
I Become A Genius In a Random Planet

A Boy wakes up inside a tank in a random space. The space craft is going to explode in a few minutes. He finds an escape pod and uses it to escape the space craft. He lands on a random planet and finds an abandoned facility and uses it to become his base. He learns many things inside the facility like creating droids, Using weapons, and many more. come and join us to learn many things with Kai.

RizzlelTSU · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Pumpkin Head Man


Statement: "Master, fire won't work on me."

The man then pulls out his axe from the ground and starts to dash towards M4.

M4 ready his sword, the man is getting close, Kai puts his sword back to its sheath and stands on the back of M4.

The man swings his axe towards M4, M4 blocks it and counter attack. The man didn't see the attack coming, he got a slash on his arms.

The man dropped the axe in shock, and started running away as fast as he could...

Kai and M4 were able to fend off the attacker and protect themself, but Kai also got injured...

"Chase him M4 don't let him get away, I need an answer on why he suddenly attacked me."

Respond: "Very well Master, I will knock him out and bring him to the facility."

M4 chases after the man, with his sword drawn...

After a few minutes of pursuit, M4 were able to catch up to him and slice into his back, blood started pouring out of his wound...

M4 punch the man so hard but the pumpkin mask is still intact. The man falls to the unconscious.

M4 knocked the man out cold and dragged him back to the facility...

Kai was in the medbay treating his wound...

Deena is cooking in the kitchen.

AC is waiting for M4. After a while of waiting M4 finally comes back he is carrying the man.

"Finally you're here! Master said to bring the man to the medbay."

M4 then brought the man to the medbay, they laid him down on one of the beds in the medbay and chain him up.

"Scan him AC."

"Very well Master."

AC then scans the man's body.

"This man is unconscious and he has serious injuries. He may not survive if we do not treat him quickly." AC said.

"What did you do M4? I said knock him out not try to kill him."

Self Defense: "I did not try to kill him Master, I just punched him and he fell to the ground."

"Then what is this large slice on his back." Kai shows the hologram of the body.

Answer: "I do it because he's not stopping, however I believe it's time for me to go back to my charging station." M4 leaves the medbay and heads back to his charging station.

"He doesn't want to get scolded right?"

"Anyway let's try to remove his pumpkin mask."

Kai tried the pumpkin mask but failed to do so. It's not coming off.

"What the hell is wrong with this mask?!" Kai tried again but failed.

"Master, you can't remove that mask."

"Why? It's just a mask right?"

"It's not a mask, it's a curse." The man wakes up.

"Curse?" Kai said, he's confused.

"That's right, one of the Demon Lords put this curse on me."

"The Demon Lords------ There are 20 Demon Lords in this planet, my previous master met 3 of them, Taria the Destroyer, Argus the Hellbringer, and Magnus the Tyrant."

"Wait a minute, I need an explanation, AC you said your previous master met 3 of them and you pumpkin head guy got the curse from one of them."

"That's right the one who put the curse on me is Azrael."

"Right, but first explain to me, why did you attack me?"

Kai removed the chain on the man's body. The man explains why he suddenly attacked Kai in the forest, and he also explains to Kai why he did the Demon Lord put a curse on him.

"I see, you attacked me because you feel a lot of dark magic inside me and thought that I'm one of the demon lord commanders."

"Yes, that's right but if you're not one of the demon lord commanders then why the hell do you have a lot of dark magic inside of you."

"I don't know about that, I don't even know how to use magic."

"I see, forgive me then." The man kneels on the ground.

"I forgive you already so stand up, forget about what happened."

The man stands up and shakes hands with Kai.

"What's your name?" Kai asks.

"I don't have a name but you can call me Pumpkin, and I have a request."

"What is it Pumpkin?"

"I need to get to the kingdom in 3 days but I won't make it there if I walk so I'm asking for transportation."

"Hmmm... AC is there a carriage here?"

"Yes, there's a carriage here but there's no horse to move it."

"This is a facility, there must be something here that we can use to move it."

"Well, we can make droid horses that are faster than normal horses."

"Then let's do it."

Kai heads to the command center, Pumpkin is following him. They finally reach the command center, Kai starts to make droid horses, Pumpkin is amazed at what he is seeing.

This facility is so advanced and there are many things here that he is seeing for the first time.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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