
I become 2x stronger every time I die

A book where I will probably dropped since it's for me only and I have this idea on my mind lately and I want to get rid of it by writing it. Thats how fucked up my mind are. Verses: OPM

Forgettable_Author · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Become Bang's disciple through death

"No, I have to try. I will do it and become Bang's disciple by any means, be it death or groveling to him, and beg to take me in." I muttered, resolving myself that even death can't stop me from being Bang's disciple.

'If I remember correctly, Bang's dojo should be somewhere in the mountains of Z city. I can ask the residents here for the location of the Dojo' I thought as I called someone and asked him where the Dojo of the S Class hero, Bang was. He pointed to the north and there, I saw from far away that there is a dojo, despite being the weakest monster. I am still a monster that can kill humans if I want to. Even babies can kill any human if they have a weapon. So, it doesn't exempt me from having the potential of killing humans.

Running towards the north, I passed by many pedestrians while my hood was flown away from the speed I am running. The people who noticed me screamed, thus the chain reaction of screaming spread throughout the vicinity but I didn't stop my run to the north as I need to reach there and have Bang teach me martial arts.

Heroes who were patrolling around the Z City were alerted by the screams of the people and rallied towards me as they chased after me. But I am faster than them as I swing around, using the wires of this city. Minutes later, I shake off the Fodder Heroes and finally arrived at the foot of the mountain where the Dojo is headed. I looked up and saw a stair that spans a hundred meters away but that didn't stop me from heading.

I use the trees to climb the mountain instead to become faster. Sadly, I can't use my Telekinesis since it is weak. So, I am content with my speed right now and moments later. I finally arrived at the gate of the Dojo, before knocking on it.

" Master Bang! I am here to become your disciple, please accept me!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as someone opened the door. The only disciple of Bang that didn't leave the Dojo was presented in front of me.

" Stop shouting! You are disturbing Master Bang's rest" Charanko said angrily.

" Who are you anyway to have the guts of requesting to become Master Bang's disciple? At least, you know the greatness of the Fist of Flowing Water that Master Bang created. " Charanko proudly said as he prided himself that he is the only disciple of Bang.

" I am Bane, I am here to be at the tutelage of Master Bang. Please take me to him" Bane said, covering his hood.

" Come in, while at it. I will tell you the achievement of master Bang on the way." I walked with the talkative Charanko as he talks about Master Bang's achievements from how he becomes a ruffian to a hero and the creation of the Fist of Flowing Water.

We finally arrived inside the Dojo but Charanko still kept talking about Bang and the very person he is mentioning told him to shut up.

" You are?" Bang asked me as I nervously opened my hood and introduce myself. Bang was a little surprised by my appearance while Charanko was shouting about me being a monster

" I am Bane Monkey, I am here to be at your tutelage and become your disciple. I know what you think of me, I am a monster like Charanko said but I am a different species than the normal monster, I am a monster that was made by experiment as a monkey and evolved into this. But, I am serious that I want to be your disciple, please accept me as one" I asked, bowing my head so that it reaches the floor.

" Hmm, alright. I will accept you as my disciple but on one condition, You have to defend against one attack from me and survive." Bang said, touching his beard.

" But, Master Bang! He is a monster, he should be eradicated. He will be a threat to the human if he grows stronger because you teach him martial arts." Charango said, anxiously. He got a point if I was a normal monster but I am a reincarnated person who was a previous human, I won't harm a human at all, probably.

" Charanko, I know he is a monster but I also know how my actions will affect society. So, you don't have to worry about him getting stronger and becoming the second Garou as I will personally hunt him down and kill him if he uses my martial art to do evil. I hope you are okay with it, Bane right?" Bang calmly said as if he wasn't threatening me to kill at all.

" Don't worry, I won't do such a thing to a human. Can we start?" I asked as Bang nodded before getting into a stance, his left leg forward, his left arm forward, and his right arm near his chest. With a single step, Bang immediately arrived in front of me and I didn't even see it before I was hit by a palm I cough blood before slumping down as my breath went heavy.

" If you survived this, I will make you my disciple which is unlikely since I attack you enough to kill you. But if you do survive, congratulations on being the first monster disciple of Bang" Bang said as I cough more blood, my eyelid getting heavy as time goes on and finally, my heart stops beating as I died.

[ Infinite revival initiating... Double Power Up Death Boost... Successful. Telekinesis has been upgraded to Low, you have acquired Genius Intellect as your telekinesis has been upgraded to Low ]

[ Name: Experiment 69, Bane Monkey

Title: Weakest Monster

Skills: Telekinesis(Low), Infinite Revival, Double Power Up Death Boost, Genius Intellect

Remark: Die every time and you'll get stronger in no time. Don't waste your skills because of your fear of pain ]

Gasping for air, I abruptly opened my eyes. Surprising Bang and Charanko who thought I died from that attack. Bang even felt that I have become a little stronger than before as my burning tip seems to be burning more lively and bigger than it was before. If it was 10 centimeters before, it's now 20 centimeters.

" So, does that mean I am qualified to become your disciple?" I said, touching where the palm hit me.

" Hmm, from today on, Bane is my second disciple and the first monster disciple of Bang. I will train you tomorrow, so be ready or I will throw you to the river" Bang said as he walk to his room. While Charanko was instructed to escort me to my room.

My mission to become Bang's disciple has been completed.