
I Become a Hidden crown prince alpha

Kaiser suddenly remembered his past memories that he actually was once from old earth and he might stumbled upon a 18RT game world. Kaiser:..WTF..oh.. well become a melon eater.. protagonist shou : .. help.. kaiser who pass by.. kaiser who unknownly stumbled and being targeted by a shou protagonist... protagonist shou: caught you.. hehe.. you are my light and I wouldn't let you go White black two face gong Vs strong wild chaser wife shou tags: Seme protagonist # Beautiful handsome protagonist # Fantasy # Beast ABO WORLD# Future interstellar world # Royalty # Game# Action # . BL# Love interested fall in love first # Play boy# . ( My other work )Male protagonist . . -Angel Aprentice system * . -Shhhh,Tell me your secret * . -Tomorrow, Treasure of life time * . -I was an hidden heroine abandoned empress SON * . -PERFECT BUTLER * . -ABANDONED CROWN PRINCE * Status : posted when I'm bored and free Ongoing / in revised Date realize : around 7/29/2022 .... .... ..............

CLblue · Fantasy
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19 Chs




( hey~ are you all alive and well? I'm backฅ'ω'ฅ sorry for late update because I'm to lazy cause I'm very depressed and have no motivation because I'm so disappointed because author keep disappearing in wattpad and some story cup of my tea about a historical crown prince suddenly change to BL genre WT duck!! even though I'm rotten girl too I'm still want a story where only male lead leading a story but they are really few. I'm soooooo sad so I can't help but depressed... so I write my own fantasy about prince MC to relieve my stress so yeah they might come up a lot of new book about male lead follow behind and of course no BL and if you want it I just make a book 2 with same title but add BL behind it thats all -)



ps> enjoy my unprofessional first book ≥3≤...



after a short event in afternoon rest Kaiser continue his class and return back to dorm BC castle.



That night they have meal together and they sitting position change to more closer than before except Kaiser who still sitting in the head table unknownly .


in the middle of night ...



Two beautiful silver moon one big one half moon hang up in dark curtain of night stars of galaxy but in this silence night there are big pair of twinkling moving galaxy wings fly in dark.



yes that is Kaiser ..

Kaiser fly in dark sky full of a colorful starlight and stop on top of highest academy clock tower .. what his doing here you say is simple because which human doesn't want to fly when they have a pair of wings maybe because he has memories of a past life he just like to turn into half beast form to fly since then.

though the black horn look ominous on Kaiser opinion but he can't stop his desire to fly especially in this beautiful night of galaxy is a human romance and dream.

He sitting on top of clock tower to watch the star and fly to pavilion rose garden lake.

Kaiser walk from willow purple wisteria tree and see his reflection of golden eyes in Lake water.

while Kaiser enjoying the view of garden and lake he see a white silver hair and side profile Bell d Edgar sitting in pavilion lake starring at Lake.

while I was mesmerized by his beauty he suddenly turn his face to me.

his beautiful gem blue eye meet with him and suddenly they have a staring contest.

1 min past and another min past we just keep at staring each other eyes.

he turn back his head to lake view but because of moonlight light and his pale white skin I can see his ear red for some reason.

and I become a winner in this sudenlly staring contest ? '

well he should go back to his room so Kaiser unfold his wing and fly back to BC dorm.


BC dorm...

Kaiser land slowly on back of his room balcony and straight jump on the bed without having a shower, today he wear only white Empty T-shirt and short black pant with leggings inside.

maybe because he so tired flying around academy his turn fully into black amethyst big black bird with a horn.



Morning '


the door knocking sound on his door with Lae voice.

knock" Knock""

[Kaiser are you alive!!?"]

[wake up !you late!!"]

Kaiser still sleeping peacefully and didn't hear the knocking.

Lae open the door and barge into Kaiser room.

Lae come to his bed and saw kaiser full naked body (oh no half naked his thing barely safe by blanket)

Lae blushes and barely suppress his screaming voice and shout at Kaiser.

[wake up! idiot where's you clothes !!?]

Kaiser finally open his eye slightly daze because of Lae aloud voice and stare emptily at Lae.

