
I Became the Strongest Awakened

Surviving in the back alleys and sleeping with insects crawling in his skin. Always being beaten by people bigger than him. Being treated as a slave and not a normal human being. What could possibly make Night's situation much worse? Becoming an awakened? Getting a stronger system than what everyone has? Being in the spotlight of the strongest Legions? No, that was not worse. It was the best possible situation that Night could have hoped for, if only not for his secrets that even himself doesn't know.

Skazu19 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Run Away

Inside the Central Awakened Station where the lights made the clean white walls look like it was glowing and made the place feel so holy, Night stood in the center of attention between two men. One which he hated and the other who he was thinking of hating.

"Indeed, it was a surprise that he hadn't lost his sanity even after days of becoming Awakened." Liam's eyes were full of pride as his gaze stayed at Night.

'Why is this bastard looking at me like I'm his possession?'

The hairs on Night's body stood after seeing the proud look on Liam's face. It was as if a painter had just completed his masterpiece.

"I see that you've taken quite a liking to him."

The old man's eyes squinted as the sides of his lips rose. It was the only thing that Night could see to know that he was smiling because his bushy mustache had hidden his lips away.

'That Santa is creepy, too. How vicious.'

Night's goosebumps worsen after seeing Santa's eyes turn into a crescent shape.

"Should we test him now? I'm curious as to what made you so interested in him."

Santa lead the way deeper into the building before they reached an odd-looking elevator.

"Where are we going?"

Night who was following the two men from behind felt iffy after reading the signage posted on the wall on top of the elevator.

'Restricted area.'

Night's brows furrowed. He was having a really bad feeling about what was about to happen.

"We'll be giving you the opportunity to be invited by the Sage and become a Legion."

Santa glanced back at him with his eyes still smiling from delight. For whatever reason does he have delight in his eyes, Night didn't want to know at all.

'But I'm already a Legion?'

Night couldn't tell him the fact that he had already become a Legion after Rafael, a stronger system than the Sage, was imbued in his soul.

'Hey, Rafael. Why haven't they realized that I have become a Legion?'

The elevator made a ringing sound before the doors opened. Stepping onto the elevator after Santa and Liam, Night waited for his system's answer.

[I am a different system than the Sage, who is a lower system than me. There is no way that the bearers of such low ranked system could have known that a stronger system was borne by someone, especially if that stronger system was hiding its existence from it.]

Night's mind became clearer as he started to feel relief rushing through his being.

'It seems that I don't have to worry about being targetted by greedy Awakened ones and Legions.'

His stoic face reflected on the silver door of the elevator making it hard for both Santa and Liam to read his thoughts.

Realizing that their destination was not yet pressed the elevator's buttons, Night's eyes flew to where the buttons were, but to his surprise, there were no such buttons.

"This elevator only has one destination."

Santa looked through Night's reflection.

'Doesn't his facial muscles hurt? He's been smiling since earlier.'

Santa's eyes were still shaped like crescent moons and under his bushy mustache, his lips were still stretched.

"We should be arriving soon."

Santa informed and as if that was the cue, the elevator stopped moving and the doors slowly opened. Night was greeted by the widest room he had ever laid his eyes on.

He could see how the Awakened Association loved the color white as the room stretching far and wide was covered with white walls without a single other colors in sight.

"Welcome to Area 2's Central Awakened Station's Simulation battleground."

Santa walked out of the elevator first and once he was near the center of the room he stretched his arms and welcomed Night.

"Let us start immediately."

Liam walked past Night and went to Santa's side. They both headed to the corner of the room.

"Awakened Night, go to the middle of the room."

Liam instructed and Night did as he was told.

"As the name of this room suggests, this is where simulated battles where Awakened ones fight Chaos creatures and be recognized by the Sage. Only a few chosen people had been allowed to use this room for them to be invited by the Sage."

Santa explained and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

'So, these people forced others to fight augmented monsters without any proper preparations? These demons!'

