could barely smell anything anymore.

Enduring her disgust, Yun You walked back to the shop step by step. Big Orange stood guard around her and led the way.

On the way, Han Qichuan woke up in a daze, but Yun You and Big Orange didn't notice.

'Who is it? A pretty girl I don't know.'

Before he could think carefully, Han Qichuan fainted again.

After they walked for a while, another group of people rushed to this place.

"Boss, there's a situation here."

"This place is full of dead zombies."

"Keep searching."

That's right, this group of people was Wang Tai and the others. Originally, their mission this time was to observe the effect of Han Qichuan's injection. If he died, they would just dispose him. If he was still alive in a short period of time, their boss would bring him back and continue the experiments.

After a while…

"Report, Boss. There's no sign of him."

One of his subordinates answered Wang Tai.

"No sign of him." Wang Tai was a little surprised. Han Qichuan could still leave in such a state. Could he have been saved by someone?

However, if the person who was injected with the drug did not have the antidote in a day, it was almost impossible for him to survive. At most, he would go back and report that Test Subject Number One died in a few minutes.

"Let's wrap up."

In White Clouds store.

"Big Orange, quick, quick, open the door. I can't hold on anymore. Why is he so heavy?" Yun You shouted from the door. Her legs were trembling. She had overestimated her ability to bear weight. She was almost at her limit.