Lae still with red face stare at him annoyingly and knock him with pillows.



(note:typical cliche harem manga/ Lae you character crumble becoming like heroines maiden you supposed to be a playboy!!)


Kaiser didn't have a choice to forcefully wake and sit, his muscles line body beautifuly craft like a sculpture statute.

Kaiser scratch his head annoyingly and look at Lae coldly and ask him.

[what are you doing here trespassing my room of privacy space ?"]

Lae refute him.

[you late !']

Kaiser refute back calmly with raising his eyebrows.

['so"? it should be the servants job to wake me up " not you." ]

Lae said with annoyance face.

[that's because you don't wake up even though they're already knocking the door!! ]

Kaiser still staring emptyly at Lae


[and ?.. and of course!! they can't trespass you room without permission so they ask us !"]

[Us?" ]

[yeah they lazy so we decided by rock paper scissors"]

Kaiser twitch his lip and sighed.

[get out and call the servants" ]

Lae answer reflectly

[Okay ''..... wait ?? I'm not your servant to order!!. ]

Kaiser still give him a blank look...

Lae left with swear word with low voice still with red face either because angry or because embarrassment only Lae know.

[ungrateful assh*5@5.!]

Servants come in and 45 min later he finally standing in big mirror still buttoning his long sleeve black T-shirt and wear a white coat military style and black cape.

Kaiser coming down with empty stomach and straight to dining hall it seems they're already finished eating.

Kaiser sit and eat while others wait him finish eating while chatting with each other about they afternoon class.

Kai said first..

[say this afternoon class did you see the notification schedule from smart terminal bracelet? ]

Salford nod his head without a word '

Lae reply.

[yeah, I don't get it why they make us learn riding when we should focus more towards handle spaceship or mecha.]

Leo said

[they're said it necessary tradition for parade and launch scale festival for victory celebration"]

Salford a few word man finally speak...

[I see it ' in starnet...]

Kaiser our MC still in melon eater mode again...

after finished eating they all ride a limousine flying car low on track with beautiful cherry blossom on side view and colorful wisteria tree from pink to blue, purple it really magnificent fantasy kind of view.

with flying petal they finally arrived on school grounds campus ..




Mini theater



Kaiser while asleep in fully beast form his clothes become big for big thighs bird wing size..

his sleep peacefully and turn around again and again until morning his clothes all fall to the marble floor and fully naked Kaiser who recover back the energy unconsciously feel slightly cold and grab a blanket only to safe zone so a result of drooling naked ikeman Kaiser prepare in the morning for feast eye finishe ...





Extra mini theater {Lae}

when his out of Kaiser room his still can't get the image out of his mind and his heart beat fast and he can feel his face still burning.

Lae felt confused why his react like some omega in heat towards another alpha when his clearly an alpha himself so he thinking his should go to blind date soon to straighten his heart that nearly cross the dangerous zone.

Lae mumbling in his breath

" that guy existence is too lethal even alpha already effect what about omega"

how they survive??!



note: hello guys did you enjoy it !! I'm make a lot of male lead MC book romance WITHOUT BL because it my cup of tea and I need to make it to pour out my fantasy taste desire so I make it. because I'm only interested more towards what those handsome male lead in Shoujo manga perspective because they'are to many females protagonist I'm so bored and tired of it of course including with some uke story I'm already bored .. and I need to pour this distressed feeling Especialy towards Shoujo illustrated toward male lead illustration all pretty and gorgeous with flawless flowers and everything in it.... it just me or they art to large big difference in treatment if you see female protagonist romance whether it manhwa, manhua they're all pretty illustrated male lead while handsome male lead in male protagonist all have kind of scribble art I was so annoying by this different treatment, I was really love that book some handsome male protagonist MC but when it becomes manga or manhua my fantasy image become ruin !!!!

PS :so update may be lag because of the NEW book not publish yet cause I'm still writing the draft of course if they want to change it to BL I will CONTINUE the story in different book with same title like Add BL behind to notice it.

to the one who love all handsome MC (○゚ε゚○)