Night was not concerned about the Awakened ones who suffered by their hands, he just hated the fact that he was about to be handled the same way as them.

"Remember, whatever monster will appear is not up to us. This is a place with the Sage's authority. It will create a simulated monster based on the abilities it sees in you."

Night dropped the huge military backpack within a considerable distance away from where he thought the battle would take place.

He was tempted to use the short sword that he got as a reward from Rafael after successfully killing a python, but that would blow his cover-up.

'Do I need to fight bare-handed?'

Nighy frowned and clenched his fist as he waited for an augmented monster to appear.

Just then, a ring echoed in the room.

[System error. System error. Error. Error. Err...]

Night flinched when several tabs floated in front of him.

"What is going on?!"

Santa had stood up straight from his leaning position. And was looking at the tabs which appeared in front of him as well.

"An error?!"

Santa's eyes narrowed and his hands swiftly moved in the air. He was accessing his system privately.

Liam was doing the same thing, only that he was distracted and often glances at Night's direction.

Night who was watching everything through his peripheral vision raised his clenched fists. His nails dug into his skin without him realizing it.

Something was slowly breaking a few meters in front of him. It sounded like a glass breaking. It was a quiet noise that Night, who was the only one near it, could have heard.

'A Rift?!'

Blood dripped out of the wounds in his palm as his eyes widened at the space breaking in front of him.


Night cursed and jumped back to create more distance from whatever Chaos creature would jump out of the Rift.

However, a sudden light shot pass through him and scanned the entire room. The Rift disappeared after the light was gone and Night could only stare at the place where the Rift previously was.

"Awakened Night, are you alright?"

Liam was about to jog in his direction when the ground under their feet trembled. The tremors became worse as time ticked by.

"What now?!"

Liam looked at the floor before his gaze flew upwards when dirt was starting to slip between the cracks made by the earthquake. A loud booming sound came from beyond the ceiling.

"What is happening up there?!"

Santa, who rushed to Liam grabbed his shoulder and coincidentally meets Night's eyes.

He had already taken the military bag off the floor and was rushing to the elevator. Santa's eyes widened, but Night looked away from him and focused his strength on arriving at the elevator fast.

"That punk is running away!"

Santa dashed to the elevator just as Night was. His shout made Liam realize that Night had disappeared on his spot. And without hesitation, he circulated his inner mana and strengthen his legs to catch up.

[Master! Hurry or they get you!]

Rafael's voice filled Night's mind. Her voice sounded quite excited even with Night's current situation.

'Thanks for telling me!'

Night huffed as he ran as fast as his fragile legs allowed him to. His tone was sarcastic and he thought that if Rafael could not even realize it he would really not talk to the pouty system he has.

[I guess I should help a little.]

Fortunately, Rafael got his point, and a few seconds later several texts reflected on his retina.

[Rafael has granted you 'Rapid Speed' temporarily.

Your speed increased by 5!]

Night felt his body becoming lighter and his feet felt like it was barely touching the ground as he ran as fast as lightning.

Liam who was behind Santa, who was chasing after Night, witnessed his speed increasing greatly firsthand.

His eyes couldn't believe what just happened but his brain had accepted the shocking event faster than he thought he would.

'I guess it makes sense.'

Liam slowed his pace down but continued chasing after them.

Night was now only a few meters on the elevator when the door suddenly opened and Noah came out of the door. His eyes showed how shocked he was after seeing Night speeding at him.


Noah couldn't finish his sentence when Night rushed past him like a breeze and went inside the elevator.

"Noah, catch him!"

Santa shouted at the top of his lungs and continued to run. Just like how Liam got shocked by Night's newfound speed Santa also witnessed something quite unbelievable.

Night had entered the elevator and waited for the door to close. His heart was beating loud in his chest. He had no idea if it was because of the adrenaline or maybe because Santa was already near the elevator.

Watching as Noah tries to catch him, the elevator door started to close. Night ignored the people chasing him and put the military ba down and pulled the short sword out just as the elevator door completely closed.