
I became Voldemort

Cyrus traveled to the world of Harry Potter and thought that splendid magic was waiting for him. Unexpectedly, he replaced Voldemort's soul in the diary and became "Tom Riddle". Cyrus: Damn it, I've become Voldemort! Days passed. During the days when he stayed in the diary, Cyrus continued to learn and digest Riddle’s knowledge, waiting for the opportunity of resurrection. It wasn’t until the summer of 1992 that Ginny Weasley wrote down words in her diary for the first time… "Dear Diary....." ______ Author/Editor: I'm editing and changing things from the starting without changing the plot. I'll start changing stuff from ch 80 from the original fanfic and will try to give it a well-deserved ending! Thank you for reading Read Ahead on: pat reon.com/HornyFBI _______ Original MTL name: HOGWARTS: OOPS, I'M VOLDEMORT

HornyFBI · Book&Literature
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Chapter 13: Manipulating the little witch

It didn't take Ginny five minutes to get back to the Gryffindor common room.

The resting rooms of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw are both on the tower, just not on the same side, and the tower is connected to the eighth floor of the castle.

The Hogwarts School has a total of five towers.

The tallest central tower is used for astronomy classrooms, and the remaining four towers are located in the four different directions- southeast, northwest, and northwest. The north tower is the divination classroom and the west tower is the owl shed.

The southeastern sides are used as the common room and dormitories for Gryffindor and Ravenclaw respectively.

Several students were a little surprised when Ginny slipped under the Fat Lady's statue.

"Ginny, didn't you go to solitary confinement with Ron and the others?" Percy frowned. He wasn't in a good mood because everyone in the Weasley family was in detention except his sister.

In fact, the entire Gryffindor team was not spared.

"Yes, but Professor Flitwick thinks that my spell-casting is very good. He thinks that I should not waste my time in confinement." Ginny said immediately.

Ginny had never lied to him so Percy immediately believed her and listening to her being praised by her Professor made Percy very happy.

"Well done, Ginny! let me just say, that being a good student never goes wrong! You see, Hermione was not punished this time. If we have to protect our Weasley family, I think it depends on you and me! Now, if if you'll excuse me." Percy said as he walked out.

"It's so late, where are you going?"

"A little thing..." Percy explained vaguely.

Ginny didn't ask any more questions. She was now in a hurry to find "Mr. Riddle".

Quickly returning to her dormitory, Ginny used a magic spell to unlock the drawer and spread the black-covered diary on the table.

The ink-stained quill paused over the diary for a long time.

'Fuu~' Finally, Ginny took a deep breath and slowly started writing.

"Mr. Riddle, I have something to ask you..."

After finishing one sentence, Ginny quickly wrote the next sentence without waiting for the diary to respond. When she first started writing, she thought it was so difficult to ask this question, but now she seemed to be unable to stop and wrote to the bottom in one breath.

"I lost one day's memory - I clearly remembered that it was Thursday when I went to bed, but when I woke up the next day, the day had turned into Saturday."

"My classmates all said that I took leave on Friday, but in fact, I don't remember doing that at all— what do you think is wrong with me?"

She expressed it very tactfully, trying not to sound like she was suspicious of "Mr. Riddle", but in fact, maybe this was also a little bit of Ginny's inner expectation. She didn't want it to have anything to do with "Mr. Riddle."

At least, there is no clear evidence yet.

Then, she nervously watched the ink disappear on the yellowed paper. She felt as if there was a little person holding a huge hammer in her chest and pounding hard, making her breathless.

'Could it be you, Mr. Riddle? ' She thought with a slight hesitation.


"Am I discovered?"

In the memory space, Cyrus looked at the large sentence that appeared in front of him and began to think about how to answer.

Cyrus is not able to see her expressions, he can only speculate from her words.

"Looking at her sentence, she seems not sure if I did it or not."

'Do you want to trust her words?' He asked himself.

"Umm.. How about giving her another reason?" He thought out loud.

Judging from the current situation, Ginny Weasley still believes in him. If he said he didn't know about the matter, or blamed it on other reasons, she would be willing to believe it.

But Cyrus thought about it and decided to tell Ginny the truth——

Sometimes telling the truth is a better form of deception than lying.

"You found out.... I originally planned to keep it a secret. I'm sorry Ginny..." Cyrus tried to make his sentence's tone sound more sincere and blamed himself, "In fact, I controlled your body, as expected of such an evil magic prop, right?... This diary... you'd better destroy it."

"I..It's really you..." Ginny said in disbelief.

Although she had already guessed before, but when Cyrus told the truth personally, Ginny still didn't want to believe it.

"But.. why?" Ginny asked urgently. However, it was not so much that she needed an explanation, but rather that- she now very much needed to find an excuse for "Mr. Riddle" to prove that- "Mr. Riddle" was not dangerous.

"What's with this response, Ginny?"

Cyrus immediately pretended to be serious, "Ginny, listen, no matter what the reason is, my behavior is unforgivable. A magic item actually controlled the body of a wizard. If this happened with my own body, I would definitely eliminate the item as soon as possible!"

"You should do the same. Destroy me Ginny, it's just a diary."

The use of 'me' in his text had a deeper effect on the little girl.

"No!" Ginny wrote forcefully, "I don't think you are an evil tool - I mean, I think... if you are really evil, then why didn't you do anything? Helping me finish writing Weekend homework is hardly an evil move. You have your reasons... some secrets you can't tell, right?"

Seeing that Cyrus hadn't said anything, Ginny took the initiative to help find an excuse, 

Cyrus couldn't help but sigh, children are indeed easily deceived. In other words, people are always willing to believe what they want to believe.

This time, he deliberately remained silent for a long time before answering.

"You're right -" There was magic in his words, which made Ginny feel sad and depressed, "I should have told you, I am just a little memory left by Tom Riddle in the diary. "

"Um." Ginny nodded waiting for the next text to appear.

"Ginny, have you ever wondered where the real Tom Riddle is now?"

"The real Tom Riddle..." Ginny muttered this sentence.

In fact, she already had a guess in her heart. In the medal display room, it was fifty years ago that Tom Riddle won the medal.

"Could it be that, Mr. Riddle, you have already..."

"Yes, I have actually been dead for many years." Cyrus began to impress Ginny with his "tragic" past.

The little lions of Gryffindor are always more emotional than rational. "My death is actually related to a mysterious man... He was very rampant in that era."

"So, you were killed by a mysterious man?" Ginny asked back, but it was obvious that she was convinced of this answer.

"It's all in the past -" Cyrus didn't answer, for a while,

Then he said, "I was made into a diary when I was a student. After so many years, I really miss this world too much. It's my long-cherished wish to breathe fresh air again while still alive."

"M.. Mr. Riddle..." Ginny burst into tears. Although she thought that "Mr. Riddle" might be dead, she didn't expect that he was murdered by a mysterious man when he was a student.

This was a really pitiful story.

She did not notice the contradiction in what Cyrus said at this time. During the summer vacation, Cyrus even said that he had graduated from school.

"No matter what, my behavior cannot be forgiven." Cyrus scolded himself in his texts, making Ginny even more sad.

How can Ginny, who is only in first grade, identify his manipulating words? After listening to Cyrus' words, a little girl like her has no hope.

"Ginny, destroy me or hand me over to a professor at school. But...." He paused for a second, "But before that, I want to see you... thank you for talking to me during this time... after being trapped in a diary for decades, Haah, It is indeed a painful and torturous thing....."


Advance Chapters- P@treon.com/HornyFBI

